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#1 (permalink) | |
Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
Asian Americans: Math Genes or Better Students?
While I'm trying hard to not further stereotype, it's those that are easily influenced and focused on current trends and fashions, it was true when I was growing up and I see it in todays asian american youth as well. And quite honestly, I sucked at math. I even failed pre-calc for most my senior year, and passed it barely but failed physics instead.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Why do Jews seem to do better in school?
Why do so many children of recent immigrants? I think its because their parents push and encourage them. I see dozens of kids of school age a day as patients and the only ones that talk about their grades/tests tend to be Asian/Indian. I see a lot more concern about sports in my white/black parents then I do in other groups, being 'popular' seems pretty high up there too. So while I am not 100% convinced that genetics may not play a role, much of it is on the upbringing. Edit:One thing I've seen too, is the longer they have been in the country the less well Asians seem to do in school (this is from remembering my friends while in school). Being 'more American' isn't always a good thing.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Location: Use the search button
When I returned to University, I had been away from academics for 5 years. I was gathering "Valuable Life Experience" instead...
I got 63% in Calculus in grade 12, but I think that was because I was infatuated with girls, and not first derivatives. It was by far my lowest mark, and it did not count towards my university entrance average. I took it as it was: no big deal. 1st year University came around, and studying economics and anything "On the Margin" requires a healthy dose of Calculus. I was counting myself fortunate that I didn't have to wrote a thousand essays like those poor SOB's in History or English. The Professor entered the lecture theatre (seats about 200 students) and anounced in a very heavy asian Accent: "Today, we review High School Math..." and with that, he turned and faced the board, and started writing formulae. I was shit scared, and frantically wrote down everything he put on the board. Everything. My hand was cramping at the end of the lecture! I couldn't understand the words coming from his mouth. I went up to him after class (I was keen. Mommy and Daddy were not paying my way. I was 'financially motivated') and asked a question about one of the fomulas. His response? "I don't speak English." and he walked out. I was OUTRAGED! How can someone secure tenure at an institution in North America if they do not communicate in the fucking native language? I went to the department head of Mathematics and Statistics to complain. He was a good Scotsman, and would surely sympathize. He would be as shocked as I was! He was not only harsh, but taught me a good lesson on university. "Son, I want you to go to the library and search this professors name. If at that point you want to change classes, I will arrange it. You should feel privledged that you are in his class. I think 30 years from now, you will brag to your colleagues that you attended one of his classes..." Before I left the office (with my tail between my legs) the Department Head quipped "You don't need to speak to understand math. Read the text, then read his notes, then do the homework." I researched the prof. I was shocked to see that he was quite published, in journals that were written in english, french, Chinese, Italian. This guy was a fucking genius. I studied. 3 hours a day on math alone. I completed every question in the damn textbook. I attended every class. At the end of the semester, I was one of 24 students left in the class. We took up 1 row in the lecture theatre. The first row. My mark? a 74. A well earned 74. I am more proud of that mark than any of the "100% Good Job!" bullshit cop-out marks in other classes. And I love Math to this day. I promise here and now: I will instill a respect for academics into my children. I will require hard work, and demand good results.
3.141592654 Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis. |
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#5 (permalink) |
The article supports the idea that Asians in the US are better in math because of cultural reasons well, but it does nothing to disprove that genes are not a factor, other than saying "they just aren't". While I'm sure culture is an important factor, it seems wrong to simply discount the influence of genes in intelligence when they are a scientifically-proven factor in so many other traits - baldness, mental illness, heart disease, etc. There are also many traits that are found in specific ethnic/racial groups (which I believe is not the same as "race" alone, because of the fuzzy boundaries that it implies) much more commonly than in the general population - sickle-cell anemia in blacks and Tay-Sachs disease in Jews from Eastern/Central Europe, among others. I don't see why intelligence is automatically different. It should be studied more, and not just dismissed so we can all feel good about ourselves. Granted, it's a lot harder to measure than simply looking at the shapes of one's bloodcells, as in anemia, but if a common standard is used, the results will have some validity.
Last edited by Glava; 05-26-2005 at 10:07 AM.. |
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#6 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#7 (permalink) |
The effects of genes on development are hugely diverse, and math equally so, that it would be foolish to suggest that gene X made you a better mathematician. It's not PC, to have a fixation with race, but it is scientifically flawed. It would be akin to saying that computers that used a certain brand of wire were better at running Halflife, or that items with a W in their names were naturally better at floating.
A scientist who suggests race being a single factor in a person's intelligence or proficiency at mathematics, art, singing or kung fu is either not looking properly at their results, or they are ignoring cultural, developmental, personal, educational and a multitude of other factors at their peril. |
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#8 (permalink) | |
Location: Toronto
All, and I mean ALL of my friends, including myself who had asian/immigrant parents went to either Math tutorial or ESL classes, not just during school, but on the weekends. I spent every Saturday morning at the Kumon centre for years. And this is during public school. As far as I know, our parents understood that the route to a respectable (interpret as high paying/professional and therefore self-sufficient) job or career was never, ever limited by having ability in mathematics. I started Kumon in grade 3 and kept going to Grade 10. By that time, math was such an automatic thing for me, it was only through diligence that I could lower my mark (missing tests etc). As my parents stated it, the funnel of opportunity is widest when you have all your maths and sciences, as well as your musics and languages. And you don't necessarily have to be super intelligent to do well, just disciplined and get the work done. note: just to add a post script, being a girl, growing up in downtown Toronto, with very conservative parents, I was not allowed to go out. At All. If i wasn't involved in a school activity I was expected to be at home, either doing homework or helping with dinner etc. In the summer I was not allowed out either. the only time I could get to be doing my thing was if i was in a school club. which would explain why I joined the string orchestra. Others were in the same boat, and joined school clubs that they could get into (maybe explaining the math club memberships) based on their capabilities. the 'chinese sixpack' as they called it in Grade 13 was good for something (algebra, functions&relations, calculus, Biology, physics, chemistry)... Last edited by Janey; 05-26-2005 at 11:46 AM.. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Location: London
I remember reading a while back in a consumer behaviour book, that this question already has an answer.
So there was this study, i forget where it was taken place but nontheless it did take place and with was with students studying maths. Now the experiment continued for the duration of one yeah, where each class was equally weighted with Asian Males. Asian Males were always stereotyped as being good at maths. Now one class was constantly reminded of this stereotype, the teacher would always repeat and reenforce this idea that the Asian Males would find it easy, or for you guys especially that was probably very easy...blar blar. Contently feeding them the image that they were of a particular cultural and ethnic background this would help them. The other class with the same number of Asian Males were never alerted to this stereotype and it was never mentioned in the class. So everyone just worked as normal and no one was getting any particular praise. The result of this (and this shows you how powerful marketing/conditioning is) was that the control group was found to have a normal distribution of results with no particular class, gender, ethnicity, culture and the rest of it doing anything significantly better than anyone else. Whereas the Asian Males in the other class did significantly better than their Asian counterparts in the other class and were all top of the class. So we can conclude from that, that it is not genes. It is more a case of what is expected of you and what people around will say you will be able to do, if you hear it enough you believe it and in the case of maths if you believe you can do it, then chances are you'll work at it till your belief is fulfilled.
"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke |
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#10 (permalink) | |
Getting it.
Super Moderator
Location: Lion City
I'm not saying it is wrong to speculate only that it is dangerous ground and one *should* tread carefully.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars." - Old Man Luedecke |
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#11 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
I don't think anyone here is suggesting that. I think development has a GREATER factor than any genetic ones at present, but it would be foolish to assume that while we have genes that make you sick, or make you tall, or make you bald, we don't have genes that make math easier. Phenotype due to genotype with intelligence is very hard to measure and right now its not PC to do so, but would it be shocking to learn that there are differences? Do you think people like DaVinci just worked hard and had good learning enviroments?
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Tallness is a direct function of body development, that's what genes do. Baldness likewise. Yes there are some genetic defects such as Downs' Syndrome that effect mental development. But races are hugely diverse populations - some chinese people are taller than some black people, some white people can jump etc
My point is that the link between race and genetics isn't even closely defined yet. Yes, you can trace your maternal line down your mitochondrial line genetically, and yes you might be able to make some geographical analysis of where a particular gene in your body is most likely to originate, but the fact remains that races are populations of individuals, and are vastly diverse within those populations. There may be a gene (or more likely a multitude of genes coupled with environmental factors) that makes you smart, but it wont be racially exclusive. The thing is, you can look at a particular aspect of mathematics in so many ways, that one mode of thinking that might be gene related (and that's still a big if) is no better than another, entirely different one. What I mean to say is that even if the brain works differently for different races, then you still can't make the judgement that one is better than the other, but you can suggest different ways of teaching the same things. Then there's the link between autism and mathematics - whether autism is genetic or not I don't know, but it is commonly seen as an inability to cope with or appropriately categorise large amounts of information. The reason mathematics is supposed to express itself with these people is that they find comfort within its safe, predictable logical structures. Does that mean that math is being expressed by <i>less</i> or more capable brains? And are there more autistic people of one race or another? If there are is this likely to be genetic, or environmental? And you come back round to the original point that races are populations of individuals with a wide range of genotypes, and an exponentially larger range of phenotypes - this is why it doesn't make sense to make racial projections. Last edited by zen_tom; 05-26-2005 at 01:35 PM.. |
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#13 (permalink) | |
"There may be a gene (or more likely a multitude of genes coupled with environmental factors) that makes you smart, but it wont be racially exclusive." Intellegence is not decided by enviroment, knowledge is. There have been multiple tests created to test intellegence cross culturally so as not to involve possible enviromental effects into the equation. "What I mean to say is that even if the brain works differently for different races, then you still can't make the judgement that one is better than the other, but you can suggest different ways of teaching the same things." I would say that if you take a large enough number of people from each race and give them the same problems with the same educational experience across the board you would be able to judge such a thing quite easily. All in all, any scientist who would like any future funding at all stays away from any possible testing or proving of anything besides the thinking that we are all exactly the same but look different. Though, lets not talk about the fact that our skeleton structures, brain size, cranial structure, musculature, hormonal levels and even longevity are quite easy to see are different. Why in the world would everyone want to be the same anyway?
"How soft your fields so green, Can whisper tales of gore" "Thou art god" Last edited by jaco; 05-26-2005 at 03:53 PM.. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Zen_tom all genes either go to fixation or extinction. Its how the math works, and on the way they will be expressed differently in a population. It is quite possible that in the Asian population there would be a greater concentration of the 'math' gene or genes. This would not mean that every Asian was good at math, but it would mean that a higher % of the population would be. I am not saying this is even true but it is possible and feasable that such differences exsist.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#15 (permalink) |
OK, let me try another tack. A gene might alter a particular characteristic, like height, eye colour, nose-size etc - and all of these things are intrinsically measurable. If you are 5'9" in your socks at age 25, then that's that - you are taller than someone who is 5'7" in their socks - no argument.
How though do you test someone's affinity for trigonometric problems, matrix theory, plain old algebra, calculus, topological geometry, set theory and all the myraid of other, all entirely different branches of mathematics against someone else's? How do you choose whether one dancer, musician or artist is better than another one when there are so many different branches of dance or music, or art around? And even if you could, how are you going to even begin to isolate which racially prominent genes are supposedly responsible in combination with which other racially prominent genes, when all the environmental factors get in the way. And even if you manage all that, at the end of it all, what usefull information will you have uncovered? Yes genes are fixated or become extinct, however, this happens entirely at random, and in combination with nearby or otherwise associated sets of genes. There is a lot of redundant genetic code that we drag along that has remained fixated for millions of years that appears to have absolutely no 'use' whatsoever, except to absorb mutaions and defects without spoiling the important parts that are expressed. True, a population is likely to have a closer clustering of similar gene combinations, but the rings or boundaries you draw to delineate them are entirely arbitrary. Not that that matters. My final point is to repeat that math involves such a complex web of behaviours, conceptions, motivations and methodologies, that aproaches to it are as individual as there are people. Some people may have especially clear conceptions of mathematics, but they will all conceptualise things in their own way. That and extreme variations within populations vary so much more than they do between populations, that I can't imagine a statistically reliable, racio-genetic linkage could be proven except by someone with an axe to grind. It's not PC, it's sensible, practical science. |
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#16 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
While thats true, it does nothing to change the possibility of there being genetic differences, nor the likelyhood that their will be clusters in familes/populations. I would be very surprised if there weren't such differences.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#17 (permalink) | |
All important elusive independent swing voter...
Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
Personally, I think "race" is crock-science. |
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#18 (permalink) | |
All important elusive independent swing voter...
Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
In short, this subject is complex with a myriad of factors: culture, genetics, migration patterns, emotional development, etc... It is lazy and idiotic to attribute to something as outdated and scientifically false as "race". |
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#19 (permalink) |
The Original JizzSmacka
I guess I'm a rare case. I'm Chinese and really suck at math (That's why i went to art school heh). I did poorly in grade school, got crappy SAT scores, but somehow got into into good colleges. I didn't want to be a doctor, programmer, or pharmacist. I'm good with computers and design though. Maybe those was genetically coded in my genes.
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard. |
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#20 (permalink) | |
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#21 (permalink) | |
Location: PA
I'm certainly not saying that mental differences are entirely due to race. I think (at least in this case) that most of it is cultural, but I wouldn't be surprised at all to see that certain mental characteristics are correlated to race. |
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#22 (permalink) |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Well perhaps race is best defined as a cluster of certain genes which lead to a phenotype which is easily identified.
Races are due to a cluster of these genes, which moved to fixation in a small population.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#23 (permalink) | |
All important elusive independent swing voter...
Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
Alot of the child prodigies with a proficiency for math are also excellent in music. It's not a 1:1 ratio, it's just a correlation. I can't quantify it (maybe someone else can). I guess it's the way they are wired. Although I'm not sure it goes the other way. I've never heard of Einstein writing no symphonies or playing piano (then agian, he was a physicist, not a mathematician). Last edited by jorgelito; 05-27-2005 at 12:25 AM.. |
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#24 (permalink) | |
All important elusive independent swing voter...
Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
You mention yourself to be caucasian. What does that mean? From the Caucasus region? Are you Russian? Georgian? Ukranian? (which are nationalities, not races). Or are you white? Are Irish folk caucasian too? They say Indians (from India) are Aryan. If Germans are Aryan (white), does that make them Caucasian too? If so, are Indians Caucasian? There really isn't any scientific basis for "race". We are all variations (that is, insignificant phenotypes) of one human race. In regards to your second part, I've never heard of nor read of any correlation between physical traits and mental. Does that implie (and correct me if I did not understand your post) for example, the lighter the skin, the smarter the person? Or how about the slantier the eyes (physical trait) the better at math (mental trait)? I understand what you are saying about inherited traits (skin color, etc) but how does that make one better at math than another? If it was that easy, if we could just slap everyone into neatly ordered groups like oh, race, then racial profiling would make sense. Gender bias would make sense because there would be scientific proof and basis or grounds for discrimination. For example: All accountants would be Asian. Hmmm....maybe that's why Enron happened. Those silly causcasians aren't good at math so that's why their company screwed up. We should let all the Asians take over. And those poor blacks. Don't they know that they are genetically inferior? Forget med school or law school. Stick to dancing and singing or sports. Maybe manual labor too if it's not too difficult mentally. And how about those Latinos? Can you even give me an accurate description of one? You see how this is flawed right? If I told a cop that I was mugged by a Latino chick, how would he recognize or draw a picture or describe it? Can anyone? Latino is probably one of the worst "racial" or whatever descriptions ever constructed. No two alike. Two famous Latinos look nothing alike: Sammy Sosa and Ricky Martin. Tell me: What physical traits do they share? How could anyone then, correlate mental traits to go with these supposed physical traits? I think one of the problems in these type of discussions is the oversimplification of complex subjects. We could probably spend hours just trying to define "race" etc. I don't know how old you are, so you may not remember or know what I am talking about next. When I was in 8th grade, our biology book classified the human race in 3 categories: negroid, mongoloid, and caucasoid. In 10th grade, they added a 4th, australoid (I think it referred to the aboriginal group). 15 years later, in anthro class, we are informed that the previous classification is no longer valid etc and all this other stuff. That was a cool class, we got to study DNA, genetics etc and worked with a lot of primate skeletons. Anyways.... I felt like an idiot cause I was still stuck in the whole 3 (or 4) races mentality and I felt dated. ![]() Last edited by jorgelito; 05-27-2005 at 12:30 AM.. |
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#25 (permalink) |
I think it's funny how so many people talk about genetics without really having the first clue what they are and how they work.
That aside, I don't think most people really understand how incredibly powerful culture can be in forming a person in terms of drive, motviation, and determination. And the traditional culture of many asian communities does not tolerate failure or anything less than perfection. Sure, there's lots of asian students who do not do well, but there you get into distinction between american asian etc, whatever. They have a very structured lifestyle in that case. It doesn't matter what your genes are, we all know stupid people who make straight A's and geniuses who fail. It's about your environment, and most importantly, your motivation to do well that matters most. |
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#26 (permalink) |
Born Against
On the genetics question: let's accept for the sake of argument that there are "math genes" and that "math ability" is a quantitative trait like height. Is it possible that the average "asian" has more math genes than the average person in the general population?
One way this could happen is through a founder effect. The founding "asian" population, purely by chance, might have had more math genes. But what is the likelihood? Well the variance in the mean of a quantitative trait scales with the inverse of the square root of effective population size. So if the genetic variance in math ability is about, say 20% of the mean, and if the founding population effective size was, say 1000, then the variance in the mean of the asian founding population would be around 0.02 of the mean mathematical ability. That's a pretty small number; in other words the founding population might have had a higher genetic ability than average by a few percentage points, purely by chance. But even if this were true, this tiny difference would have been utterly obliterated by mutation in the 100,000 years or so since the asian population was founded. So the founder effect in the establishment of the "asian" population is probably incapable of producing any genetic basis to a mean difference in math ability observed today. The only other possible mechanism is natural selection within the "asian" population. But there is no such thing as an asian population, rather there are many subpopulations that intermix within other "asian" populations to varying degrees, and that mix also outside the "asian" population to varying degrees. So if such selection existed, it would have to be uniform across a very large geographical area, and strong enough not to be swamped by the gene flow that has been ongoing within and without the "asian" population for the last 100,000 years. More likely any such selection would be very weak and obliterated by gene flow. That doesn't mean that there aren't any genetic differences in other traits; most visible physical "asian" characteristics are indeed genetically based. The explanation for these I think is natural selection on reproductive fitness; human beings tend to choose mates based on facial features that resemble those that surrounded them as children. These features however are very superficial and certainly not linked to mathematical ability. The same argument applies to any of the so-called "races". |
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#27 (permalink) | |
Born Against
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#28 (permalink) | ||||
Location: PA
The simpler and more likely mechanism is that different races have slightly different 'gene pools.' People of one race tend to marry into the same race (at least until very recently). This has been happening for so long (where "race" initially had a geographic meaning) that the features we now identify with each group were able to become nearly universal. Why shouldn't other characteristics have evolved along with the obvious ones in this time? It is known, for example, that certain genetic problems are much more prevalent among particular races. Quote:
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#30 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Race is relative. While there is a greater difference in phenotypic expressions between a black man from south Africa and an Eskimo due to longer periods of genetic isolation from each other and different environmental factors driving some of those factors, but there are obvious differences. When people say someone looks Swedish or Irish, or Italian, they are not talking about their system of government, but characteristics. The fact that they all have white skin makes them Caucasian, and genetically there is less difference between other 'races' but they are still distinct in their genetics. We officially draw the line on race around skin color, but that is just as arbitrary as any other method. Some environmentalists are trying to use such differences in animals to prevent any sort of expansion. If they find a type of fish in a river with a single non-phenotypic genetic variant they are trying to argue its a sub-species and needs to be protected and that is a bit absurd.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#32 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#33 (permalink) | |
Born Against
That is why your "best definition of race" doesn't have much utilitarian value. |
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#34 (permalink) | |
Location: Some place windy
Personally, I think it's funny how so many people talk about "culture" without having the first clue what it is and how it works. "Culture" is so frequently tossed around as an explanation, but it isn't an explanation at all (any more than saying something is "genetic" or "evolved"). What are the specific environmental inputs that are represented by the concept of "culture" and how do they work to form "a person in terms of drive, motivation, and determination"? And how do these cultural factors accomplish this independent of any heritable factors? And how do we demonstrate this causal independence? |
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#36 (permalink) | |
Cunning Runt
Location: Taking a mulligan
Less well-defined is the definition of a "dark" individual, versus a "light-skinned" individual, but that concept is useful as well, in regard to predicting skin cancer. Both of these would appear to have utilitarian value to me. Getting back to earlier statements, some years ago I saw a study whose results concluded that many American immigrants are what could be called "overachievers," and that it often carried over to the second generation. By the third generation, statistically, there was very little difference in their performance in comparison to those whose grandparents, etc. were born here. I haven't seen this in years, and a brief seach didn't locate it. Sorry. ![]() So now I'm on both sides of the genetics debate. ![]() |
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#37 (permalink) | ||
Born Against
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#38 (permalink) | |
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#39 (permalink) | |
Born Against
And the same can be said for all the "official" races recognized by the U.S. None is a monophyletic grouping. I think the best interpretation of human genetic variation is a clinal interpretation: most traits vary clinally (ie. gradually) from place to place. There are no sharp distinctions, no boundaries, and no barriers to complete mixing. |
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Tags |
americans, asian, genes, math, students |