The first fight I can remember was a not necessarily mainly fists in Kindergarten. Another girl and I got into it. Pulled hair, kicking as well as punches were involved in that one. Next one I can remember was with a 5th grader when I was in 2nd. She was constantly pushing kids and primarily me around on the playground. Finally I'd had enough. I was pretty proud of that fight. She started it, I finished it, I got sent to the principals office but my parents never punished me as they knew this girl had been causing problems for me for a while and had already spoken to the school about it. I just decided enough was enough. Several more after that. Once I hit highschool I actually calmed down. Shoved a guy when I was in college cause he was in my face and yellin at me. The fists came up but the other students intervened quickly. Funny looking back at it. All my opponents were bigger than me.

I could brag on that or maybe it just shows my stupidity. Haven't gotten into trouble like that in almost a decade. Think I'll keep it that way.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.