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Old 06-25-2009, 12:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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List your favourite caper films

This just popped into my head. I'm sure we're all familiar with the heist film and all the tropes that go along with it, along with a few variations. Some good examples of heist films include:
  • Gone in 60 Seconds
  • Heat
  • The Italian Job
  • The Ocean's films, and
  • The Usual Suspects
There are many others, of course.

My point here, however, is that there is a subgenre of heist film that has strong comedic elements that come to the fore. Not to be confused with heist films that have comedic relief, caper films are primarily comedies.

One strong example is Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels with Steve Martin and Michael Caine, a 1988 remake of the 1964 Bedtime Story, which starred Marlon Brando and David Niven.

I absolutely love this film, and will see it again soon after a long time, and maybe I'll even check out the original. In thinking about this, I cannot for the life of me think of any films that would also fit in this category, beyond, maybe, the Pink Panther films (of which I'm unfamiliar with, btw).

Help me discover more capers. List your favourite capers here, and what you like most about them.

Edit: Oh, and enlighten me, because I haven't seen many heist films either, so I'm not sure which would be more comedic vs. more serious.
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Last edited by Baraka_Guru; 06-25-2009 at 01:06 PM..
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Old 06-25-2009, 01:18 PM   #2 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Trading Places has two different serial plots portrayed through the film, the first of which being Louis trying to regain the lifestyle he had lost to Billy Ray through the wager proposed by the opposing stance of the estately Duke Brothers on the argument of "nature v. nurture"; and the second turn of events in the story evolved when both Louis and Billy Ray concocted their mutual scheme to bankrupt the wealthy yet snobbish Duke Brothers.

The second sequence of the film when this plan of action is set in motion is what I consider a classic "caper". Two savvy antagonists band together in a communal compromise to gain riches and also shaft their original wrongdoers for the misdeeds played upon them. That's a good enough synopsis for most of the countless other "caper"-themed films I've watched through the years. And for that reason, that is why I consider Trading Places a good fit in this realm of comedic heist films.
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Old 06-25-2009, 01:25 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is awesome. It is a favorite of mine and the original is also very good.

I'd suggest Throw Momma from the Train as far as the caper subgenre
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Old 06-25-2009, 01:45 PM   #4 (permalink)
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"Lookin' good, Billy Ray."
"Feelin' good, Lewis."

Typical greeting for a set of my friends, and from Trading Places.

I'm partial to A Fish Called Wanda and the Fletch movies.
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Old 06-25-2009, 02:03 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Mmmm, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is indeed great.

When it comes to caper movies, I'm a Robert Redford kind of guy. The Sting, obviously, but I think Sneakers has been woefully forgotten.
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Old 06-25-2009, 02:33 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Caper movies?

Can't beat the old Ealing Studio classics - Lavender Hill Mob, the original Ladykillers (NOT the recent remake) and so on.

More here: Ealing Comedies
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Old 06-25-2009, 02:47 PM   #7 (permalink)
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The Italian Job
The Thomas Crown Affair (the original, please)
The Sting
The Great Train Robbery

Just a few of my favorites that come to mind.
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Old 06-25-2009, 03:15 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by guy44 View Post
Mmmm, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is indeed great.

When it comes to caper movies, I'm a Robert Redford kind of guy. The Sting, obviously, but I think Sneakers has been woefully forgotten.
Another good Redford caper that is even more overlooked is The Hot Rock.

A couple of other good ones from that era

The Brinks Job
What's Up Doc.

Another good, yet unconvetional, caper film is Wallace & Grommit:The Wrong Trousers.

Some other ones I like:

Disorganized Crime
Thomas Crowne Affair (remake, fell asleep during the original)
Short Circuit 2
Breaking In

And a movie that is both good and horrible at the same time:

Hudson Hawk
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Old 06-25-2009, 06:14 PM   #9 (permalink)
It's all downhill from here
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Croupier, an early Clive Owen film, is pretty fantastic.
Bad Luck City
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Old 06-25-2009, 06:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Bob, Le Flambeur is a good heist film. It's directed by Jean Pierre Melville. It's very entertaining, but I wouldn't consider it a caper.
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Old 06-25-2009, 06:41 PM   #11 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Thanks for the suggestions. There are some here that I've been reminded of. I've seen these, but very long ago and should watch them again to fully appreciate them:

Throw Mama from the Train
Trading Places
A Fish Called Wanda

I vaguely recall these being funny to me as a kid, but I really need to see them again to "get" them, I think.

I'll have to compile a list from this thread.
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Old 06-25-2009, 09:27 PM   #12 (permalink)
Getting it.
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A couple of my favourite heist films, both staring Sterling Heyden:
Asphalt Jungle (one of Marilyn Monroe's first films)
The Killing (an early Kubrick film that you should see just for the end alone)
Sexy Beast

Caper Films

Kelley's Heroes
Ocean's Eleven (both the original and the remake)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Out of Sight (great film!)
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Old 06-25-2009, 11:02 PM   #13 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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I almost forgot one of the favorites in this house....

Shallow Grave with Ewan McGregor one of Danny Boyle's first movies.
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Old 06-26-2009, 12:29 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
Snatch is far and away my favorite. Just great writing.. Interesting characters.. good plot.. lots of funny one-liners..
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Old 06-26-2009, 01:31 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Whew, It took 11 replies before Snatch was mentioned.. What's wrong with you people!

I'm really drawing a blank here trying to find something that hasn't been mentioned. One movie that comes to mind is Welcome to Collinwood. I'll see if I can remember some better ones.

oh Maybe Matchstick Men.. Yes, That Nick Cage movie
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Old 06-26-2009, 01:40 AM   #16 (permalink)
Getting it.
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I have been thinking about this and I don't really see the difference between a caper film and heist film. I have always called both types of films Caper Films. I don't see the need to make a distinction.

Regardless, these films are amongst some of my favourite.

You all should watch Kubrick's The Killing.
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Old 06-26-2009, 02:29 AM   #17 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Originally Posted by Charlatan View Post
I have been thinking about this and I don't really see the difference between a caper film and heist film. I have always called both types of films Caper Films. I don't see the need to make a distinction.
Basically, a caper film fulfills my need to laugh throughout the film. A heist film is more about the wow factor, whether it be the suspense, the plot turns, the tension/conflict between characters, the over-the-top action, the "I can't believe they pulled it off," or the surprise twist ending.

Capers should have me in tears, or, at least, with a stupid grin throughout it.
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Old 07-16-2009, 01:20 PM   #18 (permalink)
The Reforms
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I don't quite think this fits the genre squarely, but I think this film is at least a similar-shaped polygon that resembles your initial description.


I don't know if it received as well outside The Great Isle, but I highly recommend you watch this feature, even if it doesn't truly conform to the caper formula.
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Old 07-16-2009, 01:21 PM   #19 (permalink)
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I thought millions was a wonderful flick. Had it not been part of my independent movie freebie screenings I would have totally missed out.
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Old 07-16-2009, 01:24 PM   #20 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Do you see what I mean, though, about including it in this thread's topic?

I think the second half of the film, when the boys unveal their finding to their father and his girlfriend, is the caper'ing part of the feature, and when they are being pursued by the main antagonist who originally threw the funds away.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
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Old 07-16-2009, 01:31 PM   #21 (permalink)
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..."True Lies"...jamie lee curtis and ahhhnold

...actually, i don't think this is a "caper" movie...more like a spy movie...sorry

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Old 07-16-2009, 01:38 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jetée View Post
Do you see what I mean, though, about including it in this thread's topic?

I think the second half of the film, when the boys unveal their finding to their father and his girlfriend, is the caper'ing part of the feature, and when they are being pursued by the main antagonist who originally threw the funds away.
totally. I was going to include it in my list, but then decided that it didn't fit well enough, or at least wasn't brave enough to try to push it through the polygon.
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Old 07-16-2009, 04:42 PM   #23 (permalink)
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No mention of O Brother, Where Art Thou? or Burn After Reading?

Does The Big Lebowski qualify?
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Old 07-16-2009, 05:26 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Does Heat count? And Layer Cake? I'm trying to figure out of caper is synonymous with heist.

Confidence was fun in a trying too hard kinda way.
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Old 07-16-2009, 06:03 PM   #25 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Will, a caper is more geared towards humour. The heist might have elements of humour, but in the end it's about it being a heist or other such crime (i.e. there is a stronger element of believability).

Derwood, the first two are good ones. I haven't seen The Big Lebowski. (I know, I know....)
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön

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Old 07-16-2009, 06:17 PM   #26 (permalink)
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...Maverick with Mel Gibson, James Garner, and Jodie Foster

...The Sting with Paul Newman and Robert Redford

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Last edited by Shell; 07-17-2009 at 04:28 AM..
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Old 07-16-2009, 06:46 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Fish Called Wanda
Italian Job (original please)
Ocean's Eleven(original again please)

and... cut!
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Old 07-17-2009, 04:49 AM   #28 (permalink)
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...Bonnie and Clyde with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty

...The Pink Panther

...Entrapment with Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones

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Old 07-17-2009, 07:36 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Many that I would've listed have already been. I will add my others and give my nods to those mentioned.

For yuck-yuck type "caper's", I will agree with Shell on "Maverick", very, very fun. I will add "Fargo" and as previously mentioned "Burn After Reading". I long ago had the hot's for Brad Pitt, not so much anymore, but he was what I laughed at the most, perfectly dumb.

I'll have to disagree with Daniel, I own and think the re-make of "The Ladykiller's" is a great caper film. I admit, I am an unabashed Tom Hanks fan but I think his performance was only so-so, and yet I still love the movie overall. If your sense of humor fit's with the movie, you'll love it.

For my contribution as far as "heist" film's go, I can't believe no one has mentioned "Reservoir Dog's". My second pick has already been listed, "The Usual Suspects". Both have small element's of humor but are for the most part serious. My third is "A Simple Plan" with Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton. Not really a heist movie but along the same lines.

Lastly, I will nitpick Shell on "Bonnie and Clyde". It's been many years since I've seen Dunaway/Beatty's movie. There may be comic elements added into the movie but in real life, there was nothing comedic about the duo that were a public enemy. Maybe I need to watch it again, it might have been filmed as a "caper". If so, then my appologies Shell.
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Old 07-17-2009, 08:00 PM   #30 (permalink)
part of the problem
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in addition to all that is mentioned...

welcome to colin wood


woody allen's small time crooks

both i think are "caper" films, comedies about people trying to get away with elaborate crime plans.
onward to mayhem!
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Old 07-17-2009, 08:30 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by n0nsensical View Post
Snatch is far and away my favorite. Just great writing.. Interesting characters.. good plot.. lots of funny one-liners..
Yes yes yes yes yes yes ... YES (sorry Ben Kingsley...) but Snatch was and is one of the best.

But I have a sentimental favourite in the Lavender Hill mob
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Old 07-18-2009, 04:28 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by alicat View Post
Lastly, I will nitpick Shell on "Bonnie and Clyde". It's been many years since I've seen Dunaway/Beatty's movie. There may be comic elements added into the movie but in real life, there was nothing comedic about the duo that were a public enemy. Maybe I need to watch it again, it might have been filmed as a "caper". If so, then my appologies Shell.
...i agree that the true story was not comedic nor was the last scene in the movie (i can't bear to watch it even) but this thread is about movies...not real life...we're talking hollywood. The movie of Bonnie&Clyde with Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty was a mix of violence and comedy...especially with their many botched attempts at robbing banks. Here's one of many humorous scenes:
..."Say what you think. Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" ~ Dr. Seuss
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Old 07-18-2009, 06:26 PM   #33 (permalink)
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I dont think It Takes A Thief or other Hitchcock films were mentioned, maybe because they're obvious.

and hey, what about Three Kings, with Clooney and Wahlberg?
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Last edited by girldetective; 07-18-2009 at 06:28 PM.. Reason: and hey,
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Old 08-05-2009, 08:10 PM   #34 (permalink)
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I just watched Matchstick Men... was not 100% comedy, but some good comedy there.
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Old 09-02-2009, 04:53 AM   #35 (permalink)
rolls good

Demi Moore and Michael Caine in Flawless

Description from IMDB:

"...a diamond-heist thriller set in swinging 1960s London. Demi Moore plays Laura Quinn, a bright, driven and beautiful executive at the London Diamond Corporation who finds herself frustrated by a glass ceiling after years of faithful employment, as man after man is promoted ahead of her despite her greater experience. Michael Caine is Hobbs, the nighttime janitor at London Diamond who is virtually invisible to the executives that work there, but over the years has amassed a startling amount of knowledge about how the company runs. Hobbs has his own bone to pick with London Diamond. Observing Lauras frustration, he convinces her to help him execute an ingenious plan to steal a hefty sum in diamonds. But unbeknownst to Laura, Hobbs plans go even farther..."
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Old 09-02-2009, 03:07 PM   #36 (permalink)
Mine is an evil laugh
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Originally Posted by Shell View Post
...Maverick with Mel Gibson, James Garner, and Jodie Foster
Trivia - James Garner plays the Mel Gibson character in the original TV series (1957-1961)
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Old 09-03-2009, 03:25 AM   #37 (permalink)
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I recently watched RocknRolla, another Guy Ritchie film. Thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue although the plot was kind of predictable in places. Definitely not better than Lock Stock, but worth a viewing nonetheless.

I hae yet to see Snatch, but it'll be delivered in 3-4 working days.
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Ok - can I edit my posts to read "what healer said"?
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