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-   -   Does the Desert Eagle suck? (https://thetfp.com/tfp/hall-fame/154657-does-desert-eagle-suck.html)

longbough 06-10-2010 06:00 PM

The basic truth is this ...

The OP is just a gamer who doesn't want the truth about the Desert Eagle ruin his gaming experience. That's why he tries every convoluted argument to justify his suspension of disbelief ... even in the face of expertise.

Plan9 06-10-2010 06:16 PM

Walt didn't post this, but I think it's incredibly pertinent:



COMING UP: Everything I Needed to Know about Being in Charge of a MG Fire Support Team I Learned from Rambo:

"Fuck it, I'll just run the '60 myself! You guys grease me up and hold my kit and BDU top back at the RDP."

Walt 06-10-2010 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2795390)
Jesus gave Real Americans the Desert Eagle.

Jesus was a Henry guy. Everyone knows that.

The_Dunedan 06-10-2010 07:48 PM

Well duh. He was an old-school dude, but forward-thinking all the same. I like to think Himself would have held out for something in a centrefire, though. But eh...Jesus always was an iconoclastic kinda guy.

Plan9 06-10-2010 08:13 PM

Well, it was "the rifle you could load on Sunday and shoot all week!"


longbough 06-10-2010 09:05 PM

All of y'all are wrong.

Jesus clearly uses an AK ...

Plan9 06-10-2010 09:09 PM

Coulda been a VZ58... or... maybe an INSAS? God, cartoons are so difficult to read.

Shadowex3 06-10-2010 10:41 PM

You guys keep forgetting that Yehoshua Ben Miryam was one of our boys, obviously he used a Galil and had an Uzi for backup.

longbough 06-11-2010 05:54 AM

No we didn't forget.

I wonder if his carpentry was any good. If it wasn't I'm glad that "messiah" thing worked out for him.

Loveredheads 12-14-2010 01:03 PM

My qualifications to express my opinion on the Desert Eagle include:

1) I've had a Handgun Carry License since 1992, and carry every day.
2) I've owned firearms since 1984 (first at age 10).
3) I routinely attend advanced firearms training.
4) I'm a VERY avid shooter (I've shot over 3k rounds of 5.56x45mm in the past two months)
5) I'm a life-long "gun nut" who studies them constantly.

Based upon my practical use of firearms (home defense, personal defense, informal competitive shooting, training, etc).....

The Desert Eagle is novelty - nothing else.

TheCrimsonGhost 12-19-2010 07:13 AM

Yes. Not to mention it was invented for men with small packages.

Baraka_Guru 12-20-2010 02:08 PM

Are you guys going to shoot demonstration videos as well?

The_Jazz 12-20-2010 02:11 PM

Is this where I insert my "the best thing Tennessee ever did was seceed from North Carolina" jokes? No? Wait, if you're going to point that at me, you better be ready to pull the trigger....

Slims 12-20-2010 02:34 PM

Nah, this guy already has the gun-demonstration video market locked down:

You can check out all his videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/mp5man#p/u/14/UIiAwFkri5I

The_Jazz 12-23-2010 06:31 AM

-+-{Important TFP Staff Message}-+-
Hey, how about you guys create a new thread for your little tea party and stop making me think about moving this out of the Hall of Fame?

Plan9 12-23-2010 06:49 AM

Good call, boss. Throw all these posts in the TFP Range Meetups thread?

And why don't you move the recent burglar thread to Life while you're at it.

Anormalguy 01-12-2011 11:15 AM

Very rarely have I seen someone insist that their opinion is correct when presented with overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Strange Famous, are you seriously basing your opinion of the Desert Eagle on its popular use in video games and movies? If yes, you might want to give it some deeper thought. I also suggest that you not get into a wrestling match with a 100 pound pit bull, even if you do outweigh it by 200 pounds.

JK1RK 02-26-2011 08:26 PM

i ct take it anymore this is rediculous the de50 is a worthless peice of crap i spent 7 years in the marines i fired numerous weapons i went to irag twise and afghanistan once and yes i have fired a desert eagle its worthless any gun kills i could shoot stange famous with a 22lr or hell even a .17 and kill him a 50. a.e. is designed for a bunch of rope smokers that are over compensating for something noone needs that kind of power if your a novice shooter stick with .22 .32 or .380 acp in the end ill take one bullet thatsd all you need if you cant do it with one then yu dont need to own a firearm and i hade to be the echo of my fellow americans but strange your a gun virgin thats like a blind man describing the sunset to me be that he's never seen the sunset you've never shot a gun so please take your un qualified oppinions elsewhere. by the way your quote at the end of you posts brings your sexuality into question. "a woman is like a rock if she flat you can skip her"

Plan9 02-26-2011 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by JK1RK (Post 2877119)
i ct take it anymore this is rediculous the de50 is a worthless peice of crap i spent 7 years in the marines i fired numerous weapons i went to irag twise and afghanistan once and yes i have fired a desert eagle its worthless any gun kills i could shoot stange famous with a 22lr or hell even a .17 and kill him a 50. a.e. is designed for a bunch of rope smokers that are over compensating for something noone needs that kind of power if your a novice shooter stick with .22 .32 or .380 acp in the end ill take one bullet thatsd all you need if you cant do it with one then yu dont need to own a firearm and i hade to be the echo of my fellow americans but strange your a gun virgin thats like a blind man describing the sunset to me be that he's never seen the sunset you've never shot a gun so please take your un qualified oppinions elsewhere. by the way your quote at the end of you posts brings your sexuality into question. "a woman is like a rock if she flat you can skip her"

The United States Marine Corps, ladies and gentlemen! (applause)

Seer666 02-26-2011 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2877120)
The United States Marine Corps, ladies and gentlemen! (applause)


The_Jazz 02-27-2011 08:05 AM

I think that I'm a little embarrassed to be an American right now...

Plan9 02-27-2011 08:13 AM

iRag = The Sanitary Napkin by Apple

Again, Hall of Fame.

Seer666 02-27-2011 09:56 AM

Hum. One post and one post only, made in the most horrible example of internet run I've seen years, on the same day the account was created. I smell troll.

JK1RK 03-02-2011 05:40 PM

my bad
first of all, let me start by saying i started on this page because i was doing some research on a 44 magnum i was looking to buy and i stumbled onto this thread and i found it disturbing who a britt could sit at his computer and tell american how well a sidearm he never fired performed, posers make me angry, but either way i shouldnt have to explain myself, and my bad on the spelling.

Anormalguy 03-02-2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by JK1RK (Post 2878224)
first of all, let me start by saying i started on this page because i was doing some research on a 44 magnum i was looking to buy and i stumbled onto this thread and i found it disturbing who a britt could sit at his computer and tell american how well a sidearm he never fired performed, posers make me angry, but either way i shouldnt have to explain myself, and my bad on the spelling.

You read something that really pissed you off, so you responded :thumbsup:. I'm not sure why others are getting so upset.

JK1RK 03-02-2011 06:27 PM

well quite frankly i dont give a fuck if i upset someone if they dont like it the can piss off i dont care thats whats great about this site is i can say pretty much anything i want. anyway. i really dont care that my spellings sucks all that matters to me is my kid my dog and my 9 very little else matters

The_Jazz 03-02-2011 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by JK1RK (Post 2878244)
well quite frankly i dont give a fuck if i upset someone if they dont like it the can piss off i dont care thats whats great about this site is i can say pretty much anything i want. anyway. i really dont care that my spellings sucks all that matters to me is my kid my dog and my 9 very little else matters

Well, that's not actually true. You were bordering on flaming, and if you decide to cross that line, you'll get banned for it. We have rules and we expect you to follow them. So if you break those rules, you'll be the one pissing off, not us.

But otherwise, sure, whatever. Do try not to come off as a clueless moron, though. Your first post certainly struck that note, although you've somewhat redeemed yourself since.

JK1RK 03-02-2011 06:54 PM

not spelling well doesn't make someone a moron but i will try and follow rules, i'm a police officer after all but yea,

The_Jazz 03-02-2011 07:02 PM

Bad spelling + 1 gigantic runon sentence + whargable = moron. People who can't spell aren't necessarily morons. People who can't effectively communicate their thoughts are, by definition, morons.

JK1RK 03-02-2011 07:19 PM

well, you are entitled to your oppinion. So, I'll give you that. It's not that i dont know how to punctuate my sentances. I'm capable of pretty much anything. because i dont punctuate my reply doesn't make me a moron. quite frankley that makes me lazy but, if it will please you jazz I'll do my best

The_Jazz 03-02-2011 07:37 PM

If you want to be taken seriously here, don't be lazy. This is a place for mature discussions, not flaming, not AOLspeak, not 8th graders taking Remedial English. It has less to do with me than what's acceptable to the community at large. If you don't want to get marginalized as someone who's opinion isn't worth the time to read, make the attempt to communicate clearly. If you're incapable of that, then you're a moron. You've shown that you're occassionally capable, so you're not a moron, but if continue to post like you did the first time, folks are going to assume that you are one and treat you accordingly. We have a low tolerance for stupidity.

Anormalguy 03-02-2011 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by JK1RK (Post 2878244)
well quite frankly i dont give a fuck if i upset someone if they dont like it the can piss off i dont care thats whats great about this site is i can say pretty much anything i want. anyway. i really dont care that my spellings sucks all that matters to me is my kid my dog and my 9 very little else matters

Sometimes it's true: No good deed goes unpunished. JK1RK, I tried to show some support for your original post, and the above rant is what you post in reply. I hope that you're able calm down and enjoy TFP.

IRL you're a cop? In case you haven't figured it out in the TFP cyber world The_Jazz is a cop.

JK1RK 03-02-2011 09:26 PM

Jazz. You come across as a good guy, i respect that. anormalguy. I appreciate your support i just got worked up over the whole d.e. 50 thing. I may not spell accuratly, or puntaute my sentance but when it comes to firearms, i know my stuff. I've been a police offocer for 2 years now, its rough in cali, but i like it,

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