02-21-2009, 11:40 AM
#41 (permalink)
Originally Posted by flstf
But the terrible thing that has happened here is that these mortgages were bundled and leveraged to the point that the entire world's banking systems and economies are now failing all because of a real estate price correction. A correction that most halfway intelligent people knew was way over due. The people who are responsible for these derivatives, tranches, hedge funds or whatever they are called have done far worse than irresponsible borrowers. Instead of investors just taking a loss we must now go through world wide economic collapse.
The sticking point is that housing prices have steadily risen since the the 1930s. This is what rationalized the risky subprime lending practices in my opinion. Adjustable rate mortgages and easy loans would never have occurred in a declining housing market, so in this sense I can understand why the mortgages were securitized and so heavily invested in by Wall Street.
I saw the recent Frontline episode - very informative.
60 Minutes did a report on it as well: link
Last edited by powerclown; 02-21-2009 at 11:52 AM..