Originally posted by LaZy
sounds really good. hopefully this will make up for the last two. did you hear the rumors about spielberg possibly directing episodes 7 8 and 9? that would be badass. probably not true though. thanks for the sum up Deflok, great read!
Sweet as, Spielberg won't be doing them unfortunately, Lucas has resigned to never make Ep7,8 and 9, HOWEVER, Lucas has said that he will be passing on the film rights to Mickey Suttle after he dies (some of us are hoping Lucas passes on after Ep3 so that Ep7 can go into production, sinister bastards!

Originally posted by Batman976
I've heard of SuperShadow and been to his site a few times, but I don't want to be too spoiled. Before I read this, how detailed does it get?
It tells you who dies and how, and how Palps is able to take over the galaxy. Definately something one shouldn't read if you don't want to be spoiled.