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Old 02-11-2007, 10:01 AM   #1 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Location: North side
Clit Hood Piercing

So, being the new piercing entheusaist that I am, yesterday I went to my favorite piercer and got my clit hood pierced

For those of you who are thinking about getting it done (like in the nipples thread), it sounds about a hundred times worse than it actually was. Now, I have in my opnion the best piercer within about a thousand miles, and I know that has EVERYTHING to do with how my expierence went, but considering where I was getting pierced it didn't hurt at all.

I would say the sensation was one of "Extreme weird discomfort." I know you guys are all going but it really wasn't a sensation that could be described as pain. The really cool thing is that it's not sore AT ALL, and isn't sore to the touch at all. Hubby says it looks like I've had it for years and years- no swelling either. Everyone's body is different but I'm super happy that mine is taking this piercing so well.

SO, ladies, are you thinking about getting one? Do you have one? What do you think about them? And, if you'd like a description of exactly how mine went, let me know and I'll tell ya!
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Old 02-11-2007, 01:29 PM   #2 (permalink)
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That's a peircing I've been looking into getting for a while now. The boyfriend is into it as well, so I guess that's a plus I hear peircings down there heal a lot quicker than anywhere else on the body because of the blood flow. And that sex isn't off limits for any real amount of time, as long as your careful not to get any fluids in there. Is that what you were told as well?
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Old 02-12-2007, 08:02 AM   #3 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Yeah, pretty much Storm. I was told that I could have sex whenever I felt my piercing was ready. Right now (Monday) it still feels a little sore, and I don't know how good it'd feel to have sex yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I can touch it and play with the piercing a little bit and it doesn't hurt AT ALL. I cannot stress how much it DOESN'T hurt! It's really incredible. It's not even oozing any healing fluid or anything... sooo neat!
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 02-12-2007, 12:15 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Virginia
I've been curious and thought about doing that piercing a few times.

I'm single now but I still think about it. My only question is.... how in the heck do you change out the rings (are they called rings? ) ?

I don't know.... I hate needles... I hate pain...but for the life of me as soon as I can afford to I'm heading off for tattoos. And I just might go for that type of piercing next. Who knows.... I'm on a life of starting over. Change can be good. And even though this isn't part of the subject. Would changing a hood piercing be like changing the belly button one? I'm one of those people that likes different jewelry to change when I do wear them.
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Old 02-12-2007, 09:43 PM   #5 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Hrm... you know I have no idea!

Just by looking at mine I'd imagine it'd be easy because it's a rather straightforward piercing- plus mine is done at a 14 g so the hole is gonna be rather large. However, ask whoever you're thinking about getting done by!

Also, make sure they're Association of Professional Piercers certified and that you like them, cause that's a rather private area!
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 02-13-2007, 03:34 PM   #6 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
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What else have you had pierced lately, Sage?

I'm curious to hear about what happens during sex. I'd be really scared of some kind of tearing (if it caught on something, for example)... yowwch!! Worse than an earring getting caught, somehow. Then again, maybe it's all smooth and feels great with the extra sensation on the clit below... let us know how it goes, eh?

... on second thought, I suppose the only way it would get caught is if your man had a Prince Albert or something like that. Like kissing with braces!!
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Old 02-13-2007, 05:32 PM   #7 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Funny you mentioned the PA... Martel got one done on Saturday! We had them done together because they heal at pretty much the same rate, and that way we'd be out of commission at the same time.

I have mine pierced with a barbell, and honestly the only time I've ever even remotely thought there'd be a chance of it catching on something is when I'm soaping up with a loofa in the shower- so I just scrub down there really gently. It's in a VERY tucked away kind of place, so there's not really a chance of it getting caught or anything like that.

As to what I've had pierced... well, I had my nose pierced last weekend, and then last Saturday did some play piercing at a fetish show (that was also done by my piercer). That inspired me to get my clit hood done at the same time Martel had his PA done, and now I'm looking to get at least two hoops in my labia, and two orbitals in my lower ear lobe. I am really, really liking all this body adornment stuff
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 02-14-2007, 07:03 AM   #8 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
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Thanks for starting this thread and providing the info Sage. A clit hood piercing is something I've wanted for quite awhile, and still hope to get one day when the money and timing is right (along with a few others). It's great to hear from someone "real" about the experience, and that it was a good one for them. I don't have a huge problem with pain, but it's still comforting to know that at least in that very sensitive area, it's not much of an issue!

Since you mentioned it, how does one go about finding out if their piercer is Association of Professional Piercers certified? Is there a good online database perhaps? And like you also mentioned, you want to be sure you're comfortable with the piercer; because of this, did they let you come in and have a consultation first? Was there a period where you just got to talk to the piercer about want you want done, how they do things, etc, or did you just go in and say "they seem nice." Since I am looking to have more piercings done, just thought I'd get some advice. Thanks!
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides"
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Old 02-14-2007, 07:52 AM   #9 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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The way I found my piercer was last spring, when I went to have my ears pierced for the very first time, my hubby was looking online at the shops in the area and saw that this particular shop had a really good reputation and that the piercer was APP certified. If they're certified, they'll definitely be advertising it- my piercer has her certificate on the wall behind the counter when you first walk in. Also, my hubby and I had gone into another tattoo/piercing shop (ironically, one that had been voted "best of" for seven years running in the local indie newspaper) and it grossed me out so much I had to leave.

When I decided I wanted Shannon to pierce me, I went in (this was again, back when I had my ears pierced) and talked with her before I even did anything. Asked a ton of questions- and she had answers for all of them. Plus, she was really nice and was treating my "dinky earlobe piercing" as seriously as she would have treated something more complicated. That's why I only go to her!

She's done all my piercings- earlobes, nipples, nose, and clit hood, and we've grown to be good friends over the course of the year. To me, that's the kind of person you want handling your sensitive bits! Don't feel embarassed about doing a "dry run" to the shop- most places expect and appreciate that you're not just some fly by night person looking to get a quick piercing, but someone who cares about your body and who might turn into a repeat customer if they treat you right!
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 02-14-2007, 02:17 PM   #10 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Great thread Sage, I'm somewhat of a "body modification" person but I haven't yet had the chance to get many piercings. I just moved so I need to find a good piercer but I'm told there's a very good tattoo shop in town and my roommate wants to go get another tattoo so I may tag along so I can see what they're like and if they have a good piercer. (I can't wait hehe) There aren't many good tattoo artists in Arizona so if I could find a tattoo artist and a piercer in one place that would be awesome. And I will make sure to check about the certification!

As far as clit hood piercings...I kinda want one but that is really the one area of my body that I am self consious about. I'm leaving that as a "we'll see" piercing for after my nipples.

I agree with Sage that if you have a good piercer who you're comfortable with the experience is much more positive. It seems like this goes for tattoo artists too, which makes sense.

Ah, I ramble
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Old 02-14-2007, 05:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Virginia
The trouble that I'm presented with for doing that kind of personal piercing is that any shops that would do that sort are a 2-4 hour drive depending on where you go. I don't think many of them are online for me to check out on part of the details.

The tattoo shop that I'm going to be going to is one that (this is gonna be funny) my ex boyfriend's uncle actually goes to. He's a guy that I've known the last 5 years and I trust him about this shop being good, clean and such. A little on the high price side, but I'm like him, I expect to have good work done. He had a totally awesome wrist tattoo done couple of days before Thanksgiving. It was a Harley Davidson symbol on the front part of the wrist then went with a chain from one side around to the other. Being less than a couple days done, there was no redness, swelling or anything that I could see. I'm not sure if any of that occurs though.

I'm not going to be able to get comfortable with someone and get to know them. However, if it were to be a woman doing the piercing, I'm sure I'd be alot more comfortable. To me it'd be like going in for my annual checkup. I don't feel as nervous when dealing with a woman. But, I'm going to see if I can find anything online. Being this area though... I'm bound to not have much luck.
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Old 02-15-2007, 04:22 PM   #12 (permalink)
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I got my VCH piercing almost 2 months ago....BEST things I've EVER spent money on...

As far as the pain...it felt like I got bit by accident and then it immediately went away. Don't know if anyone's ever been bitten "down there" but that's the sensation I had. I also didn't even feel it for about 3 hours after it happened and after that any discomfort I had was just my body getting used to a new piece of metal sitting there.

Sex the first time after was interesting...more so because my partner was trying to be gentle...but after he got over it I've had an AWESOME time. If you're a lady who has yet to experience a full body orgasm...this piercing is for you!

Oh, and I'd like to add that before I got it done I was EXTREMELY shy about being naked in front of others...professionals make this piercing alot easier to have done.
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Old 02-20-2007, 06:59 AM   #13 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Just checking in...

It's been a little bit over a week, and I feel like I've had my piercing forever. There's NO soreness, and I don't have to be as careful when I wipe after peeing as I did the first few days.

It's such a pretty little piercing.... I'm so glad I had it done!
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 02-20-2007, 09:13 AM   #14 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Mmn, no soreness..that sounds nice.
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Old 02-21-2007, 09:32 AM   #15 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
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Originally Posted by onodrim
Since you mentioned it, how does one go about finding out if their piercer is Association of Professional Piercers certified?
I received a PM from one of our male members in response to my question, and it's full of great information so I'm gonna put it up here for everyone to read.

"The only thing APP membership means is that they paid dues and may have passed cursory checks of the shop.

The best way to find a good piercer is to search through stories at http://www.bmezine.com/pierce/bme-pirc.html and see who has a decent number of good experiences (look for people saying that the piercer paid close attention to sterility, took everything from a new bag or autoclave bag, and gave good aftercare instructions, and had no problems with healing, or if they had problems healing, that the piercer knew exactly what to do.)

A good piercer will be glad to show you a portfolio of their work (refusal or not keeping a gallery are both red flags,) and autoclave spore test records.

Everything should be clean and well-kept, and the studio should be separated into counter, waiting room, piercing room, sterilization room, and bathroom. None of those should be combined.

If something makes you uncomfortable, don't get a piercing done there. Listen to instinct.

The last one is a biggie for establishing basic credibility in my eyes. If they answer wrong, don't get pierced there because they're not concerned about your safety or health. Ask if they use piercing guns. Good piercers will tell you that they wouldn't touch a piercing gun with a ten foot pole, and even better, will explain that they 1: are a big risk for blood-borne diseases because they can't be sterilized, and 2: piercing guns insert studs with a spring (if you're lucky enough to have it penetrate fully on the first try,) and that a stud forced through tissue rips through via blunt force trauma rather than the clean incision of a piercing needle."
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides"
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Old 02-21-2007, 01:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Originally Posted by onodrim
"The last one is a biggie for establishing basic credibility in my eyes. If they answer wrong, don't get pierced there because they're not concerned about your safety or health. Ask if they use piercing guns. Good piercers will tell you that they wouldn't touch a piercing gun with a ten foot pole, and even better, will explain that they 1: are a big risk for blood-borne diseases because they can't be sterilized, and 2: piercing guns insert studs with a spring (if you're lucky enough to have it penetrate fully on the first try,) and that a stud forced through tissue rips through via blunt force trauma rather than the clean incision of a piercing needle."[/b]
Smart man, I have to second this. I have also found that piercings done with needles are much less painful or not painful at all compared to guns.
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Old 02-21-2007, 01:59 PM   #17 (permalink)
Fade out
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I'm not a fan of body piercings, a turn off for me.

the one I do think looks great is nose piercings, very hot.

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Old 02-24-2007, 10:45 AM   #18 (permalink)
I am a piercing junkie - currently I have 14 (vertical and horizontal in both nipples, four in my navel, an industrial, custom industrial, horizontal lobes, and regular lobes). In the past, I also had eyebrow, nose, toungue, and lip (although at different times - I did not go for the *cluttered* look ). I also like tattoos, but only have one. I make myself think about a tattoo for at least a year before I will get it.

So, as you can guess, I am running out of places to pierce! Until recently, I also said I would never go below the belt. However, I have decided to do the clit hood piercing, and am so excited!! I will probably go today to my favorite piercing place. I am nervous to be pantless with a semi-stranger going at me with a needle, but it sounds like it will be a better procedure than the nipples (OWWW! ).

The other procedure I am extremely excited about is anchoring. It is similar to pocketing. The jewelery is implanted in the skin, and it is in only one spot (as opposed to two in traditional piercing - in and out holes). I am not really sure if that makes sense, but the jewelry kind of like a socket, and you can screw in different jewels. The result looks like one of those crystal adhesive jewels that people place around their eyes/elsewhere. I really want one on each side of my collar bone (below the bone, at the most concave part - to keep them hidden for work). My only concern is that I hike a lot, and my Camelback/pack will probably rest right on the jewelery. So when I go in for the hood piercing, I will ask more questions about the healing of the anchors. The other concern I have is they are semi-permanent (at least extremely hard/uncomfortable to take out). If anyone is interested in more information on the anchors, I am happy to let you know what my awesome piercer tells me today.

Have a great day, and I will be back to post about my experience today!
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Old 02-24-2007, 11:55 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: MA
I love piercings and tattoos, but only have the basics of the first and none of the second right now. I was really interested in getting a clit hood piercing a year or so ago, but I was a little scared off by what I read during my research. Is it true that there's a risk (beyond the usual risk that absolutely anything can happen) of lost sensation in the clit if the piercer makes a mistake? Very few things scare me more than that! Also, is the stimulation from the piercing really as good as it sounds? I had thought about the Christina just because I like how it looks, though I guess there are no sensation gains (that would rule).

Oh, and I forgot to say congratulations on your new piercing! It is exciting.
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Old 02-26-2007, 02:35 AM   #20 (permalink)
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I'm pretty sure that after its been there for a while the sensation will no longer be what it once was...I'm also pretty sure that since it's going into your body there are places it could be put that could cause your sensations to go a little haywire. The stimulation I get is crazy...I have to push it out of the way at times...good stuff.
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Old 03-01-2007, 08:51 AM   #21 (permalink)
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I had my clit hood pierced several years ago, and it was painful, but only for the instant it took the needle to pierce the skin. I have a small clit/hood, and had a vertical piercing done, and had their smallest barbell put in.
I enjoyed it, but it did sometimes feel uncomfortable, which I attributed to the size of my clit hood. After a time, I was worried about the irritation ( no infection or reaction, just uncomfortableness), and having a friend at that time with a ruined nipple from a rejected piercing, I opted that I loved my womanly parts more than the piercing, and removed it after having it for about 8 months.

I wish now that I would have been more patient and stuck it out, I miss it.

I have to laugh at the idea of using a piercing gun to do a clit hood piercing.

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Old 03-01-2007, 07:57 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Machesney Park, IL
I got my clit pierced about two years ago as a surprise birthday present for my husband...Let's just say it has worked out great for both of us! I didn't have much pain or discomfort from the piercing at all and was able to have sex almost immediately (with doggie-style being the position of choice of course).
In regards to changing the actual piece of jewelry I have my husband do it. I am sure I could do it alone but it would definitely be difficult depending on the jewelry. You can find some pretty outrageous pieces to wear. I have one that actually lights up and changes colors!
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Old 03-01-2007, 10:12 PM   #23 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Is it true that there's a risk (beyond the usual risk that absolutely anything can happen) of lost sensation in the clit if the piercer makes a mistake?
Keep in mind that there's a difference between the CLIT and the HOOD. The clit is like the female penis- packed with nerves, makes for orgasms, that sort of thing. Most piercers won't pierce the actual clit because it's got so many nerves that the loss of sensation is almost gaurenteed. The clit HOOD is the skin that coveres the clit most of the time, and it's just loose skin, thus there's a very small chance of hitting anything important while piercing it. The main stimulation with a clit hood piercing comes from the jewelry rubbing against the clit.
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
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Old 03-11-2007, 08:19 PM   #24 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Suzz04
I'm single now but I still think about it. My only question is.... how in the heck do you change out the rings (are they called rings? ) ?

I don't know.... I hate needles... I hate pain...but for the life of me as soon as I can afford to I'm heading off for tattoos. And I just might go for that type of piercing next. Who knows.... I'm on a life of starting over. Change can be good. And even though this isn't part of the subject. Would changing a hood piercing be like changing the belly button one? I'm one of those people that likes different jewelry to change when I do wear them.

I've had my VCH for about three years and do change the beads (the little balls on the end) from time to time. It's kind of hard work though, with the weird angle you have to bend to see what you're doing. Plus, if there's any moisture, everything gets slippery. I would suggest going to a piercer to have them change the beads or ring for you, that way your abs won't cramp up and you know the bead will be screwed on tight and won't fall off!
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Old 03-18-2007, 05:52 PM   #25 (permalink)
I new to piercing i dont have anything pierced besides my ears but im interested in getting my VCH pierced mostly because i heard I it feels great but im concerned that something might go wrong or that it will be rejected what happens when its rejected?
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Old 03-21-2007, 08:57 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: Canada
i've had my VCH done for a couple of years now, and it's by far my favourite. and i am a much bigger fan of veritcal than horizontal, by the sound of things. does anyone else's barbell oever get flipped around? mine sometimes does and it's not painful at the time but then after a while i notice and it's a bit uncomfortable.
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Old 04-05-2007, 10:20 AM   #27 (permalink)
Location: illinois
VCH Peircing

I wanna get my VCH done i have 20 peircings ears 8 on each, both nips, tounge,eye and ive been wanting to get another done and im really likeing the sexapeal of the verticle hood and the internet doesnt give good info and im a picky person when it comes to pericings!!! if some one could e-mail me some info to help me decide yes or no TYTYT
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Old 05-05-2007, 12:03 AM   #28 (permalink)
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I'm so glad you guys have all had good experiences with that, I've heard a couple horror stories, but mostly positives. It's never been something that I've been personally interested in doing, but then again I haven't gotten anything pierced in ages. I just have a couple in each ear, the top of my one ear (that is the most pain in the ass thing as I'm sure most of you can atest too) and my navel which I had gotten done for my 12th birthday (I'm 24now). I had heard that a lot of people have trouble with migration with navel piercings, but I've had mine for half my life now and it's never moved. I had a stud in my nose too, but had issues with it and had to take it out, although I'd love to get it redone. I guess I'm more into tattoo's, I have 5. I just love the feeling of getting it done and the sound and the whole experience. I can't imagine that anyone could ever get a VCH done with a gun though!! I mean, I had my ear lobes done with a gun when I was just a kid, but even those I think are smarter to get done with a needle.
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Old 05-29-2007, 04:26 PM   #29 (permalink)
Location: illinois
i have 20 peircings and im looking into the VCH "verticle hood" to add to my collection! what are some questions i should ask the peircer person and whats the best thing to wear?
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clit, hood, piercing

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