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darksparkles 06-07-2003 11:47 AM

what's the weirdest thing that's been in there?
the thread on virginity loss in general discussion got me thinking a lot about past sexual events of mine, and i thought this might be an interesting question for the ladies lounge:
what's the weirdest thing that you've ever had in your pussy?

with me, personally, its a glowstick. my ex's best friend and him had a huge thing about glowsticks, and his best friend put a glowstick in his girlfriend so of course my boyfriend felt a need to jump the bandwagon. i imagine it looked pretty funny from his point of view.

awanderingsoul 06-07-2003 08:18 PM

Tapered candle. Didn't light it, though. Here's the story: Back when I was young and still a virgin, some of my girlfriends and I were sitting around talking about what else, sex. One of the girls had had sex with her boyfriend, and was telling us how it felt. The talk was getting me kind of horny, and later, when I was alone, I began to masturbate and thought that I had to feel somethng inside me. The candle was the only thing I could find at the time.

awanderingsoul 06-13-2003 05:15 PM

Come on girls, don't leave me hanging here, surely someone has something else to share! Don't let me think that darksparkles and I are the only strange ones here!

Molly Moon 06-13-2003 05:19 PM

tequila bottle


Will not tell the story though. Sorry.

SiN 06-14-2003 01:34 AM

a carrot.

i dun remember if i ate it afterwards or not. i was kinda young :p

Xapphire 06-14-2003 01:35 AM


I don't know why he wanted to play with me with a vegetable, but I let him, I let Jaid do just about anything to me... made him warm it up though... he used it on me cold first... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

I've used some strange things on my own during my teenage years, household stuff - candles, bottles, utensil handles - stuff that could be stuck through the dishwasher and put back or tossed out so that there wasn't evidence of me masturbating someplace brothers, mother or stepdad could find.

I've got 8 years at least (hopefully) before I have to think about this with my girls, but I'll definitely talk to them about masturbation, not let it be something that's unsaid and have them worry about it. I'd rather get them a vibrator, than have them in the same boat I was... just seems weird to me thinking about it though... though it wouldn't be a here honey, use this... it'd definitely be a talked about subject beforehand... don't mind me, I'm rambling at 4:30 am because once again I can't sleep.

sierra2774 06-14-2003 04:27 AM

I honestly do not think I have had anything in there that was not supposed to be there....I am still thinking about it, but I am pretty sure there has been nothing...Guess my life has been boring.

BlueBongo 06-14-2003 09:12 AM

You know.... back in the day I was drunk and wondered what it would feel like with a corona bottle. Suppose my b/f (when he reads this) will never think of my drinking corona the same way.

But I find I have a lot of odd stories from when I was "drunk".. so needless to say I don't get completely hazed anymore... wound up with too many weird stories, though this is only one of two that were sexual. The rest were just stupid things I went out with friends to do like stealing gnomes and whatever else.

Gotta love sex.

Xeen 06-17-2003 12:40 AM

Hmmm.. I don't think I've ever had anything strange in there. Maybe at some of the parties I got too drunk to remember but I'm sure someone would have at least hinted at it...

blueskies 06-17-2003 06:04 AM

a popsicle ... and I never let my boyfriend do that ever again!

Xeen 06-17-2003 08:38 AM


Originally posted by blueskies
a popsicle ... and I never let my boyfriend do that ever again!
Oooh - that sounds uncomfortable :(

txstar 06-17-2003 10:48 PM

Polish sausage. I was alone and very horny and it made sense at the time lol.

darksparkles 06-17-2003 11:10 PM


Originally posted by blueskies
a popsicle ... and I never let my boyfriend do that ever again!

out of curiosity, how much did it melt?

cheerios 06-22-2003 10:20 PM

lotion bottle. one of those little sample ones, not a full sized one!!

mew 06-24-2003 06:28 PM

I had a cuccumber,candlestick...Oh! I heard that people have been in emegency with their cellphone stuck up there..they apparently loved the vibrate option..lol! Be careful if you actually want to try this people! dont get electicuted either!

awanderingsoul 06-24-2003 07:56 PM

Oh, I just got a new cell phone with the vibate feature; I'll have to try it ;) Some one give me a call!!!

Theresa 06-24-2003 11:45 PM

The open end of an uncorked wine bottle. I put a condom on it of course.

Beetlebabe 06-25-2003 01:06 PM

baby sweetcorn and a crunchie bar - but the choc started melting :S

mew 06-26-2003 07:35 PM

Awanderingsoul: PUT a plastic baggie on it first! dont get electricuted! Why call you when you can call yourself on REDIAL??!!;) LOL have fun and dont forget to have 911 on speeddial too!lol

warmingup2prose 06-26-2003 10:53 PM

anyone remember squiggle-wiggle writers? they are these ink-pens that have little motors which make the writing loopy. if you're in a pinch, they make great vibrators. i broke mine...lol.

KayleighJolie 06-28-2003 03:32 AM

I don't like anything in there but a penis. I've tried dildos but it just doesn't do anything for me at all. My vibrators are all clit stimulators.

Amethyst 06-29-2003 07:52 AM

I guess I have led a pretty boring life also because I haven't had anything strange inside there. Just things that belong there.

blueskies 06-29-2003 10:55 AM


Originally posted by darksparkles

out of curiosity, how much did it melt?

what I can remember it made such a mess! Orange popsicle juice was all over the place. ick!

motdakasha 07-03-2003 06:07 PM

be careful with the open end of glass bottles. if you get a little too uh carried away with it, it can create a suction to your vagina that requires going to the emergency room to remove. a condom or bag over the end isn't enough to prevent suction pressure! and, if it does get stuck do not try to remove it yourself. you could dislodge your vagina!!!!! (no joke) the horror. D:

i'm like xapphire, i used whatever i could that wouldn't look suspicious when i was younger. now i have regular toys. kinda vanilla, but whatever.. :)

anti fishstick 07-03-2003 06:33 PM

heh. the first thing i've ever had inside me was not a dick, not a vibrator, or my squiggle pen turned vibrator (child's toy works wonders!) but.. a jones soda bottle. quite humorous bcos the picture was a skeleton with a "got milk?" sign.

dawnylou 07-04-2003 01:35 AM

This thread is really quite funny! :D

Erm myself....

Well me and my bf did play around with icecubes a bit. Which although was cold, it was fun. They melted away though..
(try giving your bf's a blowjob with ice in your mouth!)

Erm, I think there was a carrot back in the day too.
can't think of anything else at the moment.

At school I heard that one girl was using a frozen sausage and it defrosted and got stuck. She had to go to hospital to have it moved, apparantly.

JadziaDax 07-06-2003 03:02 AM


Originally posted by dawnylou
At school I heard that one girl was using a frozen sausage and it defrosted and got stuck. She had to go to hospital to have it moved, apparantly.
One of our male members read this and PM'd me to reply.

Originally sent by papermachesatan

I just thought I might point out the urban legend she's referring to. :)

What the article says for those who don't feel like clicking the link above...

Legend: A coed who uses frozen hot dog to pleasure herself ends up in the emergency room when it breaks off inside her.
Example: [Collected on the Internet, 1995]

At a party last week this girl gets really drunk and really horny. The guys at the party can't satisfy her and she starts looking for an object to do the trick. Her attention turns to the kitchen where she finds a frozen hot dog. She gets a little too excited and the hot dog breaks in two with one piece remaining inside. She has to be taken to the hospital to have it removed and is quite embarrassed.

Though the weiner is most often retrieved from the vagina, it's sometimes fished out of the girl's rectum.

In one especially disgusting version, after failing to get the hot dog out by herself, the girl leaves it in there for weeks. A burning sensation in her nether regions encourages her to seek medical help, and when the bits of hot dog are pulled out, they're discovered to be crawling with maggots.

The girl's masturbatory experiments usually take place when she's alone, not at a party. She's often characterized as stuck up and haughty, someone who routinely turns down dates.

An unusual variation has the hot dog being returned to the refrigerator after doing its service and the girl's brother later scoffing it down, unaware of its history.

A closely related legend stars not a hotdog but a Coke bottle. In that tale, the girl requires medical attention to break the seal the suction has caused.

Though some tellings of this story date back to the early 1960s, the legend has yet to be documented. Boys (in my experience it's almost always guys, very rarely girls, doing the recounting) generally tell it as a story they heard back in high school or junior high. The star of the piece is usually said to be someone the teller either went to school with or a girl who attended a nearby school.

Underlying the tale is the standard "inappropriate sexual knowledge" theme -- we find out the girl has been doing something she shouldn't through the plot device of her having to go to the hospital where her activities are revealed. The hospital trip is a necessary element in the story because without it no one would know what she'd been up to. It's very much a perils of masturbation story and when told among girls echoes the moral of "this could happen to you."

This legend probably originated as a salacious tale from a more chauvinistic era, one intended to put a socially-successful, overly-snobby or unattainable girl in her place. By portraying her as overcome by desire, she's taken off her pedestal and made human; by having the handling of her physical urges lead to an embarrassment, she's brought down to a level where boys who'd lusted after her can now view themselves as somewhat her superior and thus need no longer feel inadequate in her presence.

In a larger sense, such legends work to reassure adolescent boys that all girls are sex objects and there isn't one of them they can't be having wild fantasies about. When one can believe that even the highest of the high have gotten down with a hot dog, graphic day dreams about any girl no longer seem out of place. Telling -- and believing -- such tales is a way of combating fear of rejection by building up bravado. The frightening, all-powerful girl is made an object of derision, thus working to dispel a boy's fear of asking her (or any other girl) out.

Rumors like this can do their target a lot of damage. In 1993 the first suit in the nation seeking damages from a school or school official for peer harassment was filed against the Petaluma City School District. According to the suit, a seventh-grader was taunted daily by dozens of students after one boy spread the rumor she had masturbated with a hot dog. Failing to get any help through the system, her family had to uproot and leave town. Though the suit against the school counsellor failed, in 1996 the school system settled with the girl for $250,000 without admitting any wrongdoing.

A legend similar to the hot dog tale, The Promiscuous Cheerleader, also brings into play the theme of kinky sexual behaviour being revealed through the need for medical intervention. Doctor/patient confidentiality does not appear to factor into many urban legends.

Barbara "ball park frank" Mikkelson

Last updated: 6 April 2001

I just want to add that I had a friend who was an EMT, and they did have a case where they had a young girl with the cap of a perfume spray bottle (one of those Imposter aerosol cans). This required medical attention to remove. When they found her, she was covering herself with a towel that was bloodsoaked (she had tried to remove it on her own and caused a "little bit" of irritation in doing so).

So, not all "masturbation stories" are urban legends.

darksparkles 07-06-2003 12:23 PM


Originally posted by warmingup2prose
anyone remember squiggle-wiggle writers? they are these ink-pens that have little motors which make the writing loopy. if you're in a pinch, they make great vibrators. i broke mine...lol.
hahaha! i have one of those! i might have to try that sometime.

dawnylou 07-11-2003 04:32 PM


Originally posted by JadziaDax
One of our male members read this and PM'd me to reply.

What the article says for those who don't feel like clicking the link above...

I just want to add that I had a friend who was an EMT, and they did have a case where they had a young girl with the cap of a perfume spray bottle (one of those Imposter aerosol cans). This required medical attention to remove. When they found her, she was covering herself with a towel that was bloodsoaked (she had tried to remove it on her own and caused a "little bit" of irritation in doing so).

So, not all "masturbation stories" are urban legends.

Believe it or not, I did think this was truthful! lol!
However a ot of the things mentioned do make it sound like the girl at school: snob, turning down all dates etc.

emsgurl 07-11-2003 05:26 PM

I am with you maybe I need to live it up a little lol!!! I feel like I am missing stuff!

Baileys 07-11-2003 09:17 PM


So, not all "masturbation stories" are urban legends.

Oh yes... a friend is an ER nurse and she said what people would come in with that were 'stuck' was amazing.... she could never understand what they were thinking...

beckybb 07-16-2003 08:24 AM

cucumber, zuchini, carrot, candlesticks ... honey, I've tried most of them, but the one no one has mentioned so far is a with someone attached to the other end. That was strange when it happened, but I have to admit ... I liked it.

awanderingsoul 07-16-2003 04:55 PM


"...but the one no one has mentioned so far is a with someone attached to the other end."

what did you try with someone attached to the other end? I'm intrigued.

beckybb 07-21-2003 07:34 PM

it was a strap-on dildo, strapped on to an old girlfriend. I've been on both ends of the strap-on, and I've been on the giving end of the strap-on with a man. I guess it's not as "strange" as some of the things listed, but I'd bet 95 percent of the women on this thread have never been involved with a strap-on, whether giving or receiving.

anti fishstick 07-21-2003 08:42 PM

yeah i haven't tried a strap on :o they kind of turn me on in lesbian porn though.

Concertina 07-23-2003 04:44 PM

A cucumber, an old sunscreen bottle (it was round! it was round!) ...and possibly the weirdest of my....my hair brush handle....it was round, slender, and with ribs....

very interesting sensation ;)


mydragonfido 07-23-2003 08:14 PM

Interesting stories I like ice, popsicles, warm veggies, guess I am a freak really anything!! I am not bothered by anything to eache there own!!!

Pandabear 07-26-2003 11:19 PM


Peutetre 07-27-2003 10:27 AM

eh.. popsicles just seems like a bad idea.. too cold! anywho... i guess my weirdest thing would be a sample shampoo bottle.. but i didn't think it was weird at the time.. i was just curious

jennysm248 07-27-2003 12:12 PM

When I was 13 I tried masturbating with a pool stick. That was weird because my dad came home and I had to scramble to get it out and my shorts up before he came down into the basement.

The most fun I've had was with a champagne bottle which my boyfriend uncorked, shook with his thumb over the top, and squirted into me. It felt so good! But I had some abdominal pain for a few days after...

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