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#1 (permalink) | |||
The flood myths
Flood myths are all around the world, on every continent. The one from the bible is just an ancient hebrew myth, it resembles a summerian myth.
In all the myths there are simmilar elements : gods being angry at men ,in some of them one man is warned and escapes with a boat, waters cover all the land, then the survivors escape on the highest peaks when the water receeds. Also many of them tell about other "creations" where the people were "bad" and the world was destroyed and reborn. Acording to the maya we are number 5 How do you think these myths appeared ? Was there a great flood , what could have caused it ? Quote:
http://www.dreamscape.com/morgana/titania.htm http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/flood-myths.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deluge_%28mythology%29
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
I wish I could remember where I saw it, but I remember seeing a story about a small village discovered off the coast of the Turkish side of the Black Sea under several hundred meters of water. Apparently fire pits, etc. were stil easily visible. The theory that was being advanced was that there was an ice dam between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea at the end of the last ice age. The ice retreated leaving the ice dam in place for several hundreds of years and people occupied the newly-vacated land. The ice dam crumbled at some point, releasing a huge torrent of water. I can imagine that would be a relatively common occurrence at the end of an ice age as lakes formed and ice dams released, especially in mountainous regions.
Since it's such a good story, I can also imagine everyone telling their neighbors about it.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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#3 (permalink) |
The myth is also in South and North America .
- there was a great flood in one place and the myth spread around - then the myth must be really old, maybe from the time when the continents were toghether ? - there was a universal flood - I think this is the better explanation, because all the myths talk about very much water covering all the land. They found south american tobacco in some egyptian mummies, maybe indeed there was an advanced civilization before us, and it was destroyed by the flood, and the survivors all over tho world made the myth
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" |
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#4 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
Pai Mei, I think that a series of smaller floods is a much better explanation than one single one when there's no geological evidence to support the latter, unless you want to count rising sea levels and river levels at the end of the last ice age. Those could indeed be seen as a global flood. Also, there's no reason to assume that if these were local floods that they all occurred at the same time. A series of major floods over 1000 years would easily leave the same stories.
Humans didn't exist when all the continents were together. We weren't even a promising species. That's the time of the dinosaur - and not even the really cool ones like T. Rex. We're talking a couple of billion years ago (roughly). Your suggestion that the myth dates to then is stretching a little. I've never heard of South American tobacco being found with Egyptian mummies. Can you tell me which tombs or who found it? It doesn't seem plausible to me.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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#5 (permalink) |
Playing With Fire
Location: Disaster Area
I think you guys have covered it, in my mind anyway. Sea levels were much lower during the last ice age and much more of the earths land mass was exposed. There may have been several ice dams, one at the gibraltar straight, which would have held back the atlantic and the whole mediteranean sea area would be dry. Another at the straights of bospherus, which would have the whole black sea area dry. Sea levels rise world wide, the water breaks through the ice dams, and thus a world wide flood myth is born.
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer... |
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#6 (permalink) |
Here is an article about the egyptians. No "scientist" wants to ask the question "how ?" ,they even try to make it look like a false discovery.
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" |
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
Yeah, we've got an unrepeated experiment that's not accepted by the experts with no verification in the historical record. The Egyptians wrote about EVERYTHING. They were one of the first societies of scribes. I find it impossible to believe that they would have recorded mundane details like pay scales and recipes but somehow forget to mention the pan-global civilization that they did business with. This isn't proof - it might be with more work, but it's not proof.
And scientists get paid to ask "how" along with "why".
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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#8 (permalink) |
two characters
The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty Last edited by politicophile; 02-09-2008 at 08:19 PM.. |
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#9 (permalink) | |
Playing With Fire
Location: Disaster Area
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer... |
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#10 (permalink) |
Scientists are no longer listened to, and lose their jobs, when they talk "nonsense". One of the first who talked such things was Copernicus
It was not a single experiment there were many. I found out about it from a documentary on Discovery channel, now I searched and found that link
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" |
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#11 (permalink) | |
Playing With Fire
Location: Disaster Area
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer... |
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#12 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
In all seriousness, does this thread belong in Paranoia? I'm starting to get that sense, but I'm certainly willing to listen to counterarguements (see how I'm not a part of the establishment?).
The fact that none of my friends who work at the Field Museum make these kinds of complaints or accusations leads me to believe that Paranoia may be a better place for this discussion.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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#13 (permalink) | |
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
My two cents worth ![]()
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007 |
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#14 (permalink) |
Submit to me, you know you want to
Location: Lilburn, Ga
I think that would be like stating the god debate threads needs to go in paranoia
ie...I dont agree
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!! |
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#15 (permalink) |
Getting it.
Super Moderator
Location: Lion City
If I remember correctly, the original creation myths (including Christianity) are all based on the idea of a world of water from which land rises.
The idea of the flood suggests a new beginning. In Christianity the flood is the second covenant with God (i.e. Hey Noah... I kind of screwed up with humanity. I need a do over. I like you though and I like my animals. Here's the deal, you save the animals in and you get to be my chosen one. Deal?"
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars." - Old Man Luedecke |
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#17 (permalink) | ||
Location: Chicago
Le temps détruit tout "Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling |
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#19 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
To clarify, my thoughts about whether to move this thread or not didn't come from the religious aspect of the conversation but rather from the "scientists afraid to speak" portion - Egyptian tobacco, humans in Pangaea, universal flood, etc. In my experience, it's difficult to mix faith and science in an intelligent and mature manner.
We'll see where this takes us.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin "There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush "We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo |
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#22 (permalink) |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
There's nothing anti-Christian in here. Do you have anything to add about the flood myths? Or maybe you're just in here out of anti-atheist resentment?
It's entirely possible that the flood myths are real, and it's entirely possible that they're not. I remember reading somewhere that they (scientists? historians? dunno) theorize that the Atlantian Empire fell because of a massive tectonic plate shifting. I don't think there is really any evidence to support it, but a global flood could also explain it seeing as they were said to be sea-faring (thus many of their largest cities would be near sea level). Actually, the global flood could have been caused if there was a tectonic shift that moved a pole closer to the equator. The sudden melt would raise sea levels quickly, and also dump millions of gallons of fresh waters into the sea, killing of many fish and lowering the global temperature. |
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#23 (permalink) | |
Playing With Fire
Location: Disaster Area
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer... |
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#25 (permalink) |
Playing With Fire
Location: Disaster Area
Please Will, continue with your flood discussion....I was simply commenting on a post in this thread. Is that alright???
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer... |
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#26 (permalink) |
Location: In a State of Denial
1. People tell stories about things around them.
2. Many stories are embellished (myths) 3. Floods are common in many parts of the world. That's how I see it, anyway. I don't see any reason, unless there's legitimate scientific evidence, to even suspect a world wide flood.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra |
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#27 (permalink) | ||
Cosmically Curious
Location: Chicago, IL
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides" -Carl Sagan |
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#28 (permalink) | |
Location: Lake Mary, FL
I just thought I'd point that out, as you seemed to miss it. I suppose people don't see it because, typically, one is blinded to that which they actively participate in.
I believe in equality; Everyone is equally inferior to me. |
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#29 (permalink) |
two characters
The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty Last edited by politicophile; 02-09-2008 at 08:17 PM.. |
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#30 (permalink) | |
Playing With Fire
Location: Disaster Area
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer... |
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#32 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
Paranoia is probably not the best name for that forum, but I can't think of anything better. I would agree that the flood myths don't really belong there, seeing as how there is physical evidence of some large floods which those stories are probably based off of. That said, there is no evidence whatsoever for a worldwide flood.
As for galactic alignment having some metaphysical meaning or even physical effect leading to an end-of-the-world scenario or any other similar prophecy...that is exactly the type of thing Tilted Paranoia was created to discuss. Like I said, it's probably not the best name for the forum, but "Tilted There-is-no-scientific-or-logical-reason-to-believe-this-to-be-true-but-I-want-to-discuss-whether-it-may-be-anyway" is just a bit cumbersome. If you have recommendations, feel free to PM them to me and I will seriously consider them. As for members ridiculing others, please use the report post link when you feel that is the case (not when someone says something which may offend someone, but when someone says something that is genuinely attacking another member). Reporting posts sends an e-mail to all the moderators and calls more people to look at the situation and make a decision about it. That said, I personally don't see anything wrong with someone telling another person that what they are saying makes absolutely no sense using the well-established and proven methods we, as a civilization, have for determining what is likely to be true.
Le temps détruit tout "Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling |
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#33 (permalink) | |
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
Did you read Post #13? ![]()
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007 Last edited by Elphaba; 03-13-2007 at 09:45 PM.. Reason: Addition |
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#34 (permalink) | |
Playing With Fire
Location: Disaster Area
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer... |
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#36 (permalink) |
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
::sigh:: Once again, there is scientific, geologic evidence of a "great flood" in the area of the Middle East that coincides with the theologic estimation of the event, based upon the historical references of the time.
It happened. We are free to ascribe any meaning we wish to, but the great flood did happen.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007 |
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#38 (permalink) | ||
Location: Lake Mary, FL
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I believe in equality; Everyone is equally inferior to me. |
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#39 (permalink) |
I did not open this thread to prove the bible wrong. I am not an atheist, I am more into buddhism. The existance of all the other flood myths only proves that the one in the bible is true.
I believe there was a global flood, and it happened fast, that is why all the myths tell about boats and very few survivors. What else could have caused all the myths ? I wrote about the egyptians and tobacco just to show that history could be inaccurate. 10000 years ago they say we were living in caves. But the earth is very old, look how far we got in just 10000 years. Also there are traces of nuclear explosions in ancient India and they also have a poem about them. Troy was just a fantasy story until someone decided to go digg it up. http://s8int.com/atomic1.html New theory of mine : 10000 years ago or earlyer there were some advanced civilizations, and they were destroyed by some flood, not all the people on earth experienced it, then the flood myths appeared. Simple ![]()
Blog One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game" |
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#40 (permalink) | |
Getting it.
Super Moderator
Location: Lion City
I believe politicophile summed up the three posts perfectly. Since many of us "anti-Christian" types seem to have missed the "crux" of the insult perhaps you would care to point out where there was an insult because I can't seem to find one. Back to the thread itself... my point was that many creation myths start with a world of water. It is held by biblical scholars that the creation myth in Genesis rises from other creation myths that precede it. I am speculating that The Flood myth, which in the Bible represents the second covenant with God (the first being with Adam, the third with Abraham and the final with Noah) represents God, starting things over. Blank slate (with some notable exceptions). While there is some debate amongst scholars, it is felt that the Bible is all myth and etiologies until it gets to the book of Joshua (some feel it should go as far back as Deuteronomy). To me, there is no need to be a literalist when it comes to the Torah or the Pentateuch (the first five books). The symbolism is there in the writing. Do you really need to believe that there was a Noah or Adam and Eve or a tower of babel, etc? And if so why? To me they are great myths that we tell ourselves. There are great lessons to be learned and, frankly, the foundation of western civilization's moral and judicial code stems from them. If you are offended by this take on things, all I can suggest is that you need to believe in your religion a little bit harder. Because, what I am writing is hardly new and it is hardly faith shaking.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars." - Old Man Luedecke |
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flood, myths |