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#41 (permalink) | ||||||
Dragonlich yes I have that wall feeling too
![]() Crime will disappear, there will be nothing to steal. People will stop being lonely, and each for himself, hating others that are "better off". There will be communities where all know each other, so you why steal or do harm to your friends ? Did you know that in the Maldive islands until 1960 when India established a police post there, there were no thieves ? The concept itself was unknown to the locals. Also see this : First contact with Amazon tribe: Quote:
Face to face with Stone Age man: The Hadzabe tribe of Tanzania | Mail Online Quote:
Look at those stories. Our "civilized" world must be very lonely for them. Look at those people - moved into modern homes they died. Not having the freedom to go anywhere and do what they like killed them. That is real freedom. We are half humans, or we are "anesthetized", and we don't know it, this is the only reason we are able to live in this crazy system. For me an advanced civilization is measured by the way people behave to each other. Not by how much technology they have. Technology can be good, not in the way we use it today. - to get money. I am sure people will not be bored in my society, there will be plenty of organizations going on and doing stuff. Even build a space shuttle if you get enough to want it. They will work to see their dream come true, they know they are not working for the good or the comfort of the boss. He is just there to organize stuff, he gets nothing extra. Maybe he gets "fame" if he is good. There will be no democracy in choosing him. He will chose himself others will just approve him, or another, because there is nothing forcing them to work under him if they don't like it. Only really good and skilled people will be listened by others. More stories : Quote:
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" Last edited by pai mei; 02-20-2009 at 02:04 AM.. |
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#42 (permalink) | |
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" |
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#44 (permalink) | ||||
Location: Fauxenix, Azerona
You repeat over and over that with the proper technology, agriculture could be efficient enough to sustain the world at a subsistence level existence with a fraction of the population working. I'm going to copy and paste my answer from your last thread, as it still applies here. I'm not going to put it in quotes, because people tend to read past them, but here goes: What about the people who manufacture and engineer the farming equipment? What about the people who drive the trucks and trains and planes to distribute the goods, and the people who build them? What about the people who process the food, and the people who build the machines that process the food? What about the power generation and distribution to power all of this utopia, both due to the electric grid and the petroleum needed to fuel the farm and transportation equipment? What about the computers to coordinate the production and distribution of this food, and the networks to support that coordination? What about the distribution centers for the food? What about the space industry needed to support the network of satellites that allows GPS to function, thus enabling super efficient automated farming? Now we need rocket scientists, too! And that is just for food! We also need to manufacture and distribute clothing and shelter, and all of the things that go along with both of those. I'd assume we still need running water, so you still need that utility company as well, and we'll need roads constructed and maintained to get the food to everyone, so we still need civil engineers and construction workers. Plus, if we're going to have vehicles driving and flying around, we need repair shops, and subassembly manufacturers (I make seatbelts!). What you are describing is a society benefiting from extreme specialization, but without any of the neccessary industries to support that specialization. If you want to maintain the level of efficiency you seem to desire in agriculture, I think you would need to maintain a startlingly large segment of the manufacturing and engineering base. (end quote) From: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/general...ml#post2562298 We are such a web of related technologies that to suggest abolishing any arm leads to so many cascading shortages all the way up and down the industrial base it's damn near incomprehensible. Quote:
I know that if I personally were dropped in the woods naked, it would take me probably a couple years before I could make a decent 2x4, let alone plexiglass, window screen, caulk, and some lag screws, and you're fooling yourself if you think you could do any better. Tools make tools to make materials to make tools to make parts that make stuff, and once you break that chain it's really hard to go back. Quote:
twisted no more Last edited by telekinetic; 03-24-2009 at 12:10 PM.. |
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#45 (permalink) |
I said 20 % work. Now 3 % work in agriculture. So until 20% you have the rest that build the farming machines and hospitals and schools - to maintain knowledge, and people are free to use it. Not forced to have only what the system gives. There will be no more power grid, unless someone builds it because he wants to. The system will not cook your food. Will not build your home. But there will be no hungry or homeless people. So lazy to not cook your food or build a home when you have all the free time ? Sorry for that. But there will be communities. People will help each other build homes and improve their surroundings. And maybe one day , bored after a party that lasted years, peopel will say "let's build this or that, to show the others from the next town what we can". This is the way an advanced civilization behaves as I see it. Building and inventing just for fun.
See here : http://www.monitorulsv.ro/Local/2009...aceeasi-celula In this village the water destroyed the bridge. Because the company that was supossed to build it back was lazy or wanted to keep getting money for nothing being friends with the mayor or whatever, the villagers got together and built a bridge. No money no nothing. And now they face jail for "building a bridge on a public road". This is the crazy world we live in. I did live in the country and know about cooking food and living with no tv and electricity. But all this I see as a transition phase to a society where there is no system anyomore and people live in vilalges self sustainable and so on. But that is kind of impossible. Need to be much less people on the planet to live in villages and be sustainable and without modern farming. So I remain with my idea, I am sure the destruction of the planet would be slowed down a lot in that kind of world.
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" Last edited by pai mei; 03-24-2009 at 01:59 PM.. |
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#46 (permalink) | |
Think I am trying to destroy civilization ? What civilization ? Make the police and army disappear, and you will realize that they were the only thing holding us together in this form. Chaos will follow.
This crisis will not end. There will be people who live in tents, and houses will be empty. There will be people who are hungry but there will be enough food. Very advanced. People use masks each day. A mask at work "the good servant of Mr. Boss". A mask on the street "the respectable citizen". Some have even a mask at home, because they wore the mask for so long that they think they are that mask, that person. These masks allow us to simulate "order". To sleep and think of how "civilized" we are. And are not enough, we need an external force too - the police. Imagine that we get a news that an asteroid is coming towards us. There will be panic, and everything will break down. Because everything is artificial. It's not us. It's not even ours. You build a great building but you can't touch it. Go live in a tent. It's built while we are wearing masks, or forced to wear them to survive. Aren't we always "advancing" ? Isn't there a level under which we cannot descend ? No, it appears not. Cave people with technology we are. We do not know how to behave but call ourselves "advanced". Quote:
Look at the extinct american indians. What do you think they would do in case they knew an asteroid would wipe them out ? Looting ? Killing ? Chaos ? No. Because they had no masks to put on each day. They cannot break out and be "wild and free", they already were wild and free. Their behavior was sincere each day. They did not need police to protect them from themselves. They had this concept that telling another what do to was a very rude act. In fact it showed weakness by the one who did it. So nobody was telling another what to do. Yet they stayed together. Not forced, not slaves to each other, and not unhappy. Amazing.
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" Last edited by pai mei; 03-29-2009 at 02:35 AM.. |
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#47 (permalink) | ||||||||
A tribe in Brasil.
The Marvelous Piraha Quote:
Labeling the World Quote:
http://www.rosenoire.org/archives/Hagakure.pdf Quote:
http://www.ashidakim.com/zenkoans/16notfar...buddhahood.html Quote:
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" Last edited by pai mei; 04-01-2009 at 01:17 PM.. |
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#48 (permalink) | |||
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" Last edited by pai mei; 04-07-2009 at 03:41 AM.. |
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#49 (permalink) |
Mentally sane and mentally insane groups of people.
Logical and natural sharing of necessary work : A group of sane Homo Sapiens of the 21 century on a mountain trip. In the evening someone gathers wood, someone cooks, next evening another and so on. Then all eat. Or they all go after some wood each evening, and take turns to cook, means less work for all. That is nice. Now let's see how insane people organize themselves: A group of mentally ill escaped from some hospital on a mountain trip : in the evening someone gathers wood, someone cooks, then they are the only ones that eat. Same thing next evening. The group is large, they can't fit all together near the pot , so they cannot all cook. They can all gather wood but there is no need. So they being as crazy as they are say "who does not work does not eat !". No matter that there is no need for all to work, and not even that, sometimes there is no room enough. They decide "all who want food must work ! whatever , we don't care !" So some crazy people start cutting the forest to make wooden easter bunnies, some are sent to dig holes then fill them up again, some run around just being crazy, and so on. The idea of dividing the necessary work to all, gaining lots of free time for all cannot pass trough their minds. Free time in which they can obtain other non essential stuff as they wish. They are crazy after all, hate each other, and they hate happy people with nothing to do the most. What can you ask.. If I add the money system ? The insane people get complicated start printing little green papers, play a game called "economy". They trash the mountain, playing the game, working to produce garbage, but because of the rules of the game they get more and more green papers, which they can trade for food. All is well until some "crisis" appears in their over complicated system, and the ones doing non essential work are again left without food, someone among them decided that. Being crazy they can eat their pieces of green paper, that is an advantage. How did we as a civilization got to fear free time ? All the inventions we made, were they not meant to free us from work ? To help us work less ? Yes they were, and the first organization - the one of the sane people was what the inventors had in mind if they were thinking of more free time for the poor workers. But no, we being crazy have chosen the second way to organize ourselves, making all the inventions useless. More and more work, trash the planet ! All must work !
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" |
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#50 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
There comes a point where a thread is no longer a discussion and starts to transform into a blog. We've reached that point here. Thread closed until someone other than pai mei has something to say. If that's you, let a staffer know.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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capitalism, work |