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What newbies should know about the previous poster...
So you're new here and everybody looks scary and they will probably bite. This is where you can come to find out something you needed to know about one of the old farts, medium farts, or fair-to-partly cloudy farts.
Because this is where we will post something YOU (the newbie) should know (at all costs) about the previous poster. And I can't start the thread without saying something about somebody, so I'll start with ARTelevision. He is my mentor and my hero and you would do well to pay close attention to what he says, because (unlike me) he chooses his words very carefully and gets it right the first time. My favorite of all threads on TFP (Mass Media Mind Control) was created by ART many moons ago, and is in the Tilted Hall of Fame. |
Newbies should know that warrrreagl's sister is is a hottie. ;)
What? |
If you flash a photo of Allison Hannigan at Bill, he'll follow you anywhere. But then you'll be on drool-mopping detail.
oh god, I guess I will say it...
ratbastid speaks the truth you'll hear that a lot ...and he has good taste in music...I know this because he likes a lot of the same stuff I do, uh-huh :p |
the mixed one is an uncommonly gifted photographer...
Uncle Phil has a thing for toilet paper
ShaniFaye has a "thing" for men in kilts.
Bill is one of our many retired military folk. He's proud of his service, as he ought to be!
Ubertuber just completed a cross-country move (east to west coast) and did not sell his Datsun (and we were all glad to hear about that). :)
abaya is a sweetheart.
willravel greatly doubts the existance of god, but I love him anyway!!! He's great at expressing himself and his thoughts
shani is a fuel rod.
http://www.clas.ufl.edu/jur/199911/i...szollosy_2.gif she powers one of the community's reactor cores. every community needs light. without it, we'd just bump into each other. |
roachboy is the smartest guy to ever deny the existance of the "shift" key that you'll ever meet.
The_Jazz will always bring calm to a dispute (and reason!)
aberkok is an extremely talented jazz musician.
Bill O'Rights is the second best person to come out of Omaha......The first is Warren Buffett.
(I still have the pictures ahahahahahaha, they are even printed out and anyone that looks at my wedding album sees them :p)
MM is a genuinely nice person, I cant say an unkind word about her |
I can't follow that fuel rod thing. All I can say is that Shani is one of those important people on TFP. Intelligent, well established, connected, and I can't imagine skipping one of her posts when I start reading it.
Hey Bill-O, you haven't seen the pictures of my other redheaded sister, have you? (watch him twist and burn now)
Shani Faye "gets it" when a gentleman calls her "ma'am" and opens the door for her. She is one of the most fiercely loyal members here, and I suspect she probably threw spitballs in school. EDIT: Dang! Will got in there ahead of me. Well, willravel is the member that will - uh - always get in there ahead of you. |
Noobies should also be wary of the fact that warrrreagl holds out on vitally important information. And pictures.
Bill O"Rights defies any usual political category. He just tells it like it is. You can count on him to be logical about stuff that most people are completely crazy about.
Of course, if you bring up redheads, he sort of loses focus. :p |
JustJess is brilliant the way the heart of a nuclear explosion is brilliant. She radiates light and energy in all directions.
She's also cute as a bug. |
ratbastid has two beautiful ladies in his life who are also members of TFP--the lovely Lurkette and stunning StellaLuna.
Lucky bastid. |
onesnowyowl is one cool lady. I say this solely because I'm digging the hell out of her avatar right now. :)
Oh, and the mention of Alan Rickman will make her weak in the knees. And if you look around, you'll find her somewhere in your TFP...drinking all yer blood. :D |
healer's a young whippersnapper who's got himself a great wife to be in mandy but he's a sensible, levelheaded and quite handsome young man :)
mal is the best cook that I never met.
Mal is absolutely one of the funniest people around here....even when she's being cranky
well crap.....Cyn beat me..... Cyn gives good hugs!!! |
Shani has whips, and is not afraid to use them!!
She also sends random thoughts (and great hugs) to you inbox when you seem to need them. |
God of Thunder is one of the few oldtimers here that has yet to piss anyone off...Likely that is a good thing. Chances are, now hes gonna do something rash to fix that situation.
tecoyah is a poet and a gentleman...and he showed me this place, ah but the universe is kind some days. :)
mixedmedia's love of this place...allowed me to rekindle my own.
something newbs should know about roachboy is that sometimes he thinks he is clearer than he is.
tecoyah is a lovely human being. one of those who makes this place seem alive. an interesting writer too. |
roachboy never uses the shift button. ;)
And get used to saying; "What??, when reading his posts. :thumbsup: Malficent cooks? Dammmnn. |
it's about the only skill I do have...
bill o'rights is obsessed with redheads - and speaking as a redhead -I appreciate that obsessiveness - he's also a good guy, a caring dad and a good person to have in your corner |
Mal....has opened up to us all, and I doubt anyone here can say they in anyway dislike what they see. She is Pure Gold, and we all know it.
Oh...and shes a good Moderator as well....heh |
Tecoyah has recently moved....AND NOW HE LIVES CLOSER TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE :icare:
Shani wants to spank my butt....I just know it. :)
Davematrix...likes to be spanked.
A little too much sometimes. So, Dave...stop PMing me, eh? It ain't happenin', Bud. :thumbsup: |
...Uh...Bill. I'm sending your paddle back FedEx....give it a couple days.
If we ever have an event in atlanta....so many of you are gonna get spanked!!!
/somehow I think we've gotten off track lol |
let 'em know who we really are! |
Oh well in that case...
Dr Phil......oh wait I mean Uncle Phil makes some mean ribs |
Uncle Phil is the most "Moderate" of all moderators....and he makes some damn fine Ribs.....seriously, they kick ass
* damn you Shani....always one step ahead....or behind if the mood fits |
Not only is Tecoyah our resident poet and philosopher, he's the Director of Ad-Lib theatre at Moe's. Rated "R" for sexual content, of course. :)
Elphaba will add excellent phrases to your vocabulary as well as send the nicest PMs to make your whole day.
"warrreagl" is pronounced "war eagle" according to the mistress of mayhem.
I prefer to call him "Commando Eagle" or more appropriately, "Eagle without underpants." Warrreagl "owns" TFP in his heart and does all that he can to welcome new members. He hopes to make y'all comfortable sooner, rather than later. Trust me, this is a very good man. :) |
warrrreagl is a gentleman and scholar, and likes to stir it up.
RenaissanceII has a heart as big as all outdoors, and is hard at work systematically breaking down the barriers to letting others in on that fact.
Ratbastid is one of the wisest people i know. He gives sound advice and always speaks the truth. you'll have many "ah huh" moments after reading his posts :)
Mandy is planning a wedding!!!!
shani can whip me and make me write bad checks!
Cynthetiq has connections. He gets to see all the cool shows and movies in NYC before we get to see them.
Red's title describes him perfectly -if it's been said on TFP - he can find it -he posseses searching skills that most mortals do not possess... It's really impressive... :)
He's also done a career change and works with his hands rubbing people for a living :) sounds like fun work if you ask me :D abd he never rubs people the wrong way :D |
Maleficent only pretends to work in the computer field. I happen to know that she is an internationally famous supermodel who only pretends to work in the computer field when she's on TFP, just to take a break from all the glamor.
... what? No, really, I'm sure of it. That's why she never lets us see her picture. |
there's one picture of me on this forum and it's scary bad...
Red was away from from TFP for faaaaaaaaaaaar too long for my liking, but now he and his wisdom are back!!!
ShaniFaye is very sweet, and a tfp connection to info on Ren Faires. :thumbsup:
Now that's cute - Ren Faires/Renaissance II - haha.
But seriously, Renaissance II is a man of many connections, because he managed to achieve the physically impossible - he changed his display name. That, alone, impresses me. Plus he always says things that make you feel better. |
War, wellll..... he once stripped through the Atlanta airport yelling woowoo.
Other than being a streaker, I suppose he's an alright guy and will help you immensely. He helped me once.... I was in this really nice hotel that gave me a jacket to hug myself and pillows all over the floor and wall.... Well, War went to the people who ran it and told them I needed to stay indefinately..... he's such a nice guy. |
Ask Pan how he feels about immigration. I dare you.
will is like the guy from terminator 2. You can even shoot him and he still keeps coming at you.
Halx is the founder of this Feast, this banquet, this place. Makes me grateful.
RenaissanceII is helping keep #TFP (chat) alive. You can find him there often.
aberkok recently released his first album and would very much like for you to listen ( buy)
Hal, well...he...he has this....well...it's extremely....oh never mind :shy:
Hal is a great leader. He is decisive and creative yet doesn't consider himself above getting down in the mud and having fun with the rest of us. Plus, shit, he created this place. Come on. |
Mixedmedia is real, yo. And one of our newest Super Moderators! She's one of the most honest, down-to-earth, kick-ass, sexy members of this forum. She's also a damn good mom to her 3 girls. :D
abaya lives in Iceland and we visited her earlier this year and had the The Littlest TFP Meetup in the Littlest Country in the Littlest Car. When she gets greeted by other Icelanders they say to her, "Hæ Hæ!"
Cynth has A LOT of posts. Even more than me.
willravel's real name is James.
He has a habit of posting what you were going to say, better than you could say it, before you even read the question. He is deeply devoted to his wife. I think that's it. :D |
ItWasMe's beloved is in the US Military and is due to be home soon (good Wishes there), and is very sweet.
Elph has spent a lot of time helping soldiers deal with PTSD. She is a loving wife to a very lucky fellow. And she is a font of whimsy.
/me likes Elf :) |
kramus comes up with sketches and doodles that never fail to amaze me. He seems to regard these pieces of art as almost off-hand things, which makes me wonder what he comes up with when he's really trying.
Martian loves music and knows a lot about it. He also looks awesome in hats (one at a time).
aberkok creates music, but is NOT a music snob. If he's coming to your nabe, he'll make a point of meeting anyone who's up for it. He also enjoys a good BBQ meal. :)
Jess is purty. But she lives with a vicious-looking cougar. ;)
Mixedmedia has an incredible photographic eye. She's a bit kinky, with a wicked sense of humor and has this "thing" for stockings. Grawwr.
And i bet she makes a damn cool mom. |
Y'all should know that fredweena has one of the cooler avitars here (I actually think thats her dancin 'round), and that she loves her fella and her bed.
renaissanceII is an interesting man currently traveling the road of self discovery and recovery.
Midnight likes to nuzzle people in the shoutbox. She's a real snuggle-bunny.
Yay! I get to do snowy! Well, not "do" her.... anyway...
Onesnowyowl has a drive and ambition to meet her goals that far surpasses many around her. she's kicking ass in the gym and on her bike, LOOK OUT!! She's also got tremendously classy taste in poetry. |
fredweena has awesome timing - she sent me one of the nicest replies I ever got right at a time when I was feeling pretty low. And I dare you to read her location aloud without adding "oh-oh" right after.
warrrreagle loves the Beatles and hates poor customer service.
Medusa is one of the sweetest people around. She's pretty busy with work and school. I miss her when she's gone, but I know that she'll always be around sometime.
Neeways, Shesus is lovely and intelligent. I also suspect she's an ancestor of Jesus. Just a guess. |
That was just a joke, Mr. Bond. And I guess, a bad one.
hehe, we all make bad jokes here from time to time.
ItWasMe is a newbie that came in and made herself know on the forum and in chat. She's become well known in the short time she's been here. :) |
Let's just say it could have been worse. |
Will is exceptionally intelligent; don't let his bad spelling fool you.
onesnowyowl is NOT pronounced Ones Now Yowl. She has climbed a mountain and hunted fossils at the coast this month. She also makes very nice comments in your journal that make you feel right about unpopular things you might have done.
warrrreagl loves him some Beatles.
Char is a very intelligent Canadian living and working in Singapore. He is a great story teller and a level headed Mod.
Lady Sage also has a great sense of timing. She was the first person I heard from this morning. She's also a great contributor in the Lounge.
Fredweena is straight-forward and funny. She also shares my love for Life of Pi and we have a standing movie date when the movie comes out....I haven't forgotten. :)
It's now Summer of 2009. :sad: |
shesus is extremely photogenic, and is a good person to ask advice if you ever want to change your whole life and move across the country or anything.
she's also got a great bluntness, so if you need a kick or a hug, she's your girl. |
JustJess is totally awesome and very compassionate. She's also curious about lots of viewpoints. You can count on her to speak from the heart and offer words of encouragement when you need them.
(P.S. Her couch and cats rock!) |
Uber just drove cross country. He played the lowest note of the lowest instrument, played at the lowest point in North America.
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