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#1 (permalink) |
Any Comic fans?
Any comic fans here? If so, what do you like? What do you read?
I am dying to discus the Marvel series Alias. Anyone read it? THe current plot line has the star of the comic, Jessica Jones isolated from paranoia over the fact that the Purple Man, a villian with mind control, as escaped. She is afraid to go to anyone for fear that they may be under PM's influnce. Jones was held captive by PM's power for 18 months during wich she was a sex slave. With his escape from prison, Jones's fear is causing her to live in terror that the PM is just around the corner. Its pretty scary stuff. Anyone recommend anything or just want to shoot the poop about comics? |
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#2 (permalink) |
It's All About The Ass!!
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
I love comics. I don't own any though sadly
![]() Asta!!
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project ![]() It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! ![]() |
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#4 (permalink) |
Location: Texas
I'll hate Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon for the rest of my days, for showing me what a comic book can truely be like, and ruining so many others for me.
" ' Big Mouth. Remember it took three of you to kill me. A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' " |
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#5 (permalink) |
I love comics. I have about $3000 worth including uncanny X-men #3, 4, 8 (first colour). I collected Wolverine, Uncanny X-men and X-men. The problem was that a few years ago comics became cool again which meant that when the local newsagents (Australia) would order their comics there were none of the good ones. I still go into the odd newsagents now to look for one of my favourites and what do i find: simpsons etc. So I stopped collecting. Its a pity because I really enjoyed reading them. They are heaps good stories, heaps of philosphy and science and very creative. If you can just get past the social stigma that comic fans are all nerds you would see an awsome source of entertainment.
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#11 (permalink) |
I also have to say that Age of Bronze by Image comics is amazing. It is a detailed retelling of the Trojan War but it is doing it in human terms. THe god causes and effects are left out. The author does a great deal of research on the clothes, hairstyles, physical looks of the peoples, culture, art, engineering, etc...
I am floored by the work put into this comic. |
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#12 (permalink) | |
spurt king
Location: Out of my mind
I haven't purchased anything on a regular basis since it's run has ended.
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#15 (permalink) |
try here: http://pub72.ezboard.com/bcomiccastle for comic help and discussion. good place, though some posters tend to be more than a bit opinionated, regarding non-comic issues.
Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor. -- Robert Heinlein |
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#16 (permalink) |
It's All About The Ass!!
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
I read a pretty damn good comic book story called <a href="http://marvelite.prohosting.com/surfer/twilightwar/">The Twilight War</a>. It was a story about Thanos and the infinity equation which granted him ultimate power. I got hooked it's pretty fuckin awesome writting. Only thing is it's madd time consuming to read it. It's 21 whole chapters and they're pretty long. Not incredibly long but it took me a little more than a few days to read all of it (including sleep, eating, and other interuptions like leaving the house) but I liked it a lot. Thanos a bad mo fucka in this story. He becomes second only to <a href="http://www.dracandros.com/Jebgarg/Nidoking/moa/living-tribunal.jpg">The Living Tribunal</a> who has power over all in the Marvel universe and he(Tribunal) says he obtained this power from a higher being (aka God). Thanos even surpasses Galactus.
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project ![]() It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! ![]() |
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#18 (permalink) |
back from sabbatical
Location: Mosptopia
comics? < hawkeye perks up>
I've only been collecting for a few years, but I read alot. (I only have about 3000) my favorite comic book would probably have to be The Avengers. sure, it's had it's bad writers, but overall, the series is great. It has laid claim to some of the best writers and artists ever in the business, and it is, as KDB says, the flagship title of the MU. I read alot of other stuff tho, I'm a huge fan of Sandman, (as if you couldn't tell) and preacher was pretty damn good. lately, marvel has been pissing me off, and I've been getting into indies more, I'd love to have a good discussion//arguement on something. I'm just to damn lazy to try to think of a topic. somebody start and I'll jump in. oh, and to our silver-age legionaire-clone, I tried alias, but it really didn't hold//grab me. oddly enough, the only thing bendis has written that I have liked is Ultimate-SpiderMan.
You're not fat, You're just a giant ball of love, covered in anger. |
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#19 (permalink) |
I used to collect the X Men, Daredevil, Silver Surfer and a few others. I loved Thanos in the Infinity Gauntlet! I also liked Doctor Doom in the Marvel 2099 series. But they killed off the whole 2099 reality and cut short a great story line. I guess I became disillusioned with comics around the time that Image comics came out. They focused more on the art itself than the actual story.
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#21 (permalink) | |
back from sabbatical
Location: Mosptopia
< ahem> excuse me. my attitude was showing. just what the FUCK are you talking about? have you ever even read comic books, or are you just having the knee-jerk reaction that most people have to comics? (comic books? like Archie and Jughead, right?) 'Real' books? please. Comics are just as worthwile as Any other form of media. They are a truely unique blend of the textual and visual mediums, engaging both hemispheres of the brain, simultaneously. (movies can't do this. neither can "Real" books). because of it's duality, the comic book is singularly well situated to gain the attention of the imagination. certainly, there is tripe presented in this format, but you can say that of any medium, from music and movies, to newspapers and 'real' books. (romance novel, anyone?) read Watchmen, and tell me that comics have nothing worthwile to say. read A Game of You, and tell me that comics can't influence attitudes and even worldviews Read any of Starlin's Infinity series, and look at it as a discussion of power, corruption, and good intentions paving the road to hell. Read Sandman, where Death is listening to a man complain about how he is dying too young, and how unfair it is. She tells him that "You get what anybody gets. You get a lifetime" Think about that for a couple of minutes. then dismiss it, because, after all, it isn't from a 'real' book. we can take this even further, you know. Let's discount Robert Heinlein, because, after all, he writings were mostly sensationalistic claptrap about things that break the laws of physics. regardless of his unique political//ethical theories, they are presented in such a manner as to allow us to completely disregard them. (sorry for the long-windedness, that is just one of my buttons)
You're not fat, You're just a giant ball of love, covered in anger. Last edited by hawkeye; 10-08-2003 at 07:40 AM.. |
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#22 (permalink) | |
spurt king
Location: Out of my mind
And I'm also not gonna hold you hand and tell you that you may be misinformed and have no real back up for your statement. i suggest you read "understanding comics". It'll give you new insight to medium. And it's not all musclemen is spandex either.
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#25 (permalink) |
back from sabbatical
Location: Mosptopia
yeah, I got a couple during the olympus? arc. they seemed like 3 min. reads, and the discussion of superhero bjs seemed like he was trying to use shock value//crudity in place of humor. (I of course may be wrong, it just didn't impress me. )
USM was the first series that I read of his. Istarted looking up his other stuff, powers, Elektra, alia,. etc. Let's just say that for me, he failed to live up to his hype.
You're not fat, You're just a giant ball of love, covered in anger. |
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#26 (permalink) |
Mephisto - I would rip you a new one, but hawkeye did that already. granted, real books are good. but where do you draw the line between "real" books and comics? Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, Dilbert - comics, yet they have/had some of the greatest impact on the youth of this generation thus far. real books - what are those? do you refer to classics, like Dickens, Dostoevsky, Tolkien? Asimov, Heinlein, and others wrote science fiction, yet is that real or imaginary - do you think science fiction is "real", does it affect the populace as much as, say, "David Copperfield" or "War and Peace"? my point is, that you really can't make a distiction between comics (well-written ones, at least - I won't get into what is and isn't well-written here, as that's a post for another day, another thread) and books that were meant to be read as fiction, or even books meant to be read as non-fiction, for comics reflect reality and the social events of the day (see Editorial Cartoons of the Year, 1970s-present, or just look at what the superheroes deal with in stories not about their normal villians). research your topic before you talk, and we'll all have a harder time (if we can at all) proving you a fool.
Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor. -- Robert Heinlein |
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#27 (permalink) | ||
Well, first of all the comment was tongue in cheek.
But it seems like I have touched a nerve. Quote:
And yes I have read plenty of comics. The only one I would ever consider worth the paper it's written on is Art Spiegelman's MAUS. I read The Watchmen (whose author escapes me) when I was much younger and considered it entertaining. But then again, I was about 17. Quote:
Do you think a comment like "Why read real books when comics are so much better" would be greeted with the same response by (quote) "Book Readers"? I doubt it. These personal attacks only go to reinforce the stereotypical opinion of comic-book readers as geeky, immature, fat, hairy losers. Anyone watch the Simpsons? I couldn't care less what you read. In fact, I'm glad you read anything at all. But I do care when personally insulted for posting an opinion to which you don't subscribe; even if it was just in jest. You guys need to relax and maybe read some (comic?) books on tolerance, anger control and respect. Mr Mephisto |
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#28 (permalink) |
Location: nOvA
I just picked up the Maxx TPB and it's some surprisingly good stuff. Grated the art isn't the greatest, but it is quite funny and rather different than most of those other "post-modern" comics out there. I used to read it back when it first came out, but that was before I could really appreciate the humor and the blatently existensial themes.
And to Mr. Mephisto, I really don't understand the point of getting offended when you make a post that angers people. If you do not even know who wrote the Watchmen, then perhaps you don't really know as much about comics as you seem to think. Perhaps, if you actually spent some time to see what's out there (Will Eisner, Marjane Satrapi) then you'd realize that you simply can't dismiss the complete artform. And I don't see how personal attacks would propagate that particular stereotype, when they could just as well be a geeky, immature, scrawny, and quite hair-free loser like me. |
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#29 (permalink) | ||||||
back from sabbatical
Location: Mosptopia
<- knowing He's stirring up a shitstorm
yes, you did. as I said, this attitude is one of the few things that really pushes my buttons. If you are making a coment tongue in cheek, please, for those of us who aren't sitting next to you, add some kind of note//addendum to show your meaning. (this would be a prime place to put a ![]() Quote:
also, you weren't posting a differing opinion, you were attacking us as a whole. if you started a thread debating the merits of comic books vs. books with dust jackets, then you would be making a legitimate statement. You could come into a thread on something someone likes, and say 'I've never liked this sort of thing, and I don't see what you see in it.' That would be a legitimate opinion, inviting reasonable debate. When you come into a thread like this, and tongue-in-cheek or not, make a statement that is worded so very insultingly, what exactly do you expect? Quote:
(Pro-Choice, Pro-Life) while labeling the other side anti(bad) (Anti-Life, Anti-Choice). These terms are chosen for specific reasons. the obvious manipulation of the sub-concious. We hear people saying that they are Pro-{} and we think that they are For something, they want us to have more of whatever. We hear about people being Anti-{} and we react negatively to the implication that they are trying to repress//stop something. Quote:
Exactly how do personal attacks equate to fat, hairy, geeks? I would like to apologize for anything that was taken as a personal attack on my part. I honestly don't know what I said that could have been interpreted that way, but if you will correct me, I will try not to let it happen in the future. Quote:
You're not fat, You're just a giant ball of love, covered in anger. Last edited by hawkeye; 10-09-2003 at 12:46 AM.. |
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#30 (permalink) |
It's All About The Ass!!
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Seriously though Mef how did you expect people to respond to that comment man? You had to know it was going to offend someone this topic was designed specifically for people who do like comics, not people who don't. If ya really wanna know why people read comics it's because they don't wanna read books. Comics are much shorter and they don't go into as much detail as books do where a book takes 2 pages to describe a certain event/feeling/catastrophe/etc. a comic does in one page. And it has cool pictures to go along with it. Then ya start reading the more elaborate comics once ya get more into and decide to try out all different kinds. Then ya start readin the bigger comics and they're pretty much just like a book. Books are great too but most youth would rather pick up a 8 cm/1 in. thick comic book than a 4 or 5 in. thick book with 1,752 pages. Granted if they give em a chance they wouldn't be able to put them down and be surprised how quickly they fly through them. Still some people just rather wouldn't
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project ![]() It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! ![]() |
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#31 (permalink) |
bad craziness
Location: Guelph, Ontario
I used to read alot more than I do now. I still try to pick up a few titles here and there but mostly i just pick up Trade Paper Backs (TPB).
My Personal Recommendations for those interested in picking up a few comics without getting in too hardcore are as follows. The Sandman - 10 Volumes in TPB form pick up the first two and it will give you a pretty good indication of the series although the 3rd trade has the World Fantasy Award winning short story A Midsummer Nights Dream. Preacher - Funny as hell with some of the most twisted shit in comics. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Batman at 50 has to put the suit back on to save a completely broken down Gotham. Best Batman story ever. Watchmen - Best comic series ever. Well developed characters with real goals. It starts out pretty simple and just becomes more and more complex. Also the best, most desturbing ending. Sin City - If you love Film Noir check any of the Sin City books out. X-man: God loves, Man kills - The inspiration for X2, and a great read. See the best part about comics today is that there's something for everyone. It's no longer just guys in funny tights and girls with big boobs.
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson |
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#32 (permalink) | ||
Mr Mephisto |
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#33 (permalink) | |
back from sabbatical
Location: Mosptopia
K-Wise, that's probably very true for some people. I don't think that it's something that you can say as general rule tho. I, and most of my friends are people who read plenty of comics, and 800 pg. books on a regular basis.
You're not fat, You're just a giant ball of love, covered in anger. |
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#34 (permalink) | ||||||||
Re: <- knowing He's stirring up a shitstorm
Can't argue that point at all. Mea culpa. Quote:
Where was the attack? In fact, tongue in cheek or not, I stand by my point. A good book has so much more to offer than a good comic. I asked a question. I did NOT attack "you" as a whole. Whatever you inferred is not my problem. ![]() Quote:
Then again, I feel the same about most fiction anyway; "graphic novel" or not. 95% of what I read today is non-fiction, usually split evenly between science and history. Quote:
that was my whole POINT. A sterotype is just that. A prejudicial opinion based upon erroneous perconceptions of a group/thing. Quote:
![]() Of course, I still think the reaction of the people who flamed me was immature. At least you seem to be able to debate the issue (once the intent of my original post was clarified) rather than continue to insult me like the previous poster. Quote:
Mr Mephisto |
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#35 (permalink) |
"If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend: if you pardon, we will mend: And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned luck Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, We will make amends ere long; Else the Puck a liar call; So, good night unto you all." - Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream. as well as my current response to this all.
Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor. -- Robert Heinlein |
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#36 (permalink) |
I'm kind of confused as how one can say that any medium is really better than another. I think a masterpeice in any style is a masterpiece all the same. So what if Book A is better than Book B but not as strong as Comic C and made into a generic TV show D which had killer concept record E.
I'm not attacking anyone's personal belief, but I think the blanket statement that "A good book has so much more to offer than a good comic" is somewhat silly. An issue of Sandman won a World Fantasy Award as a comic VS actual short stories. There is no penacle for art. Oh, and the only comic I'm reading on a regular basis is Superman/Batman. 1602 and JLA/Avengers are also very good. |
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#37 (permalink) |
I'm baaaaack!
I tried getting into comics, but it is too hard seeing as how most of the series were started and into their 30th or 40th issue. I did manage to get into the first series of Fables and Hopeless Savages. Another one I picked up that I LOVED was 100% by Paul Pope.
As an easier alternative, I got into trade paperbacks as well. I have the first half of the Sandman series, working on buying the second half, Kingdom Come, and In the Shadow of Poe, which I love. I am also getting into some Manga.
You don't know from fun. |
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#38 (permalink) |
Location: new york
i'm a comics fan... i spend about $30 a week on my fix...
i find it sad that comics don't get more respect... most people think they're for dumb people, but they're really for smart people.... of course, most dumb people think smart people are dumb cause they don't get it, but i digress... anything written by these guys kicks arse... alan moore neil gaiman grant morrison mark millar brian bendis warren ellis frank miller peter david mark waid |
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#40 (permalink) |
mm. how bout the "Age of Apocalypse" or "Earth/Universe/Paradise X" storylines? of if you want to get old school, how bout "God Loves, Man Kills" or the first appearance of (insert character name here)?
Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor. -- Robert Heinlein |
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comic, fans |