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#4 (permalink) |
Comment or else!!
Location: Home sweet home
A bunch, let's see...
One small dog when I was 5 or 6, died because my dad kicked it because it bit my dad. He was learning how to use the sowing machine and it came under the table and bit my dad. His automatic reaction was kicking, then we saw our dog shot out under the table and ran to the kitchen screaming/yelping really loud. It died shortly after that.... The following year my mom bought a dog from the market, it lived with us for about 2 days then it ran back to what we assume was its old owner, found it's corpse near the river bank 3 days after that.... Then we stopped having pets until we moved to America We started having gold fishes. My dad bought a couple dozen and put 'em in a 24 gallon tank, they just slowly die one after another until none is left. We also have 2 gerbils around that time. One died because it was eaten by something, we found a bloodly mess outside its cage one morning and it wasn't there. The other died because we exposed it to the cold. That's when we get the hint and stopped having pets....
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe? Me: Shit happens. |
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#6 (permalink) |
It's All About The Ass!!
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Man is this thread depressing.
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project ![]() It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! ![]() |
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: Louisville, KY
Depressing? I'll give you depressing
![]() Back in the olden days, when Nefir was but a young lad growing up in Soviet Russia, he had a dog and a cat, both of them mongrels of some sort. When he and his parents left to Moscow, for an interview at the US embassy regarding political asylum, someone poisoned the dog and beat the cat to death. I still don't know why. Probably because they could.
You do not use a Macintosh, instead you use a Tandy Kompressor break your glowstick, Kompressor eat your candy Kompressor open jaws, Kompressor release ants Kompressor watch you scream, Because Kompressor does not dance |
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#8 (permalink) |
Location: on the back, bitch
My parakeet, Gomez, died when my parents slept in the livingroom and turned on the a/c. Who knew parakeets can't handle that? He was 5.
My hamster died when, needing some cedar chips for his cage, my mom couldn't find any and asked a store clerk, who came out with a bag of wood shavings. Hamsters eat cedar chips safely, but wood shavings, as it turns out, slice up their innards. My dog, Angie, had to be put down after suffering a stroke at the age of 16. No more pets for us for a long time. |
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#10 (permalink) |
Observant Ruminant
Location: Rich Wannabe Hippie Town
Three cats -- two killed by vets, one should have been.
Cat 1 -- big calico female. She had cancer, but my wife didn't want to let her go. with the vet's encouragement, we kept her alive for three months with steroids and special food. At the last, we were force-feeding her. At the last she was having a terrible time. She finally crept off one day and died under the bed. Cat 2 -- Russian Blue. At age 13 he developed kidney problems, and we kept him alive for the next four years by giving him 300 ccs of Ringer's solution in the neck every other day. Outside of five minutes of struggle 3 or 4 times a week, his quality of life was pretty good, though his physical ability gradually declined. At age 17 he lost a lot of weight and finally stopped eating. The vet (a differen vet) found cancer and said, "This is the end of his quality life. You can keep him alive a while, but he'll be in pain and he won't understand." I learned my lesson the first time. I took the recommendation and put him to sleep. It was hard, but better than the alternative. I stayed with him while it happened. Cat 3 -- 17 years old and basically healthy as a horse. His teeth were in bad shape and he needed anesthesia for the teeth cleaning. He didn't recover well and died of a heart attack a few hours later. Moral: don't let vets give old pets general anesthesia unless it's absolutely imperative. The risk is greater than they let on. I know others who've had similar experiences. But this isn't depressing. Everybody dies, sorry to say, and we gave all three cats long, good lives. I'm sorry Cat #1 had to suffer so long because we couldn't let go, though. |
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#11 (permalink) |
The Pusher
Location: Edinburgh
When we were little kids my brother emptied a bottle of wood glue in the fish tank, they all died.
The following stories are pretty graphic... Later on we had some mice in a fish tank (no water, they didn't dehydrate ![]() The other mouse went crazy, started eating itself, and ran around in circles for hours nonstop. We eventualy just let it go. Years later we bought some more mice and one day we came downstairs to find one of the mice eating the other one, there was blood splattered all inside the tank and bones everywhere, and the white mouse had blood all over its face, it was lke something from the Silence of the Lambs. So we let that one go too. And then years after that we bought a little black and white kitten, called Cat. she was cute as a button. When it came to get her de-sexed there were some complications with the surgery and she became very ill, with some sort of infection. Over the next two or three months she stopped eating, she became just skin and bones and her fur and teeth started falling out, she could hardly move and if she did eat she would just vomit it all up a few minutes later. The vets didn't know what was wrong, and the only thing they could think of was some sort of surgery but it was very, very expensive and it wasn't guaranteed to do anything, so we just couldn't afford it She was in and out of the vet's and they loved her so much that the staff got together and offered to do the surgery for free, but it wasn't a success, and she was put down shortly afterwards. That was only four or five years ago and I miss that little Cat so much. Before that I'd never really understood how people could love their pets so much. |
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crazy, thoughts |