Originally Posted by zen_tom
But races are hugely diverse populations - some chinese people are taller than some black people, some white people can jump etc
Trying to negate a group difference by stating individual exceptions is very poor logic indeed.
"There may be a gene (or more likely a multitude of genes coupled with environmental factors) that makes you smart, but it wont be racially exclusive."
Intellegence is not decided by enviroment, knowledge is. There have been multiple tests created to test intellegence cross culturally so as not to involve possible enviromental effects into the equation.
"What I mean to say is that even if the brain works differently for different races, then you still can't make the judgement that one is better than the other, but you can suggest different ways of teaching the same things."
I would say that if you take a large enough number of people from each race and give them the same problems with the same educational experience across the board you would be able to judge such a thing quite easily.
All in all, any scientist who would like any future funding at all stays away from any possible testing or proving of anything besides the thinking that we are all exactly the same but look different. Though, lets not talk about the fact that our skeleton structures, brain size, cranial structure, musculature, hormonal levels and even longevity are quite easy to see are different. Why in the world would everyone want to be the same anyway?