Originally posted by thejoker130
I actually have a mentally retarded brother so i feal that i have a right to get offended when someone uses the term in a derogatory way.
It all depends on usage Its all right when you are describing someone as being mentally retarded but calling someone a retard as a means of being insulting goes over the line for me. Because mental retardation is not by any means a funny thing in many cases it can be a very tragic thing, you will not that i did not say embarassing because i love my bro and i'm not embarassed by him at all I just get murderously angry when someone points and says "Look at that retard!" (it has happened before).
Like i said, its the usage and purpose behind it that matters.
I'm in the same boat. My wife's brother is severely mentally retarded and it really bothers me when people use "retarded" to mean stupid. I'm also offended by the use of "gay" as stupid too.