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clavus 10-10-2006 03:32 PM

300 - the movie
Shameless fanboy alert

If it has to do with Frank Miller I'm in love with it. If it has to do with the Battle of Thermopylae, I'm in love with it.

So when I saw this,

I developed a geek-boner of gigantic proportions and splooged all over myself.

This movie is going to kick 18 shades of ass. Read the comic now. Then watch the movie. Looks like they are keeping the movie true to the look and feel of the book.

Jesus. I just splooged again. Gotta go clean up now.


Ch'i 10-10-2006 04:05 PM

Two worries:
- Another chliché war movie? Hope not.
- Hopefully there's more substance than visual effects, slow motion, and artistic scenery.

Aside from that, it looks promising. Frank Miller definitely has a distinct style which suits the the visual exaggeration in comics/graphic novels very well. A stlye I like. Kudos to Frank Miller.

I look foward to it.

Edit: Anyone else think the lead's shouting was kind of funny in its similarity?

Halx 10-10-2006 05:35 PM

That LOOKS amazing. I agree in hoping that the story and the acting match the visuals.

Baraka_Guru 10-10-2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by clavus
Read the comic now. Then watch the movie. Looks like they are keeping the movie true to the look and feel of the book.

I have it on hold at the local library. I should have it in my hands in a matter of hours.

When I saw the featurettes, I was already sold on the movie... and then I saw the trailer...

Mephisto2 10-18-2006 12:29 AM

You could do worse than actually read Book 7 of Herodotus if you're interested in primary sources.

Stephen Pressfield also wrote a relatively popular "historical fiction" book on this same topic called, I believe, the Gates of Fire.

Trailer looks pretty good.

I'm more an ancient history geek than a comic geek, but I'm looking forward to this. But I don't get to go to the movies any more... :(

Mr Mephisto

Arc101 11-22-2006 11:20 AM

This looks very good, hope this is one film that actually lives up to the trailer

Shauk 11-22-2006 11:33 AM

I like the sepia tint ;p

but yeah, looks like a good movie.

Halx 12-10-2006 11:03 PM


New trailer.

I am SO going to see this movie.

Charlatan 12-11-2006 05:39 AM

Looks awesome. I just saw the graphic novel at the book store today too...

Zeraph 12-12-2006 02:28 PM

I agree I cant wait for this. I love Frank Miller's work. I was just made aware of it by a friend a couple weeks ago. I plan to read it first. My friends are passing it around and its my turn to read it next.

And what was it about the grapgics? like everything but the people is computer generated.

KellyC 12-13-2006 12:00 PM

*jaw drops*

I've always loved the Battle of Thermopylae. Not a big Miller fan but this looks very good. Can't wait!!

MexicanOnABike 01-08-2007 01:53 PM

i read the comic books up to #4 just to keep the suspense till the movie gets here. and if they keep the comic book feel, then it'll be awesome!

Redjake 01-08-2007 02:59 PM

I don't know. I LOVED Sin City, but this seems kind of weird. I've seen all the trailers, and it looks like it may be suffering from Casshern Syndrome. Casshern was a movie that came out a while back that had astounding, AMAZING visuals and the trailer was one of the best ever made. And the trailer was better than the movie itself. The entire movie concentrated on a slick, visual appealing look - and has better style and graphics than many movies today. And it sucked. http://www.apple.com/jp/quicktime/tr...ern_large.html

MexicanOnABike 01-08-2007 04:20 PM

ha! i know i saw the movie too. but this wouldnt be miller's 1st movie. After sin city, i know that he can produce some awesome stuff - even if Rodrigez(?) was the director.

i'll keep my hopes up for a good movie this spring since theres nothing too good comming up anyways.

Nikilidstrom 01-08-2007 09:20 PM

Sin City-The Movie was almost a frame-for-frame recreation of Sin City-The Graphic Novel, so if Miller sticks to his guns and gets the same amount of input into this movie, I think it'll be alright.

cujojack 01-09-2007 11:11 PM

I am all about this movie. Did greek history this semester.

Great story... the trailor looks good too.

Mister Coaster 01-10-2007 09:16 AM

I never knew the Ancient Spartans all had access to sterroids and personal trainers... I know, I know... let it go.

This does look like what my family calls a "Bobby Movie," which is a good thing... a big epic with all kinds of fights, action and heroics. We miss you Bobby, we'll go see it for you.

Siege 01-26-2007 05:33 PM

I only saw a trailer on tv a couple days ago, but it looks really interesting. Can't wait for it to come out.

Maveric 03-09-2007 02:21 PM

Just got back from the theater. This review sums up the movie better than I EVER could!


"Prepare for glory!" yowls the granitic and pointy-bearded Spartan king to his virile troops in 300, a handsome monstrosity of a film.

This directive has been repeated on every shred of the movie's advertising, priming audiences for a battle between muscle-head combatants on a beach in ancient Greece. Glory? Sure, there's glory, along with a pop-eyed ogre and a smashingly accessorized Persian god-boy with a brow as plucked as Barbie's.

But brace yourselves for something else, too. Prepare for a film that decapitates with conviction, splatters with glee, poses like a fitness mag, emotes like an opera, intones like a sportscaster and plays out like Homer in the age of comic books. It is to conventional cinema what graphic novels are to prose: mannered, trenchant and chesty. (Not since Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan have an actor's pectorals been so alarming.)

It's also the strangest and most deliriously violent movie I have ever confessed to liking.

300 is based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller (who wrote and illustrated) and Lynn Varley (who created its distinctive, slashy colors) and directed by Zack Snyder, whose waggish re-do of Dawn of the Dead shed similar quantities of blood in a similarly losing battle.

In that film, a brave few mall denizens staved off teeming hordes of the hungry undead. In this one, the brave few are 300 Spartan warriors, 480 B.C., and the teeming hordes are Persian armies on a quest for world domination. The setting has moved from suburban tarmac to the Battle of Thermopylae, where the Greeks fight off invaders at a narrow pass.

Leading the Spartans and their much-wussier Arcadian allies is King Leonidas, he of the pointy beard and Ricardo Montalban bustiness.

I cannot say enough nice things about Leonidas or the actor who plays him, Gerard Butler, who's never been a wispy presence in film (Beowulf and Grendel, Phantom of the Opera) but here comes across as a large hunk of metamorphic rock. He's elemental. So much of the film is so thoroughly green-screened — so beautifully computerized — that I began to wonder whether Butler himself was assembled by techies with only Miller's book and a few Greek myths to guide them.

The whole undertaking has this look about it — this geek-chic celebration of demigod six-packs and mondo-stylized overstatement. Scenes are staged from comic-book angles, with comic-book lighting, casting comic-book shadows that darken vistas of dreamlike trickery. Realism is nowhere to be found, replaced by go-go gory reenactments in which gobs of blood fly in perfect arcs and combat rings with the splish! krak! shkreek! of death by metal pike.

Every few minutes comes a scene of fantastic artifice: the arrival of the Persian disco-king Xerxes (Brazilian star Rodrigo Santoro) on a temple carried by slaves, or a gray cloud of arrows that curve toward Spartans huddled under shields. Snyder's movie is as breathy, epic and expressionistic as many classic silent films, hacking huge emotions from fire-eating dialogue ("Hold! Give up nothing! But take from them everything!") that might have ripped from title cards.

It's airless, but so are graphic novels; it's hyperbolic, but so is the mythos of war. Is 300 faithful to history? For all I know, Spartan foot soldiers yelled "Ah-whoo! Ah-whoo! Ah-whoo!" (sort of a reverse Marine Corps "Hoo-ah!") before plunging into battle.

A better question to ask is: Does the film stay faithful to the Miller and Varley's vision? Indeed it does — to a kunch!

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle


Frosstbyte 03-09-2007 03:20 PM

The highlighted area of that review tells me that everything I hoped and dreamed of will come to delightful fruition. My girlfriend got free passes to see it, so we're going to roll out tomorrow and eat it up.

Val_1 03-09-2007 07:45 PM

I've been waiting anxiously for this movie. I don't know whetehr to see this first, or Zodiac.

Willravel 03-09-2007 07:50 PM

It's quite simply Miller at his best. I was skeptical before Sin City, but with 300 I am not surprised to see a GOOD silver screen interpretation of a graphic novel. So long as you don't mind a scottish brogue on a greek hero, you'll be impressed.

LoganSnake 03-09-2007 08:42 PM

I'm seeing this tomorrow. Cannot wait.

ratbastid 03-09-2007 08:57 PM

We're just back from it.

It's gorgeous. The look and feel is drawn directly from the graphic novel (a la Sin City). There are plenty of literal visual quotes. The battles are incredible. In large part it's extremely faithful to the original.

There's also this tacked on subplot of politics and intrigue back home in Sparta that, frankly, sucked. You could SO tell when the dialog was Miller and when it was Somebody Else. And, in a bizarre act of narrative suicide, the way that subplot got resolved eliminated the necessity of the ending of the main plot.

(Edit: When I say "tacked on", I mean "does not appear in the graphic novel".)

JustJess 03-09-2007 09:36 PM

Seeing it tomorrow in IMAX - reviews to come!!

jth 03-09-2007 09:48 PM

i just found out about this movie (not having a tv or care about hollywood a lot) but man, I have to see this movie. It's eating at me.... tomorrow I think I'm gonna have to make this work somehow

Cynthetiq 03-09-2007 10:05 PM

I just got back from it.... I don't go to movies to pay to watch for over 2 years now (I get to go to screeners most the time)

I enjoyed it.

Visually stunning, very gory, very stimulating, very much like watching a comic book. excellent.

DaveOrion 03-09-2007 10:33 PM

I didnt want to check this thread at first, but then I realized the story has been told a million times, and hopefully the movie is all about great cinematography, the coolest special effects, and superb acting....I Hope!!!!!! Can Not Wait To See It!!!!

Jove 03-10-2007 05:40 AM

Fantastic movie! After watching it, I feel like fighting!

desal75 03-10-2007 06:53 AM

I want to see this movie really bad but I don't think my wife would like it. My son would like it but I'm sure its too violent for an 11 year old. I don't want to wait for the DVD cause I'm guessing its one of those movies better in a theatre. What do I do!?!?!?!?!

LoganSnake 03-10-2007 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by desal75
I want to see this movie really bad but I don't think my wife would like it. My son would like it but I'm sure its too violent for an 11 year old. I don't want to wait for the DVD cause I'm guessing its one of those movies better in a theatre. What do I do!?!?!?!?!

Go to the theater alone? It's one of those movies that you have to watch with the full theater because some moments will have you want to yell at the screen which will be picked up by the rest.

The above according to about 7 people I know who have seen it yesterday. I'm seeing it with a friend tonight at 6:15 downtown Chicago. You know it's going to be packed! Got the tickets pre-ordered.

pacaveli 03-10-2007 12:15 PM

i went last night, it is simply one of the best action flicks i've seen in a long time. Gory, brutal, everything i love about ancient wars.

a must see for 2007, probably a must own on dvd as well

snowy 03-10-2007 12:21 PM

I went and saw it last night, and I enjoyed it very much. It was somehow less violent than I expected it to be. I had read some reviews that said the violence was really over-the-top. Certainly, some of the violence was particularly gory, but it seemed to be gory in an artful way.

Overall, it was a beautiful movie, Gerard Butler was wonderful, and I would recommend it. And ladies, the Spartan army is breathtaking.

Kadath 03-10-2007 04:16 PM

Time to swim against the tide:

300 was dull. It was ridiculous. I was not interested in what was happening. The visual shots are just like the Spartans themselves -- the same thing, over and over. The audience laughed several times at things that were not meant to be funny. There were interesting aspects and scenes, but on the whole this movie only works as a trailer.

Astrocloud 03-10-2007 04:51 PM

I just wish they'd adapt The Dark Knight Returns.

I really didn't like the comic book that much. Not that I don't love Miller's storylines -I love them. I just hate his artwork. There's too much overkill on the use of ink.

I will probably see the movie. Hmmm. let me check my listings.

Halx 03-10-2007 07:10 PM

(Maveric, whoever wrote that review [you should give credit] should be dragged out and shot for their verbage.)

I just got back from seeing it on the IMAX. I enjoyed it immensely. I enjoyed it to the point where I feel like ramming a 10 foot pike down the throat of the next yuppie who feels like criticizing this movie for not having enough character or plot development. How moronic do you need to be to watch a movie like 300 (with all the hype, too) and EXPECT some sort of melodramatic oscar performance? This isn't a movie about King Leonidas. This isn't a movie about a long, drawn-out war. This is a movie about A BATTLE. A BATTLE! If you know that much, you get what you ask for and you get it good.

After watching it, I begin to wonder if the people criticizing the abundance of "flesh" might be the insecure type. What's the matter? Can't look at a beautifully shaped human body (much less a few dozen of them) on a movie screen without complaining? I gotta be honest... if all men in movies looked that good, I might have to add a point to my Kinsey scale rating. Though, to save me, the oracle girl was beautiful in her own special way. A great visual scene, that one.

Don't be bitching about character and plot development. To quote a review I saw on rotten tomatoes: You don't go to Hooters for the chicken wings, and you don't go to 300 for the plot intricacies.

Maveric 03-10-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Halx
(Maverick, whoever wrote that review [you should give credit] should be dragged out and shot for their verbage.)

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

and it's Maveric (no K)...


Halx 03-10-2007 09:38 PM

Changed it for you :p

Oh, and I have another word for those complaining about the realism: No.

Seriously, I feel like I shouldn't have to defend a movie that was adapted from a glorified, highly stylized COMIC BOOK. Apparently people didn't get that part. Besides, aren't we all a bit tired of real bad blood makeup? The 2D blood splatters are way cool in light of what could be some corny blood sprays. The exaggeration is what some people call "style" ... and style is usually accepted in something those same people call "art."

So we didn't like the unrealistic creatures and characters? Spoiler: Well let's not forget that this story was told as an account from someone who was personally picked by the King for his storytelling ability. How do you think he's going to describe elephants, rhinos and other foreign things (people who look different?) that he'd never seen before?

I know everyone's allowed to think what they want, but that doesn't mean they aren't being short-sighted for thinking it. Until someone digs up some expose about how this movie was supposed to be a slick political thriller with undertones of personal faith and ultimately a love story... please don't complain about the lack thereof. If you just paid $11 dollars thinking it was gonna be any more than what it was, you need to think more before spending your next buck.


Of course, if you don't like it for what it really IS, then.. ok. Fine.

(Oh, and a little sub note... I know none of this criticism has taken place in this thread... I was just so taken aback by the opinions I've seen posted on the internet by viewers and critics. Don't you wish some people would just shut up and be entertained?)

Destrox 03-10-2007 10:04 PM

This movie freakin' kicked all ass that it was ment to kick.

Serious the group of 6 of us all loved it.

Drawn in by the amazing art and style, the story told well, and it captivated us the whole time.

8.5/10 easy.

jth 03-10-2007 10:27 PM

I just got in. I loved it, a very enjoyable movie. I went in with certain expectations and they were all met.... here they are

1 - Lots of interesting and different combat scenes - Check
2 - Yelling and Screaming - Check
3 - Some sort of Backstory back in Sparta that I don't think added anything yet gave us a break from all the action and didn't take away from the movie - Check
4 - Great special effects and shots
5 - Outstanding fight sequences check again.

No, ther wasn't much character development. We must understand that the points trying to get across were that these Spartans were warriors to the bone. They were born to fight and die for their country and that's the sort of people they were exactly, they were asked to fight for their King and they went with him and died with him.

I sort of didn't really want Farimir (yeah yeah) to live, I wanted him to die as well, it seemed a bit anticlimaxtic although he did go on to lead the Greek army to victory later so I can deal with that just fine. I was worried all the slo-mo would piss me off but I really thought it was perfect. I like how it seemed like watching a live graphic novel instead of a movie based on one.

All the freaks and creatures, I agree that this was told as if through the memories of a story teller, and in a lot of ways these Greeks would have nothing to base their perceptions of a charging rhyno or elephants off of except for exaggeration for the sake of boosting moral.

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