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#1 (permalink) |
Unfair and Imbalanced
Location: Upstate, NY
Have you ever gotten into a fist fight?
Me and a couple of friends were talking and I was shocked to find out that most of them had never been in a fist fight. Now, I'm no pugilist, but I've been in dozens. My family moved a lot, so I was always new in schools and later I ran into a few bar dwellers that needed adjustment. I've never started one, but never backed away. Is this unusual? Have you ever been in a fist fight?
"Youth and Strength is no match for Age and Treachery" |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: that place with the thing
Absolutely. It was a big part of growing up, for me. I can think of only a few times when I've ever started a fist fight, and that was when people thought it was acceptable to insult my mother. For me, that's just something you do not do, and those people who once thought that know much better, now.
When I was younger (say, up through sophomore year in high school) it would be as a result of sports events. When I'm playing, I'm very nearly consumed with aggressive tendencies and focused on winning. I've been likened to a Dingo, actually (one of the two reasons for my pseudonym here): small and vicious. Anywhoo, that generally doesn't rub people the right way, so there'd be plenty of fights in the parking lot. As I got older and began to handle myself more pacifically, I'd end up in a scuffle because I wasn't one to back down verbally, rather than being an indirect instigator physically. As the whole growth thing ended, and I remained a rather diminutive figure, I guess it can really piss larger folk off that they really have no intimidation factor over me. Clubs, movie theatres, restaurants, and similar places I've been known to step outside. Now that I'm in college, though, it's only happened twice in the past year. Yay for fewer bruised knuckles! I prefer to handle things verbally these days, or simply walk away if necessary.
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons. I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and voice of reason. I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices, son. They're one and the same I must isolate you, isolate and save you from yourself." - A Perfect Circle |
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#3 (permalink) |
Location: Canada
Yup..I have won some and lost some. Been a long time since I have been in one though. I don't go looking for fights, But I won't back down from them either.
Even if the guy is twice my size, Ya I may get my ass beat...But I will not back down from him. I find that alot of people I know & have met try to use thier size to intimidate people. But I am a firm believer that the bigger they are the harder they fall. I don't weigh much, But speed is on my side. I have a couple friends who are alot bigger than me...Not fat, Just more solid...When we wrestle I am always alot faster than they are. I don't let people's size intimidate me...Even if I do get my ass beat, I didn't back down. I try to avoid fighting, people don't fight with thier fists anymore. I seen one of my friends give an ass kickin to this little punk that deserved every shot that he took. He started mouthing of to him and my friend was just ignoring him...Then something triggered him to just turn and give him a kick in the gut...as soon as the guy bent down in pain he grabbed his head and smashed it into a postal box. This guy was bleeding from the inside of his ear and his chest and shoulder was covered in blood. Surprisingly he got back up and wanted more, My friend didn't want to touch him again because of all the blood that was coming out of his ear...But the guy took a swing and my friend dropped him again. He took the beating like a man though..I give him that. This just happened this past summer...Right on the main strip of the town we were in. I only posted about this fight my friend got into cause for only a giving a few shots to the head and stomach it is the most blood I had ever seen from a fight. There was puddles of blood all over the sidewalk also. The fights I got into were usually short..usually got broken up by friends or elder people. It was always in self defense, Never started fights..And the ones that i did win...They learned there lessons.
"To win any battle, you must fight as if you were already dead" -Musashi Last edited by IC3; 10-08-2003 at 03:00 PM.. |
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#6 (permalink) |
I remeber reading a study that showed most men havent been in a fight. This was in the early 90's though so I wonder if that is still the case. I have been in a couple. Most lasted about 30 seconds. I am a big guy and if space is limited I just get up close and smash folks into things. I have posed my way out of alot of fights, just by stnding with my arms crossed.
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#7 (permalink) |
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
I've been in quite a few. I only threw the first punch twice. Both times the other person spit in my face. Spit in my face and you will get a knuckle sandwich..... I don't give a shit who you are or if you can beat my ass. I'll at least get in one shot.
I've been taught ever since I was a kid to stand up for myself and take shit from nobody, and I don't. I don't look to fight because I don't like to do it, but if I have to I will. 99% of the fights that I've been in happened because I always used to stick up for my drunk high dumb friends. They started fights and I would get involved. I stopped hanging out with them because it was a waste of my time. I've only been beaten up once, but I guess it's easy to beat up a bunch of drunk dudes when you're sober. ![]() Almost forgot. I've been in a bunch of fights at concerts. Get in a pit and people will fuck with you when you're my size. There's always a bunch of kids that think they can beat up a big man. I'll gladly teach them otherwise. I can assure you, I'm no bully. Just don't fuck with me. ![]() |
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#8 (permalink) |
comfortably numb...
Super Moderator
Location: upstate
never...never had to...i have always tried to disassociate myself from those types of people, but i would not be afraid to mix it up if the opportunity arose...and i think i am in good enough shape, at my age, to hold my own...
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous casualties...in a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done." - Robert S. McNamara ----------------------------------------- "We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches... We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles." - Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message" ----------------------------------------- never wrestle with a pig. you both get dirty; the pig likes it. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Talk nerdy to me
Location: Flint, MI
I was the short, fat kid, with glasses in band...you do the math.
But, I didn't lose them all. Hell after a while I learned to fight dirty. I'd kick guys in the balls, bite, poke eyes, whatever I had to do to get out of there alive. Now I avoid them at all costs. Actually I don't really get into too many situations where a fight would even be possible. The mind is a more powerful tool than the fist.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own -- Adam Savage |
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#13 (permalink) |
Pup no More
Location: Voted the Best
Only in the hockey rink ... and a lot of'em. I was the goon/enforcer on many of my teams. Best fights were against teams from Nepean (let's see if anyone here is from there). Wackeyass can back me up on this ~ if he ever gets away from the TB.
"If you cannot lift the load off another's back, do not walk away. Try to lighten it." ~ Frank Tyger |
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#14 (permalink) |
Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
i reseve that rage now.... no one deserves it unless i need to fight my way out....
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not. |
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#15 (permalink) |
Wake up
Location: Nowhere special
Never been in a fight here and i'm not really looking to get into one either.
"I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." -- Donnie Darko |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: Illinois
I've been in a couple, only lost one. That was because I fought him with a cast on, I just recently broke my arm. He didn't beat me bad either, three hits and I didn't break blood or bruise. I dont start fights though and I haven't been in a fight for a good year or so.
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#17 (permalink) |
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
Location: Upper Michigan
The first fight I can remember was a not necessarily mainly fists in Kindergarten. Another girl and I got into it. Pulled hair, kicking as well as punches were involved in that one. Next one I can remember was with a 5th grader when I was in 2nd. She was constantly pushing kids and primarily me around on the playground. Finally I'd had enough. I was pretty proud of that fight. She started it, I finished it, I got sent to the principals office but my parents never punished me as they knew this girl had been causing problems for me for a while and had already spoken to the school about it. I just decided enough was enough. Several more after that. Once I hit highschool I actually calmed down. Shoved a guy when I was in college cause he was in my face and yellin at me. The fists came up but the other students intervened quickly. Funny looking back at it. All my opponents were bigger than me.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama My Karma just ran over your Dogma. ![]() |
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#20 (permalink) |
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
I haven't been in a fight since grade school.
Sometimes i want to get in a fight. Sometimes i just want some drunken panhandler to escalate the situation when i refuse to give him money. You know, nothing too hard to handle, but still satisfying. When i first started JKD i wanted to fight everybody, but then after a few days i realized how many people could probably kick my ass. Now i'll only fight if it is completely necessary, and dirty as hell at that. |
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#21 (permalink) |
Location: Vol Country
No, I've never been in a fistfight, this may sound conceited, but most people tend to like me. I've had very very few enemies.
I've only been truly mad one time ever that I can recall, and that was after some kid fucked with my little sister (he hit her)......so I fuckin mauled him. But it doesn't count as a fight cause he never touched me.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons |
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#22 (permalink) |
Fluxing wildly...
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
I have a way of convincing people they don't really want to fight me. Usually it's because there's more than one of them.
flux (n.) Medicine. The discharge of large quantities of fluid material from the body, especially the discharge of watery feces from the intestines. |
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#25 (permalink) |
Location: 1 mile from Ground Zero
I've been in quite a few over the years. Luckily I mostly came out on top. There are many reasons to fight when you have no choice. For ex. defending a loved one, watching out a friends back, and sometimes for some stupid situations.
Its been a long time since the last one. I prefer to avoid them but if the need arises, I'm in. Glad
I'm "Glad I Ate Her" because the payback was worth it!! |
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#26 (permalink) | |
Location: that place with the thing
When I fight -- though as noted, it's been a while -- I tend to smile and laugh, even as I take one to the face. This has a tendency to really freak people out, or to enrage them even further, but I can't help it. I truly have a good time when I'm fighting -- unless it's because you've said something about my mom -- even when I happen to come out on the bottom. The heart pumps, the lungs burn, your muscles twitch with adrenal energy... For me, I really believe that endorphins flood my body. In all, I think it's an incredibly euphoric experience. Maybe this is because I've lost a relatively small amount of fights for the number I've been in. I'm small, but I'm rugged as fuck 'cause all my best friends were highly ranked (red belt through 3rd dan) in TKD, and they loved to spar with me when I first started. Once you've had a 3rd dan land a combination turning hook-round-turning crescent to the head, body, head, respectively, a punch or two isn't gonna do much to faze ya.
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons. I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and voice of reason. I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices, son. They're one and the same I must isolate you, isolate and save you from yourself." - A Perfect Circle |
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#28 (permalink) |
Warrior Smith
Location: missouri
I've been in a few, and everything above about how they suck, even for the winner, are true. Worst one was an actual HTG gang brawl - I was working security at a private party thrown by a cambodian comunity group, demographic was about one third normal people, one third older people, and one third gang banger. Shit, I didn't even know we had gangs around here. Any way, the fight started because one large group of about thirty guys from kansas city got pissed at a similar group from here. Alcohol was consumed in monumental quantities, tempers flared, and one incredibly stupid individual from K.C. began screaming obscenities at the largest members of the other group- by running up to them and screaming directly in their faces- the third guy he subjected to this treatment calmly socked him in the jaw, and then proceeded to stomp him into a pulp- this is not an exageration or turn of phrase- NEVER hit the ground in a fight- i cannot stress this enough, having seen what a boot realy does to the human face, ribs and anything else it stomps/kicks- at about this moment I noticed that the loudmouth's friends were now charging toward the other group- and I was standing in the middle. This was the moment that I realized that (1) I was realy being underpaid (2) what looks cool in big trouble in little china is utterly terrifying in reality. The whole thing lasted all of thirty seconds- I was not punched once, just slammed into a lot- nor did I punch anyone, instead i tended to throw them into/shove them into others- I was not part of either group and so not anyones primary target, fortunately. the fight ended when a bystander emptied a whole can of pepper spray into the crowd- that was also the only time I have been pepper sprayed- I do not recomend it- everyone scattered after that to avoid the cops, except for the loudmouth who started it, who had to be rushed to the ER, and a few people with minor fist/ bottle induced injuries. Incidentaly, this was also the last time that I worked for that particular employer, as many of those present were packing guns, and it was only luck that prevented any from using them....
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder, Mood the more as our might lessens |
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#29 (permalink) | |
Knight of the Old Republic
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
![]() I've never been in a fight unless you count with my brother, but that's boring. Ha ha. I've been in a bunch of close encounters, but I usually talk my way out of one if I can. If talking doesn't work, then I simply state that if the person doesn't "back down" from pissing me off, then I'll seriously punch them square in the face. This actually works most of the time. I don't know why, but if you tell someone that if they continue to do whatever they're doing that's against you you'll punch them in the face, they always stop. In my cases, anyway. -Lasereth
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert |
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#30 (permalink) |
An "unofficial" street fight?...it's been awhile
Used to be bullied in school, until I got big and finally hit back. Gangs at school used to try, until they saw that I didn't feel pain physically. These people are cowards, they will attack until you show that you can hurt them. One drunk guy poked me in the eye through the car window, I yanked his arm, pulling him into the car, and then slammed the door out (bam, bam) Some drunk muscle guys tried to jump me out side of work. (They weren't that coordinated, so I made quick work of them) And I've confronted a few bullies of others. (they backed down once they saw someone willing to tangle) And I've thrown people around to protect my friends from a moshpit and crowd. The only fights I've been in lately have been sanctioned Martial Arts events. (that's enough) I avoid fights, don't put myself in situations in the first place. However, I will throw down to protect people. I hate bullies with a passion. As I said to one bully (How about playing with someone your size? ![]() Last edited by rogue49; 10-08-2003 at 08:34 PM.. |
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#31 (permalink) |
Aside from fighting with my brother as a kid, only one fight, and it didn't amount to much. Some kid punched me in the nose, I took a few swings at him, knocked him down once, he knocked me down once then the teachers showed up. Mainly I was too shocked that he hit me to really think about what I was doing.
For the most part tho, I have always been easy-going and never had enemies. Also I am big, which deters people some. Most people aren't as quick to start a fight if they know going in that they're giving up 50 pounds. |
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#32 (permalink) |
big damn hero
I have only been in three full blown fist fights.
I've been in at least two dozen situations that could have went either way. Fortunately they all went the peaceful way. It's very hard to get me riled up enough to throw a punch and I don't like to be manipulated into fighting. So, very few fist fights for me. I got my ass kicked in the first fight (he didn't "like my mouthin'). He put me through a trophy case at school. Nothing builds character like being manhandled like a sack of potatoes. Since then, I've learned a few things. Didn't stop "my mouthin'" though ![]()
No signature. None. Seriously. Last edited by guthmund; 10-08-2003 at 09:25 PM.. |
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#33 (permalink) |
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
never been in a real fist fight before
i have a few friends who do all the time though.. and they go to the same places as i do... they must be asses to people all the time to be getting in fights all the time i did punch a guy once though... he cheap shotted my toughest friend and then tackled him into a table, where he smacked his eye and cut it open.. this pissed me off, so i punch the guy and split his lip open... from there, no more punches were thrown.. cause he was on the ground i know i can hold my own.. but it's pointless to fight... i would rather just walk away |
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#35 (permalink) |
Location: ÉIRE
Have been in 2 many.All when i was in my teens.
The area I lived in had a very bad rep and I guess it followed us around.The local club was a meeting point for 3 differend townslands and without fail every weekend there was always mass brawls. I have grown out of that (mammyhouse put manners on me) and I prefer to go somewhere less agressive, have not been in a fight for years but sadly the bad name still follows me around.
its evolution baby |
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#37 (permalink) |
Location: Tokyo
i had one back in highschool.
i was getting harassed by a guy who was bigger and stronger... so i decked him, and when he got up, i did it again... but the second punch i threw broke my hand. i have no intention in repeating that effort... ever.
Ohayo!!! |
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#38 (permalink) |
Boy am I horny today
Location: T O L E D O, Toledo!!
Severl. Only had my ass kicked once though, I didn't want to fight, and tried to joke my way out of it, he pounded his knee into my head (while someone held me down). He came out looking worse in everyone's eyes than me!
In 7th grade, the kid whose locker was right next to me started a fight with me like everyday, I'd usually just punch him in the eye, and he'd leave me alone. Well, one day he faught back, and it was a total knock em out drag out fist fight, going through the lockers, into the gym, until a teacher stopped us. He was bleeding like a stuck pig, and I had a knot on my head. Oh those days. |
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#39 (permalink) |
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
I usually just walked away in high school. I can't say losing face in front of people who didn't like me anyway was really much of a concern for me. There were a couple of minor scuffles but no real fights.
I'm not lazy, I'm "motivationally challenged." |
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#40 (permalink) |
Location: Pennsytuckia
Tons, but where I grew up it was not really a fight. If someone didn't like you he would tell all his friends about it. One day you would be walking home or something and bam, 20 guys beat the shit out of you. You get up when they are done stomping your shit into the ground if you can, or someone calls the police and they help you up with handcuffs. Once you get done getting finger printed for getting your ass kicked you pull out the cell phone, unless they took it when they beat your ass, which is usually the case, or you go to a pay phone at the stations and call your boys and tell them what happened. I remember seeing my pager blow up with 911 187’s at least once a week. They all pile in a few cars and the process is then handed out to each of the guys that did it to you. This goes on and on until someone gets shot on both sides. Then it’s squashed. Fun shit huh.
As an adult I have only been in a few. Those were usually when I was drunk and talking smack at a bar. Luckily I met my wife and she basically saved my life by having kids from a pervious marriage. How could I be a bar fighting drunk when these kids needed a person to look up too? I have not been in a fight since I have been married. I have wanted to pound a few people but the thought of having to see my kids from behind bars usually curbs that thought. Fighting is a stupid way to handle a problem. |
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fight, fist |