When I returned to University, I had been away from academics for 5 years. I was gathering "Valuable Life Experience" instead...
I got 63% in Calculus in grade 12, but I think that was because I was infatuated with girls, and not first derivatives. It was by far my lowest mark, and it did not count towards my university entrance average. I took it as it was: no big deal.
1st year University came around, and studying economics and anything "On the Margin" requires a healthy dose of Calculus. I was counting myself fortunate that I didn't have to wrote a thousand essays like those poor SOB's in History or English.
The Professor entered the lecture theatre (seats about 200 students) and anounced in a very heavy asian Accent: "Today, we review High School Math..." and with that, he turned and faced the board, and started writing formulae. I was shit scared, and frantically wrote down everything he put on the board. Everything. My hand was cramping at the end of the lecture!
I couldn't understand the words coming from his mouth. I went up to him after class (I was keen. Mommy and Daddy were not paying my way. I was 'financially motivated') and asked a question about one of the fomulas. His response?
"I don't speak English." and he walked out. I was OUTRAGED! How can someone secure tenure at an institution in North America if they do not communicate in the fucking native language?
I went to the department head of Mathematics and Statistics to complain. He was a good Scotsman, and would surely sympathize. He would be as shocked as I was! He was not only harsh, but taught me a good lesson on university.
"Son, I want you to go to the library and search this professors name. If at that point you want to change classes, I will arrange it. You should feel privledged that you are in his class. I think 30 years from now, you will brag to your colleagues that you attended one of his classes..."
Before I left the office (with my tail between my legs) the Department Head quipped "You don't need to speak to understand math. Read the text, then read his notes, then do the homework."
I researched the prof. I was shocked to see that he was quite published, in journals that were written in english, french, Chinese, Italian. This guy was a fucking genius.
I studied. 3 hours a day on math alone. I completed every question in the damn textbook. I attended every class. At the end of the semester, I was one of 24 students left in the class. We took up 1 row in the lecture theatre. The first row.
My mark? a 74. A well earned 74. I am more proud of that mark than any of the "100% Good Job!" bullshit cop-out marks in other classes.
And I love Math to this day.
I promise here and now: I will instill a respect for academics into my children. I will require hard work, and demand good results.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.