Well, first of all the comment was tongue in cheek.
But it seems like I have touched a nerve.
just what the FUCK are you talking about? have you ever even read comic books, or are you just having the knee-jerk reaction that most people have to comics?
Just where the FUCK {sic} do you think you get the right to react that way to someone posting a differing opinion. Grow up.
And yes I have read plenty of comics. The only one I would
ever consider worth the paper it's written on is Art Spiegelman's
MAUS. I read
The Watchmen (whose author escapes me) when I was much younger and considered it entertaining. But then again, I was about 17.
research your topic before you talk, and we'll all have a harder time (if we can at all) proving you a fool.
This is, once again, a typical immature, knee-jerk reaction to my original post.
Do you think a comment like "Why read
real books when comics are so much better" would be greeted with the same response by (quote) "Book Readers"? I doubt it.
These personal attacks only go to reinforce the stereotypical opinion of comic-book readers as geeky, immature, fat, hairy losers. Anyone watch the Simpsons?
I couldn't care less what you read. In fact, I'm glad you read
anything at all. But I do care when personally insulted for posting an opinion to which you don't subscribe; even if it was just in jest.
You guys need to relax and maybe read some (comic?) books on tolerance, anger control and respect.
Mr Mephisto