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Doesn't Matter 10-30-2003 11:06 AM

I love reloaded, bought it first day.

Though Im more looking forward to the next LOTR

There selling M3 tickets already? (Revolutions)

shannon 10-30-2003 11:39 AM

i have tickets in my wallet. they're not for the first show, i have class until 7:30 pm and i can't skip cause i have a presentation. but i am pumped. we all say we will vomit from excitement. i have a major crush on carrie ann moss. YEAH! can't wait!

Doesn't Matter 10-30-2003 11:47 AM

Can i have your tickets? lol


World's King 10-30-2003 12:59 PM

Y'all are nerds.

Doesn't Matter 10-30-2003 01:11 PM

What?! The movies are great...

And its cool to be one of the first to see it.

You need to get in touch with your inner-geekiness.

CSflim 10-30-2003 01:17 PM


Originally posted by World's King
Y'all are nerds.
where as, you sir, are the epitome of cool. :rolleyes:

Lasereth 10-30-2003 01:19 PM


Originally posted by World's King
Y'all are nerds.
No, I consider myself a dork. And what else did you expect while browsing the Interests section? People that care about their interests. That's exactly what we do.


Nikilidstrom 10-30-2003 01:34 PM

Of course he's cool, he used slang. Its a given.

Mr.Deflok 10-30-2003 03:04 PM


Originally posted by World's King
Y'all are nerds.
Says the man who tried to buy William Shatner's underwear on eBay.

bennyb 10-30-2003 06:52 PM


Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Says the man who tried to buy William Shatner's underwear on eBay.
It always comes back to Underwear :rolleyes:

T-Prime 10-31-2003 01:06 PM

Either underwear or Hitler, whichever is more convenient.

fishin 10-31-2003 05:08 PM

cant wait

Mr.Deflok 10-31-2003 08:30 PM

3am is a little too early for me, wouldn't mind doing it but sleep comes before everything. Should be a rocker, despite early negative reviews.

Lasereth 10-31-2003 08:41 PM


Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
3am is a little too early for me, wouldn't mind doing it but sleep comes before everything. Should be a rocker, despite early negative reviews.
The movie doesn't release but a day early for critics. Where did you see early negative reviews?


THE MAC GOD 10-31-2003 09:46 PM

yeah.. all the non-spoiler reviews I've read (from the preimere) say it's the best thing since sliced cheese and that even IF you had a problem with RELOADED, this movie secures the trilogy... JUST what I hear... I'll let you know WED.

Sunrise 11-01-2003 12:05 AM

Haven't got a ticket yet, but I'm hoping to get one for Imax, although not sure if imax in australia will be showing it :(
Otherwise I'll just get ordinairy cinemas ticket in the next few days.

Mr.Deflok 11-01-2003 01:23 AM


Originally posted by Lasereth
The movie doesn't release but a day early for critics. Where did you see early negative reviews?


www.aintitcool.com but don't read the reviews unless you want to be s(p)oiled.

Critics, guest, press and test screenings are all different.

Lasereth 11-01-2003 06:27 AM


Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
www.aintitcool.com but don't read the reviews unless you want to be s(p)oiled.

Critics, guest, press and test screenings are all different.

Wow, I didn't know they had let anyone see it yet. I didn't read any of the reviews except for the opening paragraph. I hope those guys that didn't like it are the same ones that didn't like Reloaded, because Reloaded was a great movie and that probably means Revolutions is too. I doubt the Wachowski Brothers could fuck up the trilogy, but it IS possible.


Lasereth 11-01-2003 07:12 AM

I just asked my brother about Ain't It Cool News, and he reminded me that they are indeed the people that said Star Wars Episode 2 was the best movie of the year. Their reviews are horrid; they gave Texas Chainsaw Massacre a good review as well. Ha ha; I was almost worried for a minute.


sic8 11-01-2003 10:20 AM

I've got em and looking forward to it. I'm not expecting too much though.

ubertuber 11-01-2003 01:50 PM

IMAX in NY on Wed night - can't wait! I can only get there an hour and half early though, so I worried about getting a decent seat (not in the front row). I was 2 hours early of Fellowship of the Ring and ended up sitting in the front row of the IMAX. Talk about an enveloping experience... Has anyone else noticed that you have to be at movies 30 minutes earlier in NY than anywhere else? I took my sister to see a movie at home in Virginia and got there at the normal (for NY) time - 45 minutes early. We had to sit outside for 30 minutes!

cjayemail 11-02-2003 07:24 PM

I need to go out and get me tickets soon! The first showing here should be at 9am and i plan on calling in sick, if you catch my drift.
I really need to go cash my latest pay check and go pick up reloaded and maybe first matrix on dvd, i dont have either!

THE MAC GOD 11-02-2003 07:36 PM

WISH I HAD IMAX... guess that's what I get for living in REDNECK counry . . .

brandon11983 11-03-2003 04:31 PM

Got my tickets. Gotta work, and my companion doesn't want to skip work with me, so we're catching the 6:35p CST show. I can't wait!!!

Lasereth 11-03-2003 05:29 PM

We're going to wait in line on opening day here. Only one theatre in the entire town is showing it, and they do NOT presell tickets. We're getting there two hours early just in case.


wiseguy1100 11-03-2003 08:43 PM

Just saw it tonite at a premiere in DC. Was worth the hype! Very good movie!

dailyjo2003 11-04-2003 06:36 AM

Have tickets for Friday. I hope the movie resolves every single question I have in a easy to understand, simplified format.

dailyjo2003 11-04-2003 06:39 AM

Any last minute speculation??

Derwood 11-04-2003 07:15 AM

I haven't posted any of my questions/theories so far, so here goes:

- This being the 6th incarnation of Neo is true.

- The Oracle, Key Maker, etc. are NOT renegade programs, but instead parts of the Architect's test program to see how the latest version of the Matrix has improved. The Oracle can't tell the future....she knows the future because she has seen Neo go through this 5 times before.

- We have not indeed seen the "Real World" yet. Everything we've seen is the creation of the Architect.

- The Architect is a programmer who is trying to write a program that will perfectly simulate the human brain. This involves not only biological functions but emotion as well. This is why the 6th Neo is such a breakthrough: The Architect has actually programmed something to choose emotion over logic.

- The Architect was NOT lying about the 6 Neos, as the Merovingian makes two references to Neo's "predecessors". If you rewatch the movie, you will hear several other references to past incarnations of Neo/Matrix that obviously passed you by on the first viewing.

Some questions:

- Just who is Bane and what does he want? If he was somehow encoded by Agent Smith while hooked to the Matrix, then how does that code carry over to the non-Matrix. Of course with my theory, everything is a program, so perhaps it's just another part of the test for the Architect.

- Is Agent Smith's journey part of the Architect's plan? If so, what is it's point? A distraction for Neo from the primary task of saving Zion?

- Why is the primary mode of combat Kung Fu? (okay, maybe we'll just give that up to the Wachowski's as a cool cinematic conceit).

Moobie 11-04-2003 08:20 AM

One more day and all will be revealed..... or at least it better be.

I finally saw the long trailer for Revolutions before Kill Bill....... sweet jesus this movie's gonna have so much eye candy in it we'll all have to go to the eye-dentist afterward. I just hope the'll back up all sweet glorious action with substance.

BuDDaH 11-04-2003 10:29 AM

On Wednesday, 10:30 pm showing.

mattevil 11-04-2003 10:51 AM

heard a theory where when neo jumped into smith in the first movie they got jumbled like the guy in "the fly".smith even mentions something in reloaded about part being copied over explaining his new powers.maybe this means smith is part human now and neo is part machine. that would explain smith jumping into bane and neo putting out his own emp. i bet the matrix is also some way of the machines trying to refine themselves by finding a way to be nore human (like having emotions like love) through the use of neo.probably end with neo scarificing himself but being born again in the matrix(completing the whole christ metaphor)

spived2 11-04-2003 10:53 AM

*sniff* I won't be able to see it till we can get a bootleg copy of it from kuwait :( Well, enjoy.

THE MAC GOD 11-04-2003 11:31 AM

Some interesting things to read up on RELOADED (Points out cool things like most of the license plates in the movie are bible verses)...

1) Probably the longest and most in-depth (Its a flash movie with text)... DEFINITELY a read everyone who saw it should perlustrate (You will need your Architect-mindset for this one):
Click on the building . . .

2) A great quick review of the movie with some in-depth items:
Corporate MOFO

3) Great little nuances from the movies, such as Thomas A. Anderson is broken down into (Thomas Aquinas) and Anderson is broken down into Son of Man:
Movie Facts

Great reads whether you liked the second one or not!

There is too much data to put onto a post, so if the links are a problem, let me know.

THE MAC GOD 11-04-2003 11:40 AM


FROM last night's TBS special on the Matrix...

The 'MY WORLD' TV SPOT... Not yet up on the Matrix's website...


Man... this short tvspot got me more excited than the other one... DAMN!!

phredgreen 11-04-2003 12:02 PM

woo! i didn't realize how cool it was, but we just bought tickets for the 7 am show tomorrow morning. as it stands, that is the official "world premier" time, so i will be one of the first plebes to see the movie. woo, yay, houpla, and panowie!

THE MAC GOD 11-04-2003 12:09 PM

Got my ticket for the zero hour release (8am here central time)... and again after work that night when all my other friends will go :)

Lasereth 11-04-2003 12:56 PM

There's already a huge thread on Revolutions on this page. Congratulations on getting to see it though! We're seeing it tomorrow at 7:00 PM.


dragonhawk 11-04-2003 02:07 PM

8:00 am here!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got my tickets!!!!!

dragonhawk 11-04-2003 02:11 PM

Got my tickets for zero hour here too (8:00 am ) told my boss I was going to be a little late to work :)

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