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How many hours of sleep . . .
Does it take you each night to be legitimately productive? I'm not talking about crawling through the day with no energy, I mean, how many does it take for you to feel really refreshed and ready to rock?
For myself I think it's honestly 9-10 hours, which is absurd. I rarely, if ever, get that much sleep. But when I get 7-8 I genuinely feel slower and more tired the whole day. Am I alone? You crazy insomniacs strike me as the kind of people who can rip through a day on 4-5 hours of sleep. How I envy you. |
Im good with about 8-9 hours a night but i usually slide by with more like 6-7 during the week and catch up on the weekend.
14 maybe 18... I don't know.. I've slept for 26 hours in a row one time and was still tired when I awoke.. Maybe my destiny is to wade through life longing after a nice warm bed. But if i sleep for at about 7-8 hours i awake verry alert but i get tired after an hour or so again.. hmm.. maybe i should seek professional help for this...
i can do with 6 hours and have a good productive day.
Like The Dude, I require about 6-7 hours a night and I'm good. Even on the weekends I can't seem to sleep in much. Tis a curse I guess.
I usually get around 8-10 hours of sleep a night.
Probably about 8, but if i've got nothing the next day i usually sleep for around 10-12 hours.
My sleep time varies. Most nights I sleep for hours and hours (12-15). After this much sleep I seem to be more grogy. Usually about 7-8 hours will do me really well. I'm pretty bright-eyed and bushy tailed. But BEWARE if I've had less than 6 hours. Either I will be violently bitchy or so slap happy that you'd wanna kill me. :D
I can go on 7-8 indefinately. One day with only 6 is doable, but I'll need 8+ that night. Less than 6 or multiple short nights in a row, be wary.
4-6 hours...in fact if I take time to sleep in little cat naps, 1-2 hours each... i am even more productive.
I get by with about 4 - 5 hours a night, then about once a week I'll crash and burn at 7pm until 7am the next morning to catch back up.
I just can't sleep early, I'll either mess around on the computer or watch some TV until I pass out on the couch, wake up then go to bed. If I try and go to bed at 11/12ish I'll be awake looking up for hours. Now and then I'll grab a 20 min power nap during the day which helps a lot. |
4.5-6 hours if i want to be functional. more or less leaves me feeling blah.
I need 7.5-8 hours to feel good. I can function on 6 but I dont like to.
I woudl have to say it depends on the temperature... If its winter, I only need 5-6 hours sleep, because I spend less time rolling around.. Summer however, gotta take 10-11, because Its hard to fall into a deep sleep when your constantly turning and tossing because of the heat...
6-7 hours to feel good. 4-5 to function.
I average about 6. |
I need about 8-9, but I usually barely get 6 hours. :(
probably 8 hours for best results. oversleep or undersleep has negative effects on your body. 8 seems to be the perfect time. it varies a bit with people though.
Six hours to function, seven to feel well rested, 7.5 to feel great. Most of the time I wake up on my own after 6.5 to 7. As you get older, you need less. When I was 19, anything less than 8 and I was a zombie, non-functional.
I need roughly 5-6.5 to be productive the day though (though it's a bitch to raise me from sleep then, and I need like 4 watches in order to get up). If I do this the entire week I usually sleep 9-10 hours on the weekend.
For short bursts (2-4 days or so) I can do fine with around 3-4 hours of sleep, but then I need atleast 2 days to get back into working order. |
8 will do it...i generaly get between 5 and 6
I like getting 6-7 hours if I work in the morning, although I can still function fine on as little as 3. I'll catch up on sleep on my days off, getting 9-10 hours a night.
five hours, but will need at least eight the next night to recover
I am definitely envious of the 4-6 crowd. I feel like complete ass the entire day if I get 4-6. I can't even imagine doing that a few days in a row.
6-7 is good for me. If Iget a 30 minute nap later in the day it's even better but not necessary.
Generally 'bout 6, but sometimes I really lax out and get about 8 . . . hmmmmmmm
I can make it through a day with only 5-6 hrs of sleep but by the end of the day I feel dragged down and I can't do it for a few days straight or I'd really feel like crap.
If I atleast achieve 8-10 hrs I'm golden for the day. |
Well, last night I only got a little less then 4 hours of sleep. I'm not going to be able to tell how productive I was until tomorrow, when I have a pile of errors on my desk that need fixing.
On average though, I'd have to say that I need between 7-9 hours of blissful sleep of the dead in order to be productive... |
regardless of the amount of hours of sleep i get... if i get up early (lets say 5am) - not including drinking nights - then i´m incredibly productive for the rest of the day.
if not, then its way harder to concentrate. but if you want me in a great mood the next day... then i gues at least 6 hours is required. |
I can get by on 7 but to really feel awake, I need 8 or 9.
I need a lot of naps. I could take at least three naps a day and be on top of the world.
Some days I get as little as 3-4 hours sleep due to the time difference between my boyfriend and I. He calls late when I am already asleep and it is earlier where he is. But this the only time we really have to talk so it is ok. Other nights I get up to 8 hours. I still sleep the best during the day though. I don't know what it is. Maybe I am a vampire. |
any less than 4 hours and I am useless.
4-6 and I am feeling my most productive. 6-8 and I feel a little slow from too much sleep. anything more than 8 and I am useless from too much sleep. |
i need about 8 hours to feel 100% but ive always wanted to try that thing that Galileo did (i think it was him anyway) he would stay awake for periods of 4 hours then take 20 minute naps in between...apparently this would keep you very well rested and you would only need 2 hours of sleep every 24 hrs....it would be hard to try but interesting
sorry i guess thats 2 hours sleep per 26hrs........maybe i am too tired
I can live with 5-6. A paper route in my youth helped develop this. If you want to get by with less sleep, some time, just set your alarm so each week it goes off 10 minutes earlier. You'll start sleeping deeper so you get the same 'amount' of sleep in a shorter time.
10 is swell...without the drinky of course.
I can get by on about 6 hours for 2 or 3 nights, but after that I'll sleep for 12-16 hours as soon as I let myself do so. I usually average about 8-9 hours.
6 hours can keep me very alert most of the week, but then I'm tired as hell for a few days after that (so I generally go in bursts of 6 hours and then 7-8 hours hehe)
the answer.... is 8
It really varies for me. I can sleep 10 - 12 hours and still be tired some days, and others I may go to bed at 3 am and wake up 3 hours later feeling fine.
I am your average human, I like to get around eight. But I can go on about 5-6 if need be. Anything less that that, and I feel horrible. I'm also one of those people that never fully seems to wake up after sleeping for too long(12+ hours).
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