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Psycho Dad 08-12-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Giant Hamburger (Post 2686969)
I am an agent.

I'm a double not spy.

JumpinJesus 08-12-2009 04:15 PM

We allow insulting of members now. This will make future threads super fun!

Psycho Dad 08-12-2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by JumpinJesus (Post 2687255)
We allow insulting of members now. This will make future threads super fun!

Pile on?

LoganSnake 08-12-2009 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by JumpinJesus (Post 2687255)
We allow insulting of members now. This will make future threads super fun!

They were compliments.

blahblah454 08-12-2009 04:25 PM

Where is this said picture?

LoganSnake 08-12-2009 04:28 PM

His avatar. It's him.

ShaniFaye 08-12-2009 04:30 PM

It was here...its gone now, but it doesnt take much googling to find the OP's facebook (and you can see it even if you dont have a FB account)

blahblah454 08-12-2009 04:32 PM

wow, I think I jizzed in my pants!! Facebook glory!

Punk.of.Ages 08-12-2009 04:34 PM

Don't say jizz, blahblah!

It makes Colton uneasy...

Lucifer 08-12-2009 04:36 PM

I think The_Jazz makes Colton uneasy...

LoganSnake 08-12-2009 04:36 PM

Who puts their real name as a forum screen? Aside from Colton that is.

Punk.of.Ages 08-12-2009 04:37 PM


My mom's an asshole.

blahblah454 08-12-2009 04:38 PM

Oh noes!!!

I released a waterfall of sticky goo in my pants and how its running down my leg!! Fast punk come lick it up for me!

Punk.of.Ages 08-12-2009 04:39 PM

With those muscles?....


My tongue'th thtuck.

blahblah454 08-12-2009 04:46 PM

uuuuuh yea baby!! you just keep that tongue on my thighs. mmmmmmmmm its heaven right now.

Crack 08-12-2009 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by JumpinJesus (Post 2687255)
We allow insulting of members now. This will make future threads super fun!

You do unbend your noble strength, to think so brainsickly of things.

You scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian! I'll tickle your catastrophe!

(Shakespearean Insulter)

Verse for lovers, prose for ruffians, songs for clowns.

cdwonderful 08-12-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by JumpinJesus (Post 2687255)
We allow insulting of members now. This will make future threads super fun!

yea, pretty much the same way you "allow" someone to jump in front of a bus.....simply watching the show, dude! :thumbsup:

raeanna74 08-12-2009 06:30 PM

Colton, the main reason that you're getting razzed on this thread is for two reasons.
#1. Regardless of how long you've been here you've not spent much time contributing any substantial post or advice of any sort that I can find. Most of the long standing members, regardless of how often they post, still post messages that contribute to this online community.
#2. Out of the posts you've made in this thread you've made a few prejudicial remarks. There are many of us who've made a comment or two that may be similar BUT... The proportion of contributing, substantial or beneficial posts versus prejudicial posts are not nearly 2:1. Rather, many are probably more like 20:1 or more.

The way to remedy this situation would probably be *SHUTUP on this thread - you're just digging your hole deeper, and *start posting in other forums and contributing. You will get to your end goal way faster and I'm just betting that you'll have more fun getting there.

purplelirpa 08-12-2009 06:46 PM

all i have to say is that pipl.com unlocked so much stuff on this guy, and all of it hilarity!

noodle 08-12-2009 07:02 PM

Sweetness? Hi... I'm the Grammar Nazi.
I'm still stuck on the fact that "tomorrow" has ONE "m" and two "r"s.
I can't get past that.
Have a splendid day.

Fremen 08-12-2009 07:52 PM

I think I've seen bots more articulate than Colton's posts.

Crack 08-13-2009 02:48 AM

I don't know if this thread should be in the hall of fame or not...

Lucifer 08-13-2009 03:21 AM

I just googled this dweeb, and he's been here before! He joined in 2004 under the nick of rosenbusch, posted 7 times and then was banned.

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it!

The_Jazz 08-13-2009 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Crack (Post 2687425)
I don't know if this thread should be in the hall of fame or not...

If I were unethical or an absolute asshole (I'm a partial one trending towards absolute, but I'm not there yet), I would post the PM exchange he and I had. That was...special. And it would absolutely put it over the top for the HOF.

ShaniFaye 08-13-2009 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2687460)
If I were unethical or an absolute asshole (I'm a partial one trending towards absolute, but I'm not there yet), I would post the PM exchange he and I had. That was...special. And it would absolutely put it over the top for the HOF.


The_Jazz 08-13-2009 04:24 AM

Guilty as charged.

Lucifer 08-13-2009 04:25 AM

well, now you've got to post it!

Fuck, I'd sell my left nut to read that now.

Nisses 08-13-2009 04:27 AM

Why wasn't this thing just locked?

The_Jazz 08-13-2009 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Nisses (Post 2687473)
Why wasn't this thing just locked?

Well, that's actually a very good question.

Staff was discussing this behind the scenes as it unfolded. Actually one of us hit the "report post" button within about 5 minutes of the OP going up, so it got early attention. Once it got rolling, the general consensus was that it was too funny to shut down, and, I think you'll probably have noticed, we lock threads at a much lower frequency than in the past.

In the end, I'm sort of happy that Colton came here to make that kind of statement rather than some of the other places on the net. Can you imagine what the 4Chan folks would have done to him? [shiver]

uncle phil 08-13-2009 05:11 AM


Anormalguy 08-13-2009 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by FuglyStick (Post 2687179)
Stick to neutral colors and I think you're okay. Pink or teal, though...

Wait a minute! I look good in teal, & it's my wife's favorite color :).

Colton, not to beat a dead horse, but exactly why did you start off writing like a third-grader, when if fact your writing skills are fairly polished?

Edit--I'm guessing that manlyman Colton is now part of TFP history.

Plan9 08-13-2009 05:27 AM

UnclePhil: Guess what will be uttered the next time I'm in chat.


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2687476)
Can you imagine what the 4Chan folks would have done to him? [shiver]

What? Correct his grammar and attempt to hurt his feelings via words on a screen?

Oh-ho-ho... such is far from the brutality of the staff here at TFP. Or maybe just you.

Nisses 08-13-2009 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2687476)
Can you imagine what the 4Chan folks would have done to him? [shiver]

I might have payed good money for a thread like that :)

Ok, you have a point.

And yes, threadlocks have definitly been getting rarer.

I dunno, I was sort of starting to feel bad about the group bashing this guy was getting, not because of him, but because this was happening on General Discussion at TFP...

Reese 08-13-2009 07:03 AM

You guys are douchebags. I thought you were better than this. I feel ashamed to be a member of this forum right now.

Halx 08-13-2009 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by cybermike (Post 2687594)
You guys are douchebags. I thought you were better than this. I feel ashamed to be a member of this forum right now.

In contrast, do you realize how boring it would have been to address him seriously?

Crack 08-13-2009 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by cybermike (Post 2687594)
You guys are douchebags. I thought you were better than this. I feel ashamed to be a member of this forum right now.

please tell me you are being sarcastic.


Pretty sure this thread is "mockingly funny"

Reese 08-13-2009 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Crack (Post 2687792)
please tell me you are being sarcastic.


Pretty sure this thread is "mockingly funny"

I'm dead serious. The guy came here wanting to know where he could show is cock off to some women without any gay dudes seeing it and you guys treat him like a fuckin' leper and poke him with sticks. It's cruel.

mixedmedia 08-13-2009 02:37 PM

well, granted, if some guy came to me (personally) and asked if he could show me his cock privately 'cause he didn't want some gay guy to see it,' I would have been just as hard (if not worse) on him.

he's an internet casualty, of a group psyche that I can relate to. And, somehow, he will find the strength to go on. If the guys hadn't torn him to pieces, then the women would have. Is that somehow better?

Plan9 08-13-2009 02:52 PM

There are more eloquent ways of discussing the desire to post your lovebazooka online.

I mean... when I get a photographer and finally post mine? You suckas ain't getting a warning.

blahblah454 08-13-2009 03:05 PM

You mean your smoothspot right?

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