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Old 01-20-2004, 05:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: South Ca'lina
political correctness is RETARDED!

So last night I'm watching "I Love The 80's", and they get to LA Law. There's a really funny black comedienne on there, and she was commenting on Benny, the mentally retarded character who was on the show. She said, "I really liked the retarded guy". But what you heard was "I really liked the BLEEEEEP guy."

Gimme a break!!! There is nothing wrong with saying someone is retarded, if they are retarded. "Mentally retarded" is a descriptive term, not a derogatory term. If you look up 'retarded' in the dictionary, you do not see "stupid and worthy of mockery" as a definition. What should she have said instead? Anything the PC Police would have substituted means the very same thing. Just because the word 'retarded' has found its way into the lexicon of every grade-school kid doesn't mean we should erase it from adults' vocabulary. This all goes back to trying not to offend people; whereupon I refer you all to Sixate's thread on offending people.
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Old 01-20-2004, 05:43 AM   #2 (permalink)
A Real American
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In the future the world will be so sensitive everything will bother everyone since no one has to deal with terms and ideas they don't like. PC is pussifying our society to a ridiculous degree. You know what pisses me off in my life? For Halloween my kid cannot dress up at school as a vampire, ghost, devil, or anything that would be too scary(!!!). WTF is that???? You also can no longer dress up as a witch as that offends the Wiccans and promotes a religion. How fucking many Wiccans do we have in this town, like 10???? Halloween celebrations at school can no longer be called as such. It is now called "The Fall Party" so all mention of Halloween is expunged. Same with Xmas. Xmas parties at school are now called "The Winter Party" to avoid religious stepping on of toes. I"m atheist, my gf is atheist and my kid is atheist, but I have no problem with Xmas as a holiday of goodwill and celebration. If an Atheist can handle Xmas I'm sure the rest of the religious fucks can too. I could care less who's "the reason for the season" Xmas is a tradition and can be positive for all ppl.

Funny thing is PC creates more racism and prejudice than it solves if for no other reason but to spite the PC ppl. I know lots of ppl who aren't really racist but say nigger this and that, faggot here and there, and call cheapskates Jewish. Try to take away words and ppl want to use them even more. It's human nature to rebel, and they're just making rebellion over nothing.
I happen to like the words "fuck", "cock", "pussy", "tits", "cunt", "twat", "shit" and even "bitch". As long as I am not using them to describe you, don't go telling me whether or not I can/should use them...that is, if you want me to continue refraining from using them to describe you. ~Prince

Last edited by Holo; 01-20-2004 at 05:46 AM..
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Old 01-20-2004, 06:03 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I agree with Holo wholeheartedly.

I couldn't believe it when I heard that you couldn't dress a kid up as a devil or anything like that. As if that makes them followers of Satan or some bullshit. The thing is, there are SO many religions and almost anyone can make up one, it is practically impossible to please everyone and not to end up stepping on someone's toes.

I can totally understand that some individuals are deeply hurt by words that others don't think twice about. Tough shit, really. It's human nature to categorize and sort, whether we say something out loud or not does not mean we're not thinking it.

This whole PC crap is going to the opposite direction of where I'd prefer to see it going. But then maybe that's because I don't believe there to be really any "bad words". Originally from Europe, I'm not used to the level of censorship they practice here, and as a movie buff I was really upset when I was watching a true action classic - Die Hard - and they had replaced the line "yippee-ki-yea motherfucker" with "yippee-ki-yea friend". I mean, Jesus Christ... and the scene in the third Die Hard where Willis is carrying a sign saying something about "niggers"? They had apparantly shot a whole different scene for the network distribution, cuz the sign now said something like "I'm mad". Just the mere thought of what Pulp Fiction would be like when aired on the television almost brings me to tears.

But seriously...who does this please? Who does it serve? Go to any elementary playground and it'll sound worse than what you hear on Pulp Fiction. The only reason I see for them having to censor everything on the staretube is because that thing is what raises people's kids these days, not the parents, not the teachers, but the television. Parents don't bother controlling how much and what their kids watch, so it's the network's job to modify its content to better suit the audience.

If you want to explain PC as means of making sure we "all have fun", then it doesn't work for me. There was this one joke I read recently in which an employer sent out an invitation to the employees to come to his party. Then sent another one making changes because it was infringing on someone's personal views, religious or otherwise, then another and another until he said, look, fuck it, the party's off, is everyone happy now?

If I can't say what I feel, might as well not say anything at all.
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Old 01-20-2004, 06:05 AM   #4 (permalink)
aphex140's Avatar
Location: northamptonshire
Check this out

I live in England. During the world cup, everyone had the ST georges cross on their cars etc. Basically it was every where.

Some P.C motherf**kers decided that it might be seen as racists as we are a multi cultural country.

My west indian friends flew the cross, so what the f**k . I hate racism and would take no part in it, but my support for my country is solid ( sport).

I am not having some white middle class arsewhole with nothing to do telling me displaying my countries flag should not be allowed.

I know there are arseholes who would use such an even asd such but the majortiy of people just wanted England to win and were showing their support.

Excuse the spelling RANTING
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Old 01-20-2004, 06:46 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: uk
I agree aphex,
It is a sad state of affairs when you cant fly your own flag in your own country, even when its not aggrevatative.

It all seems a bit OTT to me i mean the even changed the names in Captain Pugwash afaik.

Problem is the P.C bunch think they are helping out but all it does in reality is piss people of more and create more tensions.
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Old 01-20-2004, 07:47 AM   #6 (permalink)
shalafi's Avatar
Location: Stuart, Florida
This PC stuff always amuses me. Especiall the gay stuff the last year and a half or so. My boss uses terms like fag, queer, big sissy, and similar things all the time and guess what......hes GAY. If this stuff doesnt offend him (and obviously if he says it himself it doesnt) then why should other people have to watch their mouths for fear of offending the pc police? I think the answer is not to modify how we talk but to just accept ourselves as who we are then these things wont seem so offensive. I mean hell im fat but i just think its funny as hell when people try to skirt around it with things like "big", "heavy", "large". I love coming back with "i think the term your looking for is fat ass". I think im starting to ramble so thats all for now.
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Old 01-20-2004, 07:57 AM   #7 (permalink)
The Cover Doesn't Match The Book
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The P/C term would be “developmentally disabled”
Why would the censors “beep” her?…..what a bunch of retards!

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Old 01-20-2004, 11:15 AM   #8 (permalink)
Fly em straight!
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And johnnymysto, how would you know they were saying "retarded" if it as bleeped out? lol

Ok, to bleep "retarded" is kind of much, but other words I agree should have to be bleeped, if nothing more than to keep those words out of the vocabulary of children.

Which reminds me.....Prince, been hanging out at school playgrounds lately??? Hmm....

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Old 01-20-2004, 11:48 AM   #9 (permalink)
shit faced cockmaster
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When words are bleeped, it's not hard to figure out what they are saying anyways which makes me wonder why they even bleep them.
The sensitivity of America is growing more and more and one day it will go too far.
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Old 01-20-2004, 11:56 AM   #10 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
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I think the whole PC movement started out with good intentions, but I agree that it has gone way too far. Like others have said, no matter what you do or say, you're managing to 'offend' someone these days. I can understand censoring swearing on TV, but there was no reason for 'retarded' to be censored out of the program, especially when it was used correctly!
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides"
-Carl Sagan
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Old 01-20-2004, 12:26 PM   #11 (permalink)
Keep on rolling. It only hurts for a little while.
Location: wherever I am
I find the paradox with being PC funny. Honesty should be the number one factor in any communication. Yet being PC flies right in the face of this. Granted there are derogatory terms which can and probably should be avoided but when you become too worried about "offending" someone honesty disappears in an effort to "soften the message".

What about people like me who get offended by PC speak? Don't we have similar sensibilities?
So, what's your point?

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Old 01-20-2004, 12:27 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Does that mean it's not okay to call someone a "fucktard"?
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Old 01-20-2004, 12:36 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Farm country, South Dakota
Unfettered tolerance is the last gasp of a dying nation.
-Unknown (to me anyway)

Political Correctness (and I am going to kick my self for this) is a good thing. To a point, and we have passed that point by about ten or fifteen years. We need to be able to express ourselves as we wish with no thought police. When PC takes over, free speech dies.

[/end rant]
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Old 01-20-2004, 12:37 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: South Ca'lina
Originally posted by The Original King
Does that mean it's not okay to call someone a "fucktard"?
Oh, no that's fine. Al Sharpton used it in a recent speech, so everyone's saying it now.
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Old 01-20-2004, 03:00 PM   #15 (permalink)
Memnoch's Avatar
Location: Land of milk and honey - Wisconsin
As I once heard a mexican comedian say (can't remember his name):

"This PC shit has gone too far. Pretty soon, people aren't going to be able to identify muggers and murderers and stuff like that. 'Well, ma'am, what did he look like?' 'A person...you know...he was...um...a person, just like everyone else! Are you trying to say I'm racist or something?' I tell you right now - the guy who robbed me was most definitely Mexican, like me! I could tell because he had fourteen people in his car, with a king-sized mattress on top. It wasn't tied down, either - everyone had one arm out the window holding it down!"

Edit: Point being, there's a difference between calling someone "Hispanic" and a "Spic," just like there's a difference between calling someone "mentally retarded" and a "fucktard."
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Old 01-20-2004, 03:18 PM   #16 (permalink)
Cracking the Whip
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This relates to the victimization of America.

You are nobody unless you are a victim these days.

We encourage it with overboard PC rules,

We encourage it with multi-million dollar lawsuits for spilt coffee,

We encourage it by living in fear of everything, anything that might possibly hurt us.

I personally want to live life, not be a victim of it.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." – C. S. Lewis

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Old 01-20-2004, 03:47 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: slippery rock university AKA: The left ass cheek of the world
I actually have a mentally retarded brother so i feal that i have a right to get offended when someone uses the term in a derogatory way.

It all depends on usage Its all right when you are describing someone as being mentally retarded but calling someone a retard as a means of being insulting goes over the line for me. Because mental retardation is not by any means a funny thing in many cases it can be a very tragic thing, you will not that i did not say embarassing because i love my bro and i'm not embarassed by him at all I just get murderously angry when someone points and says "Look at that retard!" (it has happened before).

Like i said, its the usage and purpose behind it that matters.
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Old 01-21-2004, 03:17 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally posted by thejoker130
I actually have a mentally retarded brother so i feal that i have a right to get offended when someone uses the term in a derogatory way.

It all depends on usage Its all right when you are describing someone as being mentally retarded but calling someone a retard as a means of being insulting goes over the line for me. Because mental retardation is not by any means a funny thing in many cases it can be a very tragic thing, you will not that i did not say embarassing because i love my bro and i'm not embarassed by him at all I just get murderously angry when someone points and says "Look at that retard!" (it has happened before).

Like i said, its the usage and purpose behind it that matters.

I'm in the same boat. My wife's brother is severely mentally retarded and it really bothers me when people use "retarded" to mean stupid. I'm also offended by the use of "gay" as stupid too.
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Old 01-21-2004, 04:01 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: California
Originally posted by Derwood
I'm in the same boat. My wife's brother is severely mentally retarded and it really bothers me when people use "retarded" to mean stupid. I'm also offended by the use of "gay" as stupid too.
I have an aunt that is mentally retarded but she hears people being called gay and retarded all the time and she doesn't care. IMHO you are to sensitive. You need to distiguish how they are using the word "retarded" or "gay" in a sentence. My aunt calls me retarded all the time and I don't get upset because she jokes around. Some people just dont know how to have fun...
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Old 01-23-2004, 06:41 AM   #20 (permalink)
Who You Crappin?
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Originally posted by bonehed1
I have an aunt that is mentally retarded but she hears people being called gay and retarded all the time and she doesn't care. IMHO you are to sensitive. You need to distiguish how they are using the word "retarded" or "gay" in a sentence. My aunt calls me retarded all the time and I don't get upset because she jokes around. Some people just dont know how to have fun...
It has nothing to do with knowing how to have fun. It has to do with people desensitizing a word that to some people is a very serious matter. I think using "retarded" to mean stupid is no better than using "nigger", "faggot" or "spic". I think people don't have a problem using "retard" though because they rationalize that mentally handicapped people won't care because they don't know they are being made fun of.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel
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Old 01-23-2004, 07:17 AM   #21 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Not being an American I find this rather amusing... I can watch the uncensored version of the Soprano on Free Network TV.

Yes there has been some drift of 'victimization' across the border but just not in the extremes that I hear from Americans.

Could it be that Americans just can do things half way?
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Old 01-23-2004, 05:11 PM   #22 (permalink)
Who You Crappin?
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Location: Everywhere and Nowhere
Originally posted by Charlatan
Not being an American I find this rather amusing... I can watch the uncensored version of the Soprano on Free Network TV.

Yes there has been some drift of 'victimization' across the border but just not in the extremes that I hear from Americans.

Could it be that Americans just can do things half way?
The censorship issue can be tied directly to a government that despite championing a "separation of church and state" policy, are terribly conservative and dictate their policy on christian morality.

As for victimization, we have a court system that is so fucked up that it empowers victims and shits on everyone else.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel
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Old 01-24-2004, 10:34 PM   #23 (permalink)
Be careful who you call dickwad too.
Some people take great offense to that terminology.
I grew up in the days where you were either considered a jock or a head.
People were always breaking each others balls.
That's just the way it was.
I was both a major jock and a semi-head so I got along with everyone.
We always insulted each other andlaughed about it or got bent.
Then laughed about it later for allowing it to get us upset.

I'm not politically correct nor do I think I'm capable of it......that's why I think I always get labeled as a fucking troll.

Woe is me........NOT !
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correctness, political, retarded

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