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Rape Videogame Simulation: How is this worse than shooting to death hundreds?
While don't find this game attractive in anyway and very repulsed by the very idea, I cannot help but think that the taboo here is not really much different than someone who goes around pretending to be a gangster capping people in the head (Grand Theft Auto III-IV) Or driving a car around the city trying to cause as much damage as possible to all property (Burnout)... at what point is simulation bad? I'm having a hard time understanding just how bad this is or different than being able to have kills and headshots. Yes, I can agree with everyone that it is rape, that it victimizes women, makes them powerless. But this is again, simulation. If you say that this is bad. How come murdering thousands by the uzi clip isn't just as bad? Is is just that the Governator made it ok with his puns and action hero movies of the 80s? Help me understand this better. Post your thoughts as you understand them. |
I tend to agree with you Cyn. There's really nothing about rape that is any worse than being a serial killer, yet GTA isn't pulled from (many) shelves.
They're both examples of video games letting people indulge in the most base of fantasies. Whether it's actually harmful or not is, I think, open to debate. Yes, you get the occasional kid who shoots up a school and immediately gets the latest shooter video game in trouble because of it. But if an adult plays the rape game, does it follow that he will then go out and rape some woman? What do you guys think. Personally, I think not. After all, I've played Deus Ex, but you don't see me shooting poisoned crossbow darts at people. |
I think it's disgusting and repulsive and I think most of the other video games where the major theme is thrill-crime brutality are disgusting and repulsive, as well.
No, not to me it ain't..... this is worse than well.... everything I've seen so far. It's rape....
Because we're all full of shit.
edit: You're all full of shit. I just pretend to be so you don't beat me up. |
Do you rape zombie mutant women in this game?
If you fail to meet your alotted rape quota in the set time do they rape you? Ick. |
This stuff makes me sick.
I would like to try the game just to see what it was about, but even then, i just feel weird typing that. haha.
I think it's a consent thing and a procedure thing.
Take most shooters/FPS. There is an understanding between the protagonist and the antagonist(s) that you are there to fight and shoot at each other. Even when you mow down hundreds, often they are the bad guys. It's also very easy for an in-game shooting to be very impersonal. You can kill someone from hundreds of meters away in a first-person perspective sometimes. Now say they are not the bad guys, like in Grand Theft Auto. You usually don't spend too long on them. Typically you'll shoot them fast or run them over quickly. I suppose you could if you wanted to, but you are not rewarded for this in the game as you are in Rapeplay. Also it sounds like the level of detail in the rapes is very high. This discussion could be likened to whether a Vietnam vet is as bad of a person as a serial rapist. Conventional morality would say he is not. |
There's less of a reaction to GTA-type violence because it's so predominant in Hollywood entertainment. Lethal Weapon, The Godfather, Die Hard, Rambo, they all feature big guns and loud explosions, so we're used to it, and we're able to separate fantasy fiction from reality fiction, which as an unintended side effect desensitizes us from the latter. Rapes, on the other hand is not widely portrayed in Hollywood, and when it is, it often stirs controversy. In other words, Sex, okay. Violence, okay. Sex + violence, not okay. On a side note, based on the reviews, it sounds like your run-of-the-mill hentai game. |
I believe the violence of rape might be different than that in war. Rape is often meted out as punishment, ownership of another human being, debasing etc. Rape is a war crime. Rape is not perpetrated with the same intentions as most wars.
Think of your wife being raped, or think of yourself alone in a subway car being raped in the ass by thugs and beaten up. Think of them telling you they were going after your wife and children next. Think of this happening on just a regular work day, in your city, while you were minding your own business. Both war and rape are violence perpetrated against other humans. Both are horrific. One seems like it might be worse because it could take thousands or millions of lives. However, the other ruins lives in a different way, and both beget more violence. |
Here's another article about the similar vein of torturing prisoners. The author is quick to point out the morality of it, and in fact thinks there should be more torture in video games to highlight it to make people think about it. Wouldn't or couldn't the rape game achieve the same thing? Quote:
But we wear ribbons, we write letters, what about simulation to see how it actually makes you feel to complete the act without harm or foul to any real life individual. Does it make you think more of your actions? Isn't that what simulation is supposed to do? If simulation can be used to enhance bad behavior can it not also help suppress bad behavior? |
I find interesting the differences between these responses and the ones in this thread. Is rape bad only when there are no tentacles involved?
Since we've thoroughly played out all of the 31 Flavors of Shock in this era... only rape and torture are left for mass consumption.
... Great excesses. "When we sin, we sin real good." Anybody else smell the end of the Roman empire? |
I dont believe simulating violence leads to a more humane populace. On the other hand I dont really think we need the insipid Hello Kitty junk either.
Why bother? Neither are cool. |
:( I don't think Hello Kitty really hurts anyone the way violence does. I've never really been okay with super-violent video games; this is definitely over the top. I think as aberkok suggested the major issue here is one of mutual consent. |
Maybe youre water bottle isnt cool for me, but you are!
Happy belated Valentine's Day, Snowy. (My earlier post is a little more thoughtful than #15, a little.) |
I am not particularly a fan of the GTA-style/mow-'em-down 1st Person Shooter games, but I think that the violence, while bad enough, is nonetheless comparatively impersonal and comic-book-y. I wouldn't let my 10-year-old play it (if I had a 10-year-old), but I would probably shrug and sigh if my (hypothetical) 16-year-old was playing it. I tend to believe that, unless played to excess, and/or played too young, violent video games sublimate violent impulses more than they produce them. But a rape simulator is just sick. It's nothing but a practice session for creating stalking rapists and child molesters. Sexual violence is just not the same as non-sexual violence. It is personal, psychologically destructive, violating, in ways that-- although to some degree all those things are true for non-sexual violence-- non-sexual violence cannot compare. If I caught my hypothetical 10-year-old playing GTA, I'd give him a mild chewing out and ground them. If I caught him playing a rape simulator, I would give them a very serious talking-to about sexual violence, and arrange for them to meet a rape crisis counselor and a rape victim, to educate him about what sexual violence means. |
So you'd not discuss and educate your 10 or 16 year old on sexual violence without this simulation coming into your world? Isn't it then a useful device in having you confront the discussion and actually have it with your hypothetical children to discuss the morality and the issues surrounding it? This is the desire of the author in the wired article about torture in World of Warcraft. |
I will do my best to teach my kids about non-sexual violence, and preventing that also, but that's different. The problems most video-game playing kids have today is that they don't clearly understand the boundaries between the videogames and how the real world works: for example, they understand that in the real world, killing is wrong, but they don't get the permanence of death. But this rape game is not fictionalizing the subject, as if, for example, the virtual victims, once engaged in the sex, enjoy their violation. It specifically reproduces the fear and pain reactions of the victims, for the pleasure of the user. It doesn't merely blur the distinction between fantasy and reality, it actually promotes an unhealthy attitude, namely, that it is okay to take pleasure in hurting others, sexually. Sure, I understand that this is a virtual simulation. But it is clearly geared to preparing someone for the actual act. It acclimates the user to enjoying the suffering of others, it promotes a deeply unhealthy mindset. The fact that the "training victims" are not real, and thus there is no real suffering, is entirely irrelevant when compared to the future victims whose real suffering will be ignored. It's just sick. |
Yes its a lot worse.
Raping a child is far MORALLY worse than murder |
Maybe I should start playing video games again. I wasn't aware that this type of game existed. ;)
So if they make a video game where it's going to hookers, being a porn star, banging the easy girl at the bar, prom night, multiple girls, and other scenerios would it be ok? I would rather play that game than killing the same computer AI bot again. The graphics aren't bad, but need a little work. The plot needs a little toning down too, but I have no problem with a high-res graphic adult videogame. |
I don't think people need to simulate things to know they are bad or hurtful.
It seems to hearken back to this idea that people who stalk and rape are just like anyone else and are making choices to do so the same way people decide whether they want to make dinner or order pizza. It is a compulsion. And the fear and pain are part of the attraction. You're not going to waylay these impulses you are going to reinforce them if the game is played by someone with the capacity to do it. The game was created for shock value. Trying to put an educational slant on it is bullshit. Sorry, it just is. If you want to convince me differently, find me a journal article written by a psychologist who makes the claim that simulating brutal violence makes a person more sensitive to actual violence. Not something written by a journalist. ---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ---------- also, if these games were effectively working to making people more sensitive to the suffering of people at the hands of others...wouldn't they stop playing them? |
Murderous violence simulated as "entertainment" is bad enough.
The simulation of rape and torture (of any kind) crosses that threshold of having gone too far. These are things we need not simulate. The physical and psychological damage they can cause are well-documented. If you knew enough about this, you'd know they aren't fit for a context of entertainment. Most violent video games use violence as a means to vanquish. This is a reality of our human history, and so we revisit this theme, as we are curious about it, and it is also glorified--and, darkly, we can be entertained by it. However, to be entertained by a simulation of rape or torture (especially in a realistic representation) would be indicative of some psychological problem and/or a serious moral lapse. The function of violence in these two modes differs greatly from what we see in most games--and the two are somewhat related in a way, and they are quite different from the violence of vanquish and vengeance. This game is nothing short of deplorable, but I agree--it's meant for shock value. (As an aside: also realize it was created by a culture that sells used girls' underwear out of vending machines.) |
This makes me feel sick, too. |
It reminds me of some people that are addicted to porn, who become bored with their
entry level porn, and need to up their fix quotient by viewing increasingly more bizarre forms of it, to reach the same arousal state. Perhaps the shoot'em up the bad guys/killing aliens...etc, doesn't satisfy the hunger for violence after awhile, so it's time for something stronger, more vile. |
Rape is ALWAYS a hate crime. Furthermore the makers of this game, whoever is president of the comy that released it shoud do life. I am 100% serious. Any person who purchases this game is a child pornographer and should face the maximum penalty under the laws of their state. Their children should be taken away from them (for their own protection) and they should be added to the sex offender and marked for life as a dangerous pervert. The programmer of this game and the oublisher should be taken to the haugue and tried for outrages against international law. If Japan will not give them up then international agents should invade the territory of Japan and take them. This is an utter obscenity, it is a foul thing that is disgusting to all people. It is a humiliation upon Japan the nation and a disgrace upon humanity. There is no defence for this. I repeat - the responsible people should do life, and if Japan will not imprison them we should take them and put them in one of our prisons. Life, and no consideraton of parole for 25 years MINIMUM. edit . . . of course, if this whole story is satire - then consider me suckered in by it. |
Under what grounds do you think the publisher should be prosecuted? The grounds that it offends you personally? If I make a painting of a girl getting raped, should I go to jail? What about if I write a story? Make a comic? Make a movie? Where do you draw the line here for your "jailed because of content of creative work" mandate? |
Good points twisted.
This is why I am not sure about how I feel about this. Where is the line drawn? I know the line is drawn on the action itself, but what about parody, simulation, art, writing, film? Why is one medium okay and not another? |
I think it comes down to intent.
There are things such as literature and film that address rape, even graphically, but it can be argued that these are representations for artistic purposes—critique, analysis, etc. However, in this case, what we have is: "Dude, you're the rapist! Go to it!" Do we think this is art here? |
I think it maybe a fair defense if presented in a court of law. I'm not the one who can think of the implications enough.
How is this different from a Choose Your Own Adventure or POV DVD where you can select your next action? |
I can't imagine how anyone could find this game enjoyable--or more accurately, how there would be enough people who would find this game enjoyable to make the product successful. I personally find it repugnant and beyond creepy....but, I'm nervous about banning speech or expression in the absence of direct threats or true victims. My only hope is is that some would-be rapist can get his jollies playing a game like this and decides not to look for a real victim.
Rape is a central theme in pretty much 60-70% of all Japanese hentai games. Funny that they single this one out. There are literally hundreds of games released every year that focus on or feature rape. http://www.getchu.com/
Don't blame the game, blame the market. |
*sigh* murder may kill the person, but it doesn't leave them emotionally scared for life, terrified of most everyone.
shit sickens me. |
Just for the record, I don't purport that anyone who creates, purchases or plays these games should be arrested.
I do purport that they are assholes. And unfortunately that is still perfectly legal. How many people here are old enough to remember the MA gang rape that inspired the Jodie Foster movie The Accused? I remember it very vividly. I was 18 years old and I don't remember anyone having to actually see the rape to be horrified by it. |
I think capping people in the head is a lot better than raping them. That totally came out wrong. But, in a game, kids know death is a fact of life and because of that killing someone seems less harmful than raping someone. Rape can do more damage in the long run than murder, and though both are horrible things to begin with, murder is the lesser of the two evils imo.
I would rather murder a bad guy than rape them. Rape involves much more complex feelings against a person than murder and I don't want to teach my child those sort of complex feelings. I'd rather have him learn to shoot a duck than rape one. I don't think this post is going to end up sounding right. >_< |
Has anyone looked into the rape crime rate in Japan? Has any Japanese rapists been interviewed to see if they had played this game? Or is there a whole other type of person who plays this game versus actually commits the crime in real life?
Is there anyway to modify the game to show (possible) rapists the harm they would cause and the impact on the victims life and their life? I'm not seeing how this video game is that different from watching a simulated rape video instead of playing the game? There are plenty of those videos on-line. |
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