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Old 03-18-2007, 01:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Denver City Denver
Pimp Game & Where Has All the Love Gone (Long Read)

So, with Winter almost over and the alcohol abuse wearing away to a headache that would kill a horse, I am drawn to my computer once again to finish this little piece of mental masturbation. I still don’t have a real topic to pretend I know anything about. But I’ll try…

I picked up a book on the art of Pimping. It’s an art form… at least that’s what the pimps keep saying. It’s really rather disturbing to read the stories these motherfuckers tell. In the book “The Pimp Game,” the author Mickey Royal tells a story about how he had to break a girl down. He brought her to someone’s house to strip while they played dominos. She was made to stand there naked while everyone at the house touched her, yelled at her and basically assaulted her in anyway possible. At that’s not even the worst part. She just stood there taking it all with tears running down her face. It was all done to show who was in charge. When they were done Royal took her out and “took away the pain” as he put it. That story in itself was enough for me to put the book down for a few hours to rest my “virgin” little brain.

Now I guess I should explain why out of all the great books that are out there I got a book on pimps. I’ve had this strange obsession with “The Game” for years and have never taken the time to do any research. I don’t really have a desire to be a pimp in the horrid sexually sense of the word. But oddly, the books and movies (“American Pimp” by The Hughes Brothers) actually teach good life lessons. Like how to get what you want. It’s like Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” but in a really sick and twisted way. Which is why I’m drawn to it. There is defiantly an art to manipulation. And not all of it is bad and evil. But most tends to lean that way. It gets transformed from just getting what you ordered when you have to send your meal back to talking women/men into sleeping with you with no strings attached. It teaches how to pick out the people that are weak enough minded that they will bend over backwards to satisfy you. Which I guess, now that I read what I just wrote, it’s not a really good way to lead your life. But the truth of the matter is that no one will ever get ahead in life without stepping on others. Or using what they have to get what you want. In the world of “The Pimp Game” it’s using a women’s body to get money and power… most importantly the power. I’m finding that from what I’ve read and have seen with my own eyes, most pimps are “ho’s” with a choice. They have the drive and street sense that give them the advantage. And most importantly they have the ability to turn off all emotion and sense of being a human. They turn themselves into robots hell bent of taken advantage of others. Cold with no heart and without a reason to change. It’s really, really sick. They pride themselves on how many souls they’ve bought. How many women they have “turned out” or “knocked.” Which makes sense. In a world were all you have is a false sense of power you have to pride yourself on it. If you don’t, you start to see that you really have nothing. But I guess that’s why they turn off all human traits like love, happiness, belonging, and anything else people strive for.

Now, most of you are thinking, ”Why would a women want to sell herself?” It’s the reason I call pimps a “ho” with a choice. And the reason they teach you how to spot the weak minded. Most of the women that are on the streets aren’t doing it for the money… if they were, they could just strip and not have to fuck. They do it because their pimp has promised them something. Their dream. Weither it's fame or really... even money. The pimp takes the girl out of a bad situation and promises her a better life… but for the cost of complete and total humiliation. And most “ho’s” come from such bad situations that they will fallow anyone that promises that “brass ring.” It’s just a matter of her choosing the guy to lead her astray. And once the pimp has caught her in his trap she can do nothing to get out. Because maybe the next day she will get what he promised. It’s like in that story I recounted before, the only reason anyone would let himself or herself be treated that way is if they knew they were going to get something in return. And she never did and she never will because she is so broken by the experience that she has no mental strength to remove herself from the life. True, he did take her out later and I’m sure showed her a nice time… maybe gave her the next day off. But that was just the temporary solution to the permanent damage she has. Now, when something is damaged it is possible to fix but when something is destroyed it is gone forever. The “ho” is destroyed… by the pimp. The pimp wants the power and the “ho” wants the life. They give it to each other.

I’m sure you’re wondering how this can be effective advice to use in real life. Well, to tell you the truth, I’m still working on that. It’s all in finding the balance between good and evil. One has to be just “evil” enough to destroy someone but just “good” enough to not go through with it. If that makes sense? I don’t suggest trying to turn off all emotion. It’s not really possible. I’ve noticed after my small amount of research that you can place anyone into the three players of the game. There are pimps, “hos,” and “tricks” in your everyday life. It’s just a matter of choosing which you will be. Think of the owner of your company as the pimp, you are the ho, and your customer is the trick. You are told by your boss what to do, you do it because he promises you a dream (money, time off), and what you do is all for your customer. You work 8 hours a day to serve your boss so he can get rich and give your customer something that he/she can’t get anywhere else. And part of the reason you keep doing it is the feeling of helping people. And we all like to help out our fellow man. Don’t we? It’s just another way to write out the food chain. But in this one you have the right to move to different levels. At this point I would place myself as “mack”. (I will explain later.) Which is the reason I am reading these books. I don’t wanna be a real pimp as I stated before but I do want to move myself up into the position of pimp. I don’t rule with an iron fist and cold heart but I would like to be the one that sits back and collects off of the “exploits” of others. But in a good way. The problem is that the word “Pimp” brings up images of your “Huggy Bear” type. Gold chains, brightly colored velvet suits and really big shoes. You picture him driving down the street in a “drop-top” Cadillac with four women in the car. He calls everyone a “bitch” and is always talking about money. And when the word “whore” is mentioned you picture a slightly dressed fake blonde woman standing on the corner asking everyone if they want a date. I’m not saying that those images aren’t true. I‘m just saying that it gets a lot deeper then that.

Look at it this way. The woman that asks a guy in a bar to buy her drinks can be labeled as the whore. She is looking for something that is really easy to obtain on her own but is so brain washed that she only knows one way to go about it. The man that buys her the drink is expecting something in return. He is the trick. He thinks that he is the pimp because he gets the power over her for a few hours for just a few dollars. She thinks she is the pimp because she is getting something for nothing. The owner of the bar or the bartender is the pimp. They are providing the safe place for the hook-up to happen. The pimp gets the money and other two go home satisfied. For the time being that is. The next weekend or even the next night they will go back to that “safe place” and do it all over again. Everyone falls into his or her selected spot and most don’t or refuse to see whom they are. Just to clarify I am not the "ho" in this story. I am the “mack.” I am the life of the party… the one dancing, laughing, and having a good time while the rest play their part. The “mack” is almost like a pimp in the sense that he obtains what he wants through manipulation. But is unlike the pimp because he does it all by not being cold hearted and distant like the owner of the bar. I provide people with a good time by simply being around them. I’m the go between for a large number of people around my town. I am out in the open and everyone knows me. Unlike the pimp that must keep to himself to let the mystery grow. Which is what draws people to him. I get people by simply being me. The “mack” is actually a very important part of the game. Most of the time he works under a pimp and gives him a percentage of what he makes. He is a friend to the “hos.” He walks next to them and has their trust. I guess in all actuality he is a glorified whore. Okay, there are two other people that are involved in the game: the bottom girl, and the hustler. But I really am not clear as to what part they play. As it appears to me they don’t really need to be there. So, I’m not gonna talk about ‘em.


Okay, here’s the deal. I took on this subject thinking it would be fun and exciting. Well, it’s become too depressing (even for me) to study and write about. I had every intention of giving it my all and spending as much time studying but after only two weeks I’m ready to blow my head off. It’s not that I don’t find it interesting anymore… I’m just not as interested as I was. And that little bit has made me not even want to read or write anymore. Kind of pisses me off that I spent that money on books about this shit. These people are so sick that I’m finding it hard to put the whole thing in a good light. I can’t build any humor out of it. It’s like trying to do a comic strip about WWII. Oh sure, if you put it into a real life situation then people can better understand and it becomes more human but… Jesus, that’s depressing. To think that you spent however much time in the past as a whore. Kind of makes you wanna put a .45 in your mouth and hope for a pretty corpse. At least for me I’m a “mack” but still it’s a shit way to lead a life. And if you wanna look at it as way to learn some life lessons then I hope you find some. The only thing I could get out of it is that I don’t really wanna lead that life. Or any life like it. So, if it teaches you to stay in school and go with the natural selection of things then you win. You don’t really have to step on people to get ahead. It works a lot better to climb next to them on the way to the top. Look at this magazine. I did my time as a piss on journalist that never had a fuckin’ thing published and by just being myself and walking with good people… look at me now. I have a place to display what I like to think is my talent. I didn’t manipulate the Editors into giving me a chance… they asked me. Yeah… they asked me to write for them. I don’t understand why but they did. So I leave you with this: Don’t be a pimp… be a human.


It’s funny. Now that I’ve stopped writing about all this shit and it’s been a few weeks since I’ve even read this I still find myself placing people in the certain categories. And oh look… still writing about it. All my friends have their place and everyone I meet is pre-judged into their spot. My mind has now become this huge “food-chain” of sex and greed. Everyone from my mother to my best friends are now nothing but “Pimps and Whores.” And I’m really kind of okay with it. It’s an easy way to keep track of who to talk to about certain things and who is gonna help me if I need it. And besides how they fit in to my “Pimp Game” it’s how the connections they have to each other. Who is whose pimp and who is whose whore.

Like I said before. I’m not trying “turn out” anybody. I don’t think I can even do that. I can’t even get my dog to sit and these people expect me to make a women fuck some fat guy in the back of a 76’ Camero. Okay, I’ve been waiting to say that since I started this article but never could find a good place for it. It’s really distracting to see someone has only a “ho” or “pimp.” I watch the couples in the bars buying each other drinks then leaving with someone else. It’s like watching a ballet of sexual deviance. Everyone knows the dance. You bring $100 to the bar and budget half for buying others drinks. You only ever spend about 15 on yourself and walk away without a number and a drippy penis. If only you had tried harder. Yeah… if only you had tried harder you could have gotten that dumb fuckin’ blonde girl to go home with you and maybe just maybe with a little more effort she would have given you a hand job on the ride to your place. But no. You had to act like a fuckin’ pimp. You had to play the game and make sure everyone knew who you were and what you were about. Which in turn… turns off every self-respecting girl or guy in the place. But even more truthfully… why in the fuck would you want a self-respecting girl in the first place? Those are the ones that never put out. Which you know to be true because look at you… you haven’t met a girl that wanted to fuck you whose name didn’t end in “.jpg” in almost six months. So, what do you do? You go out and buy a bunch of “fucktard” books on how to be a pimp, make the excuse that you did it for research and wait for the ladies to line up.

So, no ladies come. And all in all you realize that the entire plan was a huge fuckin’ mistake. You put the books away and just try to be yourself which is what everyone always told you to do in the first place. Be yourself and be nice to people… that is unless being yourself involves keeping tied up 19yr old girls in your closet for use later in your plan to take over the world. And again… that doesn’t work out as planned. But then after being as charming as an elephant for as long as you could stand it you meet someone that has been in front of you the whole time. And then you can go about your life as a human… not a pimp. No one cares who you are and what you think you want to be ‘cause you saw it in a movie once and really you know that if you kill someone the cops will find you even if you’re doin’ it for a really good reason. Life just has a way of falling into place at the exact point you don’t want it to. And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m talking about myself. I really wanted to be a pimp no matter what I said before. I tried to be heartless and make myself disappear. I even tried to “turn out” a girl or two but got fed up when they laughed and said no. I put the books and obsessions away and focused on something important to me. And who should appear… a very nice slender 24yr old that has nothing better to do with her time then hang out with me and steal cute little kisses when no one is looking. And how did I manage to acquire such a wonderful person… I was myself. I didn’t play a game and try to head everyone off at the pass. I just kind of was… and that is far more romantic then being everything to everyone. Being able to be everything to one person and that person being everything to you and having no one else understand why.

So, when you find that one and everything person you attach yourself to them like Duct Tape to a muffler on a 76’ Buick. And then you know nothing more then her face and nothing more then her smell and kiss. And it gets you fuckin’ sick. All you hear for months and months is her voice and it all becomes nothing more then a wastes of oxygen. And all you want to do is scream at her the next time she says that she loves you and that you will always be together. Fuck her. All you want to do is fuck her. But in order to fuck her you had to lie and tell her that you loved her and that you wanted to be with her forever… you expected her to know you were lying, fuck you anyway and leave. But no. It’s been six months and all you do now is shop and hang out with her fuckin’ family. Fuck her father… and while you’re at it, fuck your father too. He’s the one that taught you everything you know about women by being an alcoholic and making your mother leave him. Yeah, that’s right. He’s the one that taught you to be the slimy piece of shit that you are today. And Goddamn it… if he ever tells you again that he was a good father and your best friend you’re gonna fuckin’ smack him.


My father was a really bad alcoholic. My mother and him split when I was about 12-13. I don’t really remember. I’ve tried to block it out. And from what all the wonderful head doctors have told me… I’m gonna be fucked up person the rest of my life. Isn’t that a great thing to look forward to? I never got to see what true love was in my household without the influence of beer or some illegal substance. I didn’t understand what it was to be in a relationship. I went from stupid girlfriend to stupid girlfriend all through school until I found the one that I could be with for a long time. That ended badly. As I got older I started to find out more and more about what love was and learned from a few really great girls. That always ended badly. I’m 22 now and just starting to get it. Compromise and communication are key to making it work. I don’t know all there is to the life of couples and I don’t think I will for a long time. Love is a strange thing… take our pimp friends for example. Most of them come from really bad situations… bad neighborhoods and broken homes (I hate that term). They get swept up in the glamour of being a pimp and forget what life is all about. Money, drugs and pussy seems like a great way to live life when you’re an early 20’s reject from a bad part of town. They never get to experience true love. And that’s why most end up so screwed up. Distorted views on life and relationships.

I was fortunate enough to have found certain people in my life that taught what my parents never did. I learned how to love from having very good friends and a string of amazing girlfriends that I still consider to be the best things that ever happened to me. I might not have ended up as a pimp or even as a mack but I would have been just has lost and cold hearted as they are. It still comes out at times. Being manipulative and overly seductive. Turning myself off so I don’t get hurt anymore. It was the life and personality I was given. I’ve done my best over the past few years to turn that off and become a better person. Caring and sensitive… some times almost to a fault just to get the point across. It’s odd how being “bad” is so much easier then being “good.” Everyone has a little bit on evil in them waiting to get out. I can’t think of anyone that’s the other way around. If you’re bad you’re bad. If you’re good… no one pays attention. We all try to be decent and polite people. Opening the door for an elderly women or returning a lost wallet to its owner. But at the end of the day we go home and see nothing but horrific images of death and destruction on TV that make the small things we do during the day seem pointless. The evil has a tendency to out weigh the good. And I’m beginning to hate that. And by hating it doesn’t mean I’m putting myself right next to the evil. It is possible to hate and be a good person.

Hate as gotten a bad name. Hate gets lumped in with crime. Hate Crime. A white guy beats the shit out of black guy behind a 7-Eleven and it gets labeled a hate crime. And we all know that it’s wrong to beat black people behind a 7-Eleven. Lets turn it around. I beat the living shit out of drug dealer that happens to be black behind a 7-Eleven. It’s still gonna get labeled as a hate crime. Why? He’s black and I’m white. But if you ignore the race shit… he’s a drug dealer killing kids and beating his wife and I’m a human. How am I in the wrong now? Good triumphing over evil. And really he doesn’t have to be black and I don’t have to be white. Switch it around. Make me black and make him a white money hungry CEO. I catch him getting into his BMW 7-Series and beat him in the head with his own shoe. I get thrown in jail for attempted homicide and robbery. Now the odd thing in this situation. It’s not labeled a hate crime. Why? Who the fuck knows… I started off on a rant I can’t fuckin’ finish. I’ve been a little angry the past few weeks and haven’t been able to keep up the “we need more love and truth” shit I was talking about here. So, you get a half assed rant about why I hate being white. And I’m sorry for repeating the word hate like 75 time in 8 sentences. I know how annoying it is to read or hear the same thing over and over again. Over and Over and Over again. Ma’fucker.

I’m not saying you should go find a drug dealer and beat them. I’m just saying that with the different levels of evil… anger and frustration you shouldn’t have to settle with being pushed around. If you view yourself as a good person then you’re doing fine. Just don’t take that extra step. I want to be a good person… I don’t wanna be a Pimp. We all wanna be good people. But some times because of different circumstance we end up on the wrong path. And that path is only viewed as wrong to those that aren’t on it. You wanna be a pimp… you wanna be evil… you wanna pave the way to Hell for the rest of us… fuckin’ go ahead. Just don’t expect to get away with it as long as I’m around. I take pleasure is putting people in their place. Be it Pimp, Whore, Mack, or Trick. You got your place. Deal with it.


I don’t know what the fuck you just read. It’s a mess of about 12 topics I don’t know fuck about. There was a moral to this. Don’t be a pimp… be a human… be yourself. “Pimp” being my metaphor for all that’s wrong and fucked in life. And now that I’ve had to explain it because I was too fuckin’ stupid to get it all out before… it’s lost it’s charm. But it’s all true. Life is so much easier if you put the game away and step back into being true. I got me a girlfriend that I love very much and a whole new outlook on life. Not a happy one by any means but a new one. I hate a lot of things. I’m aware of that. I don’t feel bad for having a constant bad attitude. You keep smiling and I’ll keep screaming. One day we can sit back with a few beers and laugh at all this. Or whatever. Boat Drinks… you know what I’m talking about.

heavy is the head that wears the crown

Last edited by Halx; 03-18-2007 at 03:39 PM..
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Old 03-18-2007, 02:24 PM   #2 (permalink)
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The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

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Old 03-18-2007, 02:58 PM   #3 (permalink)
still, wondering.
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Old 03-18-2007, 10:26 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Denver City Denver

I was hoping for more response... but...

I'm not really sure what to say at this point...
heavy is the head that wears the crown

Last edited by World's King; 03-19-2007 at 06:13 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:27 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
You've got a lot of thoughts in there.

Hate Crimes, I think they are lame because they put the focus on the race and not the actual crime. As if the crime itself wasn't bad, but because there was different races involved, makes the crime so much worse. IMO, no the crime is just that, a white man killing a black man equal to ANY man killing another man.

re: the Pimps, if you ever get a chance, watch the Players Ball. It is one thing to read about it but even more odd to see the characters are actually living breathing people and actually act out like it reads.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 03-20-2007, 12:21 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
Really interesting stuff.

I don't know exactly what I'm feeling, yet, but I really admire what you did with this piece. It's an interesting read and I feel like the writing style communicated as much about the message as the words themselves. I feel like the abundance of different thoughts and the unfinished rant about hate crimes bring this to life. It gives it more energy and movement. It may not be traditional, but I dig it.

For some reason this really makes me think of Ellis or Palahniuk (two of my favorites).
it's all about self-indulgence
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Old 03-20-2007, 12:52 PM   #7 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
World's King: Gather a group of trusted advisors and your thoughts together. The gathering might lend cohesiveness. It might

Last edited by Ourcrazymodern?; 03-20-2007 at 12:57 PM..
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Old 03-21-2007, 04:28 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Denver City Denver
Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
World's King: Gather a group of trusted advisors and your thoughts together. The gathering might lend cohesiveness. It might

But then it just wouldn't be me...
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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game, long, love, pimp, read

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