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3zos 07-26-2003 03:55 PM

favorite Anime?
I just got finished watching the last disk of FLCL, and all i have to say is that series is great.. I don't know if it beats Cowboy bebop for me, but it comes close.. Its amazing that such a wonderful series is only 6 episodes long.. Anyways, I'm looking for something to watch next, I guess you could say I'm one of thoes people who has seen just about everything "good" so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

Spinach_Indeed 07-26-2003 04:31 PM

Most definatly. Without Debate. "GTO". GRRANNDD TEEACHHER ONIIZUKAAAA

And Lain following in at a close Second Place
With Trigun marching in Third

Pellaz 07-26-2003 05:02 PM

I'd have to say Bebop for me, has everthing I love about anime in it.

sadistikdreams 07-26-2003 06:02 PM

Cowboy Bebop
Digital Monsters
The Big O
...some others i dont remember.
OH! Watch "Metropolis" the anime.

3zos 07-26-2003 09:00 PM

Kikaider? what is that? also I have never heard of Digital monsters....

Kadath 07-26-2003 09:02 PM

FLCL? Bebop is a sentimental favorite, but I also enjoyed Trigun, the original Samurai X 4 episode serial, and some others. I wish we could get a sticky anime thread, but it would quickly get out of control.

numberfive 07-26-2003 09:05 PM

Samurai Deeper Kyo
Irresponsible Captain Tylor

mulletJeb 07-26-2003 10:11 PM

hah i read the title and was about to post FLCL as well... that show really is something, I love those gainax dudes...
at the risk of getting attacked for shoujo, Kare Kano is very good, and by the same studio that did FLCL so you know there's some experimental animation involved.. good show, id be careful about who i recommend it to, though. it's excellent for what it is.

Ganguro 07-26-2003 10:27 PM

Kare Kano is an excellent series.. anyone who doesnt like Bishoujo anime can go sit on a tack.
but yeah.. there are several anime threads here in fact i'm going to point you to some.



RedCometChar 07-26-2003 10:31 PM

Oldie but a goodie- the first Project A-ko movie. It's the one that got me interested in anime, and it's still a personal favorite. Also, you should try to dig up Giant Robo- can't get it on DVD yet, but it's definitely a great series. I would suggest Mobile Suit Gundam, but I don't like that you can only get the TV series in the dubbed version.

ninety09 07-27-2003 05:53 AM

X. By far the best series I've ever seen.

After that there would be Trigun, Bebop, Evangelion and Lain

glytch 07-27-2003 08:19 AM

Pretty much just like everyone, I'm going to say Cowboy Bebop, and I don't even like anime that much (although I'd like to). I absolutely love that show.

Ganguro 07-27-2003 11:27 AM

Man i wish you guys would at least attempt to watch something other than what gets shown to you on T.V. Go to the web and research new series.. Get Bit Torrent and d/l fansubs. Hell even if you have to d/l them off KAzaa.. there are LOADS of better anime than what most of the western world is exposed to. Try to keep an open mind and watch a series at least 3 episodes before you write it off because it's not Trigun, or Gundam, or Beebop. Watch a full length feature like a Studio Ghibli movie, or Jin Roh. Watch some love story animes like KareKano, or Fruits Basket. Watch something screwball like Excel Saga, or Dragon Half. There are lots of resources out there.. you just have to keep an open mind and know where to look




3zos 07-27-2003 12:25 PM

I was watching this stuff way before it was on america tv, it just happens that its some of the best, which is the reason its gets picked up over here at all.

If you can find a copy of millennium actress, its an amazing movie.

Patlabor is a good serise, and the movies are good as well.

also, check out colorful sometime if you haven't, as its good for a laugh ;)

mulletJeb 07-27-2003 01:26 PM

ohhh man, by far, one of the funniest things ive seen, animated or not.. if you're a warm-blooded male, this will be excellent: Goldenboy
So good! I wont say any more, go watch it NOW.

bussman 07-27-2003 05:23 PM

Not really favorites, but gundam seed and naruto have me hooked at the moment.

tooka 07-27-2003 05:46 PM

i just got anime channel on demand
colorful is some weird shit!!!!!!!

3zos 07-27-2003 08:24 PM

haha, whoa, anime channel... that would be cool ;)

Kadath 07-27-2003 08:53 PM


Originally posted by Ganguro
Man i wish you guys would at least attempt to watch something other than what gets shown to you on T.V. Go to the web and research new series.. Get Bit Torrent and d/l fansubs. Hell even if you have to d/l them off KAzaa.. there are LOADS of better anime than what most of the western world is exposed to. Try to keep an open mind and watch a series at least 3 episodes before you write it off because it's not Trigun, or Gundam, or Beebop. Watch a full length feature like a Studio Ghibli movie, or Jin Roh. Watch some love story animes like KareKano, or Fruits Basket. Watch something screwball like Excel Saga, or Dragon Half. There are lots of resources out there.. you just have to keep an open mind and know where to look




Hey now. Don't go hating. Some of us get lots of stuff off NetFlix, like Gasaraki, Generator Gawl, Crying Freeman(ugh!), Key:The Metal Idol, etc. Just because I don't list it as my favorite doesn't mean I haven't seen and enjoyed it. And I wouldn't attempt to hold up Ghibli as insider information given the extensive popularity of SA, and the fact that they pimped Castle in the Sky pretty heavily on the DVD release. So your advice is welcome, but your high horse doesn't fit in this here bar, friend.

tedrlord 07-27-2003 10:47 PM

If you haven't yet seen Read or Die, you're missing out. It's a really short mini-series (three episodes) but it's quite entertaining.

As for other anime, I'd recommend a lot of what other people are saying. Kare Kano is great, even if shoujo (girl) anime isn't your thing. Hell, Gainax did it, enough said.

GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka) is a really funny series, too. If you like it, I recommend reading the manga, which is even better.

Love Hina is pretty entertaining for a harem-type anime. The animated series is really funny, but seems a little one-dimensional sometimes. The manga, on the other hand, is excellent. Easily my favorite in print.

Someone mentioned Goldenboy, which is also very funny. Though it can get pretty perverse sometimes, it's not a hentai. The really cool thing about it is that it has the same character designer as Cowboy Bebop, and one of the girls looks a hell of a lot like Faye. Oddly enough, despite the fact that it's obviously male-targeted, it's one of my girlfriend's favorite series.

I assume you've seen Evangelion. If you haven't, just go do it now. That's all I have to say.

Since you mentioned Cowboy Bebop, I'll also recommend Noir. It's along a similar vein, though not so sci-fi. It's about a pair of female assassins that mostly just kick ass while trying to figure out who they are and what brought them together. It's a fun show.

Serial Experiments: Lain is a very complex and strange anime. The shining example of the techno-spiritual "mindfuck" genre the Japanese seem to like.

Fruits Basket is a very shoujo series, but I thought it was pretty cute, and my girlfriend totally adores it.

On a related note, I know I'll sound strange for this, but Card Captor Sakura is quite good too. It somehow manages to be very sweet and cute and pleasant while still being interesting and well-made. It's a very large series, but I recommend watching at least a few episodes.

Other than that, I can't think of many more off the top of my head.

tedrlord 07-27-2003 11:00 PM


Originally posted by Ganguro
Man i wish you guys would at least attempt to watch something other than what gets shown to you on T.V. Go to the web and research new series.. Get Bit Torrent and d/l fansubs. Hell even if you have to d/l them off KAzaa.. there are LOADS of better anime than what most of the western world is exposed to. Try to keep an open mind and watch a series at least 3 episodes before you write it off because it's not Trigun, or Gundam, or Beebop. Watch a full length feature like a Studio Ghibli movie, or Jin Roh. Watch some love story animes like KareKano, or Fruits Basket. Watch something screwball like Excel Saga, or Dragon Half. There are lots of resources out there.. you just have to keep an open mind and know where to look




If you want to be all elitist about it, at least try to do it right. Christ, you can find most of those at the local video store. If you're using BitTorrent, look for Wolf's Rain, or Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex, or even Kodomo no Omocha. Stuff that you can't get here normally. There's a load of good stuff out there that hasn't been released in the states yet.

LHFire 07-28-2003 05:04 AM

Record of the Loddoss War
Ninja Scroll
Ghost in the Shell
and my personal favorite

zwik 07-28-2003 05:24 AM

Lots of good ones here. Personal favorite though is:

Kimagure Orange Road. An oldie but a goodie.

Ganguro 07-28-2003 07:06 AM

elitist? perhaps.. passionate about what i watch.. yes.
so forgive me if it comes off that way.. but also if I cant voice my opinion without being called names then something is wrong here.. Im no more elite than the rest of you who think your opinon is "best". We're all entiteld to think highly of our own thoughts..

That being said.. Netflix is a great option for those who cant rent anime at their local blockbuster or d/l it. It's better to see some older stuff at your leisure than being spoon fed dubbed, heavily edited, poorly written series aimed at children. BeyBlade anyone?

3zos 07-28-2003 09:14 AM

one can be more than passionate about what they watch, or any interest in their life, without resorting to telling everyone else they're ignorant and just go with the mainstream.
that said, wolfs rain, gits:standalone, last exile are series worth keeping up on through bittorrent. the latter has one of the most vivid scenes ive seen portrayed in an anime for a while, save perhaps the set pieces in Metropolis (one of my personal favorites, though many will no doubt disagree).

Ganguro 07-28-2003 03:39 PM

I think you are totally misreading me.

rockzilla 07-28-2003 04:11 PM

Maybe this'll take some of the heat off of you Ganguro...

My favorite anime is also my guiltiest pleasure in life.

I watch Dragonball.

I've seen most of the other stuff posted in this thread, and enjoyed most of them, but nothing keeps me coming back like Dragonball.

Goku : Ahhhhh!!! His power level is greater than my power level!

Bad guy : You're dead Goku! Ahhhhhhh!!!!

Everyone Else : Ahhhhhh! What's Goku Gonna do?!?!?!?!?!

Goku : Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

Bad guy : Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

Narrator : Tune in next episode, when you'll see more yelling, and maybe an explosion.

It's a simple formula, but it entertains me, which is why I watch anything.

If I had to choose something a little less simplistic, I'll say 'Castle of Cagliostro'. It's one of the only movies, Anime or not, that I've cared enough about to watch more than once.

cheerios 07-28-2003 04:13 PM

3zos: you're kidding me. I found Metropolis to be the most ponderous, BORING movie I've watched in awhile. a waste of a rental fee. blech.

favorites... bebop, of course... I'm LOVING Trigun. it's awesome. love Vash. funny guy. :) umm... just saw Demon City Shinjuko... very trite, cliche, but not TOO bad... the other Demon City was supposedly better, but i never made it more than part-way through. hmm... enjoyed the first DVD of Lain, was a big DBZ fan for a long time, although it's quality declines greatly as the series progresses... LOVE gundam wing. YAY FOR DUO! :D

hmm... think that's it... oooooooh!! RANMA!! :D "hmm, and I'm better looking to boot!" *KONK!* (sorry all done now)

cheerios 07-28-2003 04:16 PM


Originally posted by rockzilla
Maybe this'll take some of the heat off of you Ganguro...

My favorite anime is also my guiltiest pleasure in life.

I watch Dragonball.

if it makes you feel better, rockzilla, my 50 yr old father get's home just in time to watch Kenshin with my sister. :)

-z3r0- 07-28-2003 11:13 PM

DBZ!, gate keepers 21, and vampire hunter d :)

Ganguro 07-29-2003 04:52 AM

havent had a chance to watch gatekeepers 21 yet, but i read the manga.. Is the anime any good? I really liked the first series. It's reminded me a lot of Azumanga and that is a good thing.

Stare At The Sun 07-30-2003 12:01 AM

I dunno if its an anime or not, technically, but Final fantasy the spirits within was one kick ass movie, i really really liked it, also, vampire hunter D bloodlust, and Hellsing kicked my ass all day long. As did Ninja scroll, and the animatrix :)

fuzzix 07-30-2003 05:59 AM

Excel Saga is my all time fav. Hilarious.

auswegian 07-30-2003 06:30 AM

My anime experience is nowhere near as comprehensive as I want to be, but Evangelion, Wicked City, Ghost in the Shell, Animatrix and Jin Roh are all excellent. Oh, and the Wings of Honnemaise, or however it is spelt.

I am desperately seeking Lain. I'm too poor to afford it, my connection is too 56k-ish for me to d/l it, and the person I know who has it lives too far away and hasn't lent it to me yet...damn

CaptainFluffer 07-30-2003 07:33 AM

GTO is great. Bebop is great. Working on GTO and RahXephon. I'm probably just gonna wait til Azumanga comes out over here.

Evangelion, Initial D, Love Hina, Kare Kano, "Now and Then, Here and There", Robotech, Vandread are amoungst my favorites...and I've only been a fan for a year and I have 96 dvds :P (spent too much...not to mention the con we went to >_< )

P.S. - The Love Hina dub can burn in hell right where it spawned from!!

CaptainFluffer 07-30-2003 07:34 AM

Fuzzix. If you like excel saga, watch Puni Puni Poemi. It's the 2 episode OVA follow up to the series. Starring Nabeshin's daughter.

Ganguro 07-30-2003 09:04 AM

"my asshole itches because im a girl" :)

Sparhawk 07-30-2003 09:15 AM

I picked up cowboy bebop the movie on a lark because it was selling for 7.99.


One of the best values for the buck that I've gotten on any dvd I own.

Question: How does the series compare to the movie?

3zos 07-30-2003 10:03 AM


Originally posted by Ganguro
"my asshole itches because im a girl" :)
are you in fact implying that you fancy anal sex with STD-ridden men?

CrazyIntent 07-30-2003 05:56 PM

Tier 1

His & Her Circumstances

Tier 2

Tenchi Muyo
Outlaw Star
Big O

Never did care much for Cowboy Bebop or Trigun...

kel 07-30-2003 07:34 PM

Jungle wah no istumo hale noche guu
I hope I spelled the title right.
"The jungle was nice for hale and then came guu"

cheerios 07-30-2003 09:45 PM


Originally posted by Sparhawk
I picked up cowboy bebop the movie on a lark because it was selling for 7.99.


One of the best values for the buck that I've gotten on any dvd I own.

Question: How does the series compare to the movie?

fucking AWESOME. makes me cry every time I watch it. :) Really, the movie is set "somewhere in the middle of the series". if you want hte whole thing, beginning to end, I HIGHLY reccomend the series. and, to boot, the english is awesome. :)

Tempboy 07-30-2003 11:27 PM

I haven't watched the Cowboy Bebop movie, but I heard it was terrible. At least, in comparison to the series.

CaptainFluffer 07-31-2003 02:52 AM

Well whoever told you that should kill themselves in real life.

Ganguro 07-31-2003 05:46 AM

lets not go telling people to kill themselves because of a sucky movie. The series sucked too .

So i hear that cartoon network just picked up FLCL and Ble Gender as their next series.. This could be good or bad in my opinion. FLCL is a great series, and he dubs are actually tolerable.. but it's so short they're going to rerun it into the ground. Bluie Gender..well.. the dubs are horrid! Also I hope people dont compare it to gundam too much, but it's a decent series.. I've even started seeing it show up in suncoast/ Fry's for sale now. Why haven't they picked up hacksign yet?

Oh and 3zos I dont appreciate you taking potshots at me.

Atomsk 07-31-2003 11:02 AM

dubs usually make my ears bleed. i watched berserk with fansubs almost 2 years ago and they are just now finishing up the DVD's. frankly i can't stand the subs. maybe because berserk was such a big deal to me i feel like they trashed it. however take the new akira DVD i can't stand that dub but i loved the original dub that was on the VHS cassette. so much in fact that i'm ripping my DVD's video and the VHS audio and merging them into a new DVD with the original english dub from 10 years ago or whatever.

CaptainFluffer 07-31-2003 04:04 PM

I enjoyed Cowboy Bebop, but that's just MY opinion. I can only offer it and you can either accept it or decline.

Cartoon Network should not have FLCL. A lot of cartoon network fans (not anime fans) will just complain that it's stupid and makes no sense. That's why a lot of people hate the biggest anime poison that's responsible for giving people the wrong idea about anime: Dragonball Z. Honestly, I can't stand how this show carries on. I've only seen a couple episodes and I just dont see how anyone can see that as watchable.

As for dubs...
I hear the old akira dub was good, but I've heard the new one and it sucks. I'll somewhat give a dub a chance at least, but most of the time I prefer subs. Currently I'm watching GTO on DVD and I havent even heard the sub. The dub is pretty darn funny.

Atomsk: I just told my friend (His nickname is Kaneda) about your DVD/VHS:Video and Audio idea and he says 2 words. "Thank god". I'll take a copy of that if you actually do it :)

I wonder how the new Akira Live action movie will turn out...

CaptainFluffer 07-31-2003 04:55 PM

By the way...that's a pretty nice broad generalization about all of us by saying that we need to watch something that what's on TV. Only thing I've seen on TV is...nothing. :P Especially anime because I'd rather dl it and get to watch all the episodes simultaneously rather than go day to day watching edited CRAP.

omnigod 07-31-2003 06:25 PM

I loved Trigun, Bebop, 3x3 eyes, saber marionette J, Escaflowne..

Agreed with the poster right above me, sorry cant remember your name ;). All the stuff i have seen has been either bought on dvd or downloaded

CaptainFluffer 07-31-2003 08:26 PM

I spend too much on dvds, but hey...you can never have too much anime :D

Chamberdweller 08-01-2003 12:05 PM

First I just want to say I only read up to Ganguro's second post, but thank GOD somebody said it. There are other anime out there beside what's on cartoon network(although most of the show 's there rule) but go and buy something else. He mentioned some of the best Excel Saga,Jin Roh, Dragon Half. Just give some anime a chance and as he said if your broke get bit torrent or kazaa and download some(just be sure to buy it if you like it:)


3zos 08-01-2003 12:37 PM

Im sorry, but all the people who say cowboy bebop sucks, yet continue to mention anime that I would consider to be much in the same vein as good, what is wrong with you? This is a great series where all the episodes stand on their own well, yet fit together into a very complete whole. On top up that it has some of the greatest anime music ever (escaflowne is also v. good)..

I thought the movie was well done as well, it wasn't meant so much to add to the story, but be just another bebop adventure. I would also say that the ending to the bebop series was probably the most emotional and well done ending that I have seen, what other anime can you watch and really feel that sad? (in a good way)...

This series gets so much good press for a reason..

theinfamous 08-01-2003 02:06 PM

I thought Berserk was pretty good. Bascially a bloodfest set in Medieval era...but with a great story. All hell broke lose at the end of the series...hopefully they'll show Guts get his revenge in the future with that crazy sword of his.

oldtimer 08-01-2003 02:42 PM

Oooooooh, yes, Beserk was good; only seeing one episode of it I know. But off the top of my head, it's a dead tie between Akira/Gundam Wing Endless Waltz/ & Metropolis. There's more I'm sure. :lol:

CaptainFluffer 08-01-2003 03:14 PM


While saying "Bebop sucks" was kind of harsh, (You shoulda stated that it was your opinion) I severly enjoyed this show, but at the same time, I think sometimes it's little too overrated. I love the music, I love the story, I love the characters. I have all the DVDs, and I enjoy it just like any other anime.

acpower 08-01-2003 04:00 PM

Initial D because cars + anime rules

CrazyIntent 08-01-2003 04:55 PM


This series gets so much good press for a reason..
This is one of the reasons why I think Cowboy Bebop is overrated...because everyone says it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I don't think it sucks, but I've seen better.

One of the major problems I have are the plots (or lack of). For the most part they are just filler episodes after filler episodes. Basically what happens is that they 1) go out for the bounty 2) somehow lose all or most of the bounty 3) someone dies 4) back on the ship complaining on how they lost the bounty. Vicious could have been one of the most kick-ass villians of all-time, but thoughout most of the first part of the series, he is in the background with only a few minutes of airtime.

The animation, artwork, and music of Bebop is top-notch, but I compare it to the best anime I've seen (Evangelion and Escaflowne) and Bebop doesn't stand out. However, some ppl probably don't like Evangelion or Escaflowne, so different strokes for different folks I guess.

CaptainFluffer 08-01-2003 06:00 PM

" I don't think it sucks, but I've seen better." - I agree 110%

acpower. Initial D is cool but it'll be butchered when TokyoPOP gives it to cartoon network.

tardka 08-01-2003 06:42 PM


Originally posted by theinfamous
I thought Berserk was pretty good. Bascially a bloodfest set in Medieval era...but with a great story. All hell broke lose at the end of the series...hopefully they'll show Guts get his revenge in the future with that crazy sword of his.
That's what the first episode was, but the manga picks up where the anime left off. Luckily the anime follows the manga pretty closely so you don't miss much from the manga if you skip the parts the anime covered. Definately my favorite series, the character development was beyond that which I've seen before.

obediah 08-01-2003 11:09 PM

I enjoyed evangelion, berserk, and grave of the fireflies.

I have a soft spot for the crappy dupped robotech cartoons, because that is what I saw as a kid. When I hit my mid-life crisis I will be looking for a cyclone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Bebop is fun stuff, and good. It a pretty safe bet that if you hate it that your either anime-proof or an elitest snob. A western anime-snob is a pretty sad creature.

I also enjoy watching the old Lupins on cartoon network. I certainly ain't paying for them on DVD, but they are fun.

Ganguro 08-02-2003 07:38 AM

lets stop calling people names please.
Some people dislike different series for diferent reasons. Beebop is a bit overrated, the stories arent coheisive at all and they provide little to no backstory for the charaters, or motivation for their actions, but so do LOTS OF SERIES. Just Cowboy Beebop is usually the first "good" series a lot of westerners get to see to completion. Just like an old relationship; you'll always love your first..

3zos 08-02-2003 08:41 AM

I dunno, I personally like it because in many cases, you can watch each episode independantly of each other (a very different format than Escaflowne or Evangelion). While it wasn't my "first" series, it's still a very well made, if not a little fluffy at parts, anime.

Regarding Initial D, anyone heading up to Big Apple Anime Fest this year? Mitsubishi is sponsoring the event due to Initial D headlining, should be pretty fun. Wonder if the rest of the lineup would warrant a trip up to NYC this year...

(the other ezos)

CaptainFluffer 08-02-2003 09:08 AM

Someone mentioned my first anime: Robotech! :D I never even saw any as a kid either. My freind made me watch the the first 4 episodes a few years ago and I picked up the whole series last year, and thus the anime addiction began...

CaptainFluffer 08-02-2003 09:22 AM

I had to wait a whole year for Robotech:Battlecry to come out, and even though I'm waiting for Initial D the video game, but I've ripped all the Initial D soundtracks my friend bought to the Xbox hard drive then I plug into Rallisport Challege :D and I drift my way to success.

3zos 08-02-2003 10:47 AM


Originally posted by Ganguro
lets stop calling people names please.
Some people dislike different series for diferent reasons. Beebop is a bit overrated, the stories arent coheisive at all and they provide little to no backstory for the charaters, or motivation for their actions, but so do LOTS OF SERIES. Just Cowboy Beebop is usually the first "good" series a lot of westerners get to see to completion. Just like an old relationship; you'll always love your first..

The thing that is so good about bebop is that the backgrounds of the characters are there, they just arn't blatently thrown into your face. If you watch closely there are countless clues about the differnt characters pasts, and with a little thinking, you can learn quite a bit. Just because one episode dosn't lead into the next, if you watch the whole series together it becomes pretty concrete if you ask me. I watched bebop when it first came out, and I had watched a good deal more anime before that. I still love eva, but thats not a series that you can just pick up and watch one episode when your bored, and requires a bit more thought to get than bebop (although both have a little detective work to be done). I like bebop because its so many differnt things put into one, and you can be as involved in it as you feel like, and still have a good time. and can you beat the music?

CaptainFluffer 08-02-2003 11:07 AM

This is one of the ONLY anime series I will like because I can watch just one episode. As for the music, it's a-mazing too, IMO i've probably heard better.

CrazyIntent 08-02-2003 11:29 AM


Originally posted by 3zos
and can you beat the music?
Well, off the top of my head, I think the music from Escaflowne and .hack//SIGN is better than Bebop.

3zos 08-02-2003 02:49 PM

.hack//SIGN!!! :\

Escaflowne is nice, but lacks the variety, plus I find that you can listen to bebop music on its own and its still great..

But I would say Escaflowne comes in second.

Explosive 08-02-2003 07:50 PM

Naruto, one of the best shows in Japan right now.

striderkevin 08-03-2003 01:01 AM

Cowboy Bebop is one of the better series I've seen, maybe the best. I also enjoy Iria and Evangelion, I thought Escaflowne was kinda cool too.

oldtimer 08-03-2003 07:48 AM

No, no, no! Bebop is not the best!! People open your eyes! Buy and search for every popular anime other than Adult Swim's Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun. There's <i><b>MILLIONS MORE</b></i>!! Now, Bebop is awesome it interacts with your mind as Spike and the gang do their own thing. Not to mention the graphics, hip but old jazzy music that let's you know their old school a little bit, and then the calmness. I have to say I love the calmness especially Spike's. Up until the point where they save up all the action they can and at the climax the action explodes until you're left saying: "Ohhhhh shit, Spike! Dodge those bullets! *He has some nice rythym/flow* Oh, yeah, I hope Faye's ok! *Shows scene of her relieved as well a little jiggle*" Viewer's responses mainly consist of this. And, the <i>slinky girl</i> who I have not bothered to memorize her name. Ugh, I mean if I watch all 26 episodes then she would mean something to me. Right now however, she does not.

tweekman 08-03-2003 08:39 AM

Cowboy bebop and trigun, i used to be all into dbz but now its just.. :hmm:

Jonsgirl 08-03-2003 11:37 AM

Ok, Ganguro, you can hate me too. I love Cowboy Bebop! I have been exposed to more anime than what they show on adult swim, thank you very much, but I still think that Bebop beats most of it.

Eiresol 08-03-2003 06:40 PM


Originally posted by 3zos
also I have never heard of Digital monsters....

Sure you have, that was just a fancy way to disguise saying they like Digimon. :D

Anyway. Favourite anime would be in no real particular order:
Cowboy Bebop
Trigun (from what I've seen, about half of the series)
GiTS: SAC (so, so, so much better than the film imo)
Hellsing (although the dub is a bit dodgy on the dvds, other than that it's a great series)

Next on my list when I finish Trigun will be Initial D.
I watch all anime subbed, don't like it dubbed at all. I don't care if the CB dub was really well done, after seeing it all in Japanese it just sounds wrong.
Also, most of the above are downloaded due to the severe lack of region 2 anime and the ass raping of us Europeans over prices for region 1 dvds.
Although Japan is in fact region 2, I don't even want to think of the costs to import from there. Although the GiTS : SAC dvd set would be super sexy.

3zos 08-03-2003 06:57 PM


Originally posted by Eiresol
Sure you have, that was just a fancy way to disguise saying they like Digimon. :D

GiTS: SAC (so, so, so much better than the film imo)
haha, I didn't even think anyone would mention digimon, so it didn't even come into my head ;)

Standalone is great, I am a huge ghost in the shell fan, and this series has been really great so far (through episode 18) It has the same "you can watch one episode, or watch them all" thing that bebop does, although I think it will come together more in the end. It also brings ghost in the shell closer to the manga than the movie did, just because it has more time to play with (although the movie is still one of my faviorites)..

Some other new and good series playing in Japan right now are:

wolf's rain, which I like, but seems to be moving a little slow at the moment (or maybe thats the lack or new episodes during the summer..)

Macross Zero, a 4 episode OVA (two are out so far) has some amazing animation, although I don't know if it could possibly beat macross plus for story..

Last Exile, also has very good animation, and seems intresting so far..

CaptainFluffer 08-03-2003 07:23 PM

I liked Digital Monsters (Digimon) well at least the first 2 seasons of it, then it got kind of repetitive.

Eiresol 08-03-2003 08:15 PM

Hell I liked Pokemon until Brock left. That Tracey guy sucked.
Although Brock came back I was just too detatched then to go back. Who knows what kind of Pokemon there on now, last time I saw it, it was Johto. So much for 150 Pokemon, more like 1500.

Marburg 08-03-2003 08:32 PM

Love Hina - all the way.
I think I'm really influenced by the manga though.
It's just really cute.
I find that it's real lack of any direct is really relaxing. You don't have to focus on any real plot (i'm sounding really dumb here) and you can just enjoy it on a really basic level. Fun!

CaptainFluffer 08-03-2003 08:55 PM

Read a little of the manga in stores, and I'm gonna buy some this friday when I get the next dvd of GTO :D

3zos 08-04-2003 05:50 AM

I liked pokemon and even monster rancher for a little while, but digimon just didn't really work for me...

CaptainFluffer 08-04-2003 09:56 PM

Pokemon was really cool until it got too repetitive...the orange islands lost me :/

bundy 08-04-2003 10:20 PM

well, iīd like to recommend Blood, the last vampire ... to everyone...

i donīt think its been mentioned here yet... imo its fantastic.

3zos 08-05-2003 06:08 AM

i have always wanted to see blood, but something always seems to come up, and I am not able to.

whats your sig say?

UncleFluffer 08-05-2003 11:47 PM

Ooh! Jap-speak :o

Elitegibson 08-06-2003 12:08 AM

I loved InitialD, Trigun, Slayers, and Escaflowne. I used to like DragonBallZ, but that was like a starving man getting mouldy bread. Now that I've stepped up to the other anime, I wonder how anyone can like DBZ. Also, I generally give Dubs a try, except for Hentai, because there's nothing like a cute japanese girl screaming as she's raped repeatedly by tentacles, or something of that nature.

UncleFluffer 08-06-2003 12:10 AM

Tentacles, eh? As someone once said, "If a hentai doesn't have tentacles, it's hardly hentai at all"


Jesus Pimp 08-06-2003 04:26 AM

Current Favorites
Hajime No Ippo
Gundam Seed
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Scrapped Princess
Cowboy Bebop
Vision of Escaflowne
Full Metal Panic
3x3 Eyes
Lupin the 3rd
Anything by Studio Ghibli
Record of Lodoss Wars

agentsmith 08-06-2003 09:14 AM

holy crap there are so many, but if I had to pick out a few:

Cowboy Bebop
Rah Xephon

although, I'm still fairly new to anime.

Jesus Pimp 08-06-2003 10:20 AM


Originally posted by agentsmith
holy crap there are so many, but if I had to pick out a few:

Cowboy Bebop
Rah Xephon

although, I'm still fairly new to anime.

I can tell :p

3zos 08-06-2003 10:35 AM


Originally posted by Jesus Pimp
I can tell :p
oh! harsh! ;)

oldtimer 08-06-2003 11:56 AM

Even though it was a movie - Princess Mononoke!!!!!
There are no words to describe its greatness.
I love Ashitaka.
I love Yakul.
It was truly moving. :thumbsup:

agentsmith 08-06-2003 01:51 PM

Laputa: Castle In the Sky was epic.
Witch Hunter Robin
Ninja Scroll

didn't like Noir, Hack Sign, Akira, Ghost In The Shell

oldtimer 08-06-2003 01:58 PM


Originally posted by agentsmith
didn't like Noir, Hack Sign, Akira, Ghost In The Shell
Please whatever you do, never bad mouth <b>Akira</b> or <b>Ghost in the Shell</b> <i>again</i>. :mad:

oldtimer 08-06-2003 02:00 PM


Originally posted by bundy
well, iīd like to recommend Blood, the last vampire ... to everyone...

i donīt think its been mentioned here yet... imo its fantastic.

*High fives Bundy*
I thought I was the only one who saw it. :lol:

agentsmith 08-06-2003 02:12 PM

what? I didn't like them, am I not allowed to have opinions?

oldtimer 08-06-2003 02:49 PM


Originally posted by agentsmith
what? I didn't like them, am I not allowed to have opinions?
Of course you are! I was merely expressing an <i>emotion</i>. Don't take offense. I don't hate you, but I didn't like what you said. That's kind of an opinion.

Vyk 08-06-2003 03:55 PM

My favorite is Nausicaa. It's coming out some time this year end which makes for a happy Vyk. Miyazaki's other works like Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are also good.

Ganguro 08-07-2003 05:39 PM

hey Bebop fans.. I just watched the movie again yesterday.. still dont like it that much.. it just strengthens what i think about the series, but aaanyway.. I know a lot of you guys and gals like it.
Well have i got a treat for you..

Cowboy Bebop Perfect Sessions Boxed set for 32 bucks!!!

There don't say i never gave you guys anything..

bundy 08-08-2003 01:52 AM

what an incredible bargain...
*hugs ganguro*

Jesus Pimp 08-08-2003 10:47 AM


Originally posted by Ganguro
hey Bebop fans.. I just watched the movie again yesterday.. still dont like it that much.. it just strengthens what i think about the series, but aaanyway.. I know a lot of you guys and gals like it.
Well have i got a treat for you..

Cowboy Bebop Perfect Sessions Boxed set for 32 bucks!!!

There don't say i never gave you guys anything..

It's better to watch it with the japanese track. The english dub seemed overacted and not naturals as the OVAs.

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