10-09-2003, 05:13 AM
#34 (permalink)
Re: <- knowing He's stirring up a shitstorm
Originally posted by hawkeye
yes, you did. as I said, this attitude is one of the few things that really pushes my buttons. If you are making a coment tongue in cheek, please, for those of us who aren't sitting next to you, add some kind of note//addendum to show your meaning. (this would be a prime place to put a of some sort.)
Can't argue that point at all.
Mea culpa.
also, you weren't posting a differing opinion, you were attacking us as a whole.
Where was the attack?
In fact, tongue in cheek or not, I stand by my point. A good book has so much more to offer than a good comic. I asked a question. I did NOT attack "you" as a whole.
Whatever you inferred is not my problem. 
You could come into a thread on something someone likes, and say 'I've never liked this sort of thing, and I don't see what you see in it.' That would be a legitimate opinion, inviting reasonable debate. When you come into a thread like this, and tongue-in-cheek or not, make a statement that is worded so very insultingly, what exactly do you expect?
Well I don't expect the knee-jerk reaction, being cursed at, told I would get a "new one ripped" etc. That's just childish.
I'm actually glad you have at least had some exposure, and I'm sorry that it wasn't good for you.
You see? Everyone assumes I had no exposure. Had not read any comics at all. I have. And I picked out two that I did like. But there is an awful lot of junk out there.
Then again, I feel the same about most fiction anyway; "graphic novel" or not. 95% of what I read today is non-fiction, usually split evenly between science and history.
BTW, I like the little (unintentional?) jab at the end, implying the relative immaturity of people who enjoy this type of literature, very subtly< sp?> put.
I can see how it may look like a jab, but it was actually meant to imply that everyone's taste changes over the years. I don't read the same stuff I did when I was 17. That is what was meant.
Ah, the stereotypeical comic book geek. (ooc, how is this type of stereotyping any different from the racial variety?)
Exactly how do personal attacks equate to fat, hairy, geeks?
that was my whole POINT. A sterotype is just that. A prejudicial opinion based upon erroneous perconceptions of a group/thing.
I would like to apologize for anything that was taken as a personal attack on my part. I honestly don't know what I said that could have been interpreted that way, but if you will correct me, I will try not to let it happen in the future.
No apology necessary. You're so much more enjoyable to talk to (post with?) when you're not angry. 
Of course, I still think the reaction of the people who flamed me was immature. At least you seem to be able to debate the issue (once the intent of my original post was clarified) rather than continue to insult me like the previous poster.
but I thought that they wouldn't do us any good? < g>
Mr Mephisto