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Old 03-10-2006, 06:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
Sticky's Avatar
Families fight over winning Tim Hortons' cup - What are they teaching their kids?

Read the article first (below).

Originally Posted by CP
Families steamed over winning Tim Hortons' cup
Mar. 8, 2006. 10:22 PM

MONTREAL (CP) — Two families are fighting over a vehicle valued at almost $29,000 after their daughters discovered a winning Tim Hortons coffee cup.

The dispute began after a 10-year-old girl named Marilou found the cup in the garbage bin of her elementary school in St-Jerome, north of Montreal.

Remembering the coffee chain's popular contest, she tried to roll up the rim but was unable to do so. Her small fingers were unable to loosen the cardboard so she asked the help of a 12-year-old school mate.

The older girl rolled up the rim and found it was a winner. The prize is a Toyota RAV4 SUV with a base price of $28,700, one of 30 vehicles being given away as prizes in the roll-up-the-rim contest.

"They took the cup to the school's day care service, and a teacher called both parents," said Nathalie Prevost, mother of the 12-year-old girl. She declined to name her daughter.

"The first parent to arrive there was Marilou's father, so he took the cup," Prevost said.

Prevost thought her daughter's helping hand deserved some recognition and she decided to call a local radio station to ask for legal advice.

"I wanted the name of a lawyer who could tell me if my daughter is entitled to some of the prize."

Tim Hortons spokesman Greg Skinner couldn't confirm if the cup is a winner because the prize had not been claimed. But he said the winner of the prize is whoever submits the cup's tab.

"If I buy you a coffee and you get a winning cup, it's your car," Skinner said. "I might be mad at you as your best friend but you're the winner."

However, because the girls are minors, Skinner noted, neither of them can claim the vehicle as a prize.

Marilou's father, who remained anonymous, said in a televised broadcast he wanted to give some money from the sale of the car to Prevost's family.

"But this morning they said they wanted everything, so now they'll lose it all because they went too far," he said.

But Prevost said she's not seeking a specific amount.

"It's not for me. It's for my daughter's education. I never wanted this to blow up the way it has."

Prevost said she doesn't plan to go to court but hopes the other family will find it in their hearts to recognize her daughter's part in their luck.

"At least I hope the parents save the money for their daughter's education and don't spend it for themselves," Prevost said.

As for the girls, they had a bit of a spat at school but their teachers got them speaking to each other again, she said.

"They weren't very close friends to begin with."

While the two families have not resolved the matter, the situation could get more complicated.

CBC-TV's The National reported Wednesday that a staff member who may have thrown the cup away is said to be considering legal action.

But it would a tough battle.

"The person who threw out that coffee cup, they gave up on it. It's gone, you cannot find who it was," lawyer Jordan Charness told The National.
A 10 year old gir sees a contest coffe cup in a garbage and takes it out seeing that it was not opened. In order to see if you won, you have to unroll the rim of the paper coffee cup (see this thread for more info). Becuase she is 10 years old and her ahnds are not agile enough to un-roll the lid, she asks another older gilr to help her unroll it.

The cup is a winner for a $30,000 car.

The kids go to see their principal. The principal calls the parents.

The parents come and are fighting over the cup.
After some fighting, calling in to some radio stations...the father of the original girl who foudn the cup says that he wants to give some of the money to the other girl. The other girls family refuses wanting all of it.
The other girls mother says that it is for her daughters education.

My Opinion:
I don't get this.
The girl that found the cup found the cup. It is her cup.
Somone was nice enough to help her discover if it was a winner.
That's it. The person was being nice.

A woman wrote into the Montreal Gazette asking the question: An old lday dropped her lottery ticket, I helped her pick it up since she could not bend down. Should I have taken down the numbers and her address and waited to see if she would win becuase I am entitled to the money (or part of the money).

What if I could not remove the parking ticket I got from the windsheild of my car and you helped me with it. Would you now have to pay for the ticket (or part of the ticket)?

No, the kid taht foudn the cup is the kid that won. If she is nice enough to give part of the prize to the other girl, that would be great. That would be a very nice thing to do and that would be a good lesson for the kids.

Which brings me to my second point:

What kind of lesson are these parents teaching the kids.

Fighting over money?

Nice lessons!

The best lessons for the kids would be the following
- The kid who helped's parents should leave it be teaching her that no one is necessarily entitled to anything. Curb this attitiude that is growing amongst us North Americans.
- The parents of the kid who found the cup should teach their daughter about gratitude by giving the other kid some of the prize.

You are not entitled to something becuase you decide you are.
Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-10-2006, 06:37 AM   #2 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
snowy's Avatar
Location: Oregon
The girl who found the cup should get the prize. These parents are treating their children poor lessons about basic human kindness--or perhaps they're teaching their children the best lesson of all:

Don't be like your parents.

Sometimes I am amazed by the amount of greed people show.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 03-10-2006, 06:50 AM   #3 (permalink)
Sticky's Avatar
I agree, if you caught the following you will see that the kids already got past everything.

As for the girls, they had a bit of a spat at school but their teachers got them speaking to each other again, she said.
I bet the fight started in the first place becuase the parents were fighting not because the kids had anything against each other.
Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-10-2006, 06:55 AM   #4 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
** waits for the person who threw away the cup to come forward to say that the prize should rightfully be theirs... Damn, I think that was me actually... I always keep my cups in the trash for me to go back and check them later... I want my prize...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 03-10-2006, 07:11 AM   #5 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Of course the finder of the winning cup should get the prize. Figures the one person she asked for help was the offspring of greedy bastards.....
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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Old 03-10-2006, 07:17 AM   #6 (permalink)
Daval's Avatar
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Originally Posted by maleficent
** waits for the person who threw away the cup to come forward to say that the prize should rightfully be theirs... Damn, I think that was me actually... I always keep my cups in the trash for me to go back and check them later... I want my prize...

Apparently a Teacher has come forward claiming the cup was his.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
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Old 03-10-2006, 07:32 AM   #7 (permalink)
You had me at hello
Poppinjay's Avatar
Location: DC/Coastal VA
Yeah, well, tough shit for him. He can have the exhaust fumes.

Prevost thought her daughter's helping hand deserved some recognition and she decided to call a local radio station to ask for legal advice.

And tough shit to her for making it a public fight. She called a RADIO STATION looking for a LAWYER.

Just like that brat who had his teacher suspended by taking his tape to a radio station instead of the principal.

You want your daughter to have a loan-free education? Get off your fat ass and work for it.

Though now I'm betting if she gets half to little of the money she'll blow it on dumb shit, like those who hound after easy money do, and then she'll blame her inability to pay for her daughter's education on being cheated out of this cup prize.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet
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Old 03-10-2006, 08:00 AM   #8 (permalink)
Getting it.
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The depth of people's ignorance and greed never fails to amaze me.

The parent's of the second child should be ashamed. What world are they living in? Sticky's analogies have it right.

The first girl is the winner and the second girl should be grateful if they give he some of the money.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
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Old 03-10-2006, 09:44 AM   #9 (permalink)
Lover - Protector - Teacher
Jinn's Avatar
Location: Seattle, WA
OK honestly what's one of the first monikers you learn in elementary school?

"Finder's keepers!"

It's definitely the first girl's...
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Old 03-10-2006, 10:01 AM   #10 (permalink)
The Death Card
Ace_O_Spades's Avatar
Location: EH!?!?
This reminds me of a similar situation that happened to me in elementary school... except the circumstances are a tad different.

My friend forgot his raffle money, so I bought him a ticket for the draw of an easter basket gift bag (tons of candy... a jackpot for an elemtary school kid)

His ticket ended up winning, and he didn't give me any of the goodies.

I'm still mad about that to this day.
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Old 03-10-2006, 11:18 AM   #11 (permalink)
Sticky's Avatar
Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
This reminds me of a similar situation that happened to me in elementary school... except the circumstances are a tad different.

My friend forgot his raffle money, so I bought him a ticket for the draw of an easter basket gift bag (tons of candy... a jackpot for an elemtary school kid)

His ticket ended up winning, and he didn't give me any of the goodies.

I'm still mad about that to this day.

It would have been appropriate for him to share, however, the prize was his to do as he saw fit. Sucks to be Ace_O_Spades
Sticky The Stickman
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Old 03-10-2006, 08:32 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Shalimar, FL
and the winning family offered up some of the money..

"Marilou's father, who remained anonymous, said in a televised broadcast he wanted to give some money from the sale of the car to Prevost's family."

so if theyre nice enough to give you even a GRAND you should be glad that the 10 year olds family is nice enough to think of you...
the voices in your head are not real--but they still have some really great ideas.

always remeber you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. But..you CAN choose the insane asylum where you have them all put away!
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Old 03-11-2006, 12:43 AM   #13 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
Location: On the road...
Holy!!! What an ass clown! The guy was offering FREE MONEY to the other family and it wasnt enough! You know what, even if they get 100 dollars that is still 100 dollars more than they had before. I just do not understand the greed of these people.
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Old 03-11-2006, 08:24 AM   #14 (permalink)
Cunning Runt
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So far it's unanimous, which is quite a feat on TFP.

Sure looks like Prevost wouldn't have much luck with a jury. Not that he deserves any.
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Old 03-11-2006, 08:36 AM   #15 (permalink)
Jack Ruby's Avatar
Location: Belgium
Sell the car, split the money 50/50. Both families get $15,000 without doing anything for it at all, nobody has any goddamn right to complain. Why can't people solve their differences reasonably as soon as there's money involved? Fuck lawyers, radio stations and detailed scientific analyses of who saw/touched the cup first. God dammit.
You don't know what you don't know.
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Old 03-11-2006, 09:33 AM   #16 (permalink)
Psycho Dad's Avatar
Location: Some nucking fut house.
Some lawyer is now saying that his client is the rightful owner of the prize because the client threw the cup away. What the fuck? Wouldn't tossing something in the trash constitute that you gave up all rights to it? Or do people often store shit that is important in the garbage?

Edit: Linkage to Lawyer Story

Lawyer wants DNA test on 'Roll up the Rim' cup
Last Updated Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:04:42 EST
CBC News

A high-profile Quebec lawyer is asking for a DNA test on a winning Tim Hortons coffee cup, claiming that his client is its rightful owner.

Claude Archambault said his client threw out the cup and should get the "Roll up the Rim" prize that is being fought over by two Montreal families.

Earlier this week, a 10-year-old girl found the unrolled cup in a garbage can in her school. She enlisted the help of a 12-year-old friend to roll up the cup's rim. They discovered the cup was the winner of a $28,700 Toyota RAV 4.

Since then, their families have been bickering over who should get the prize.

The Quebec government agency that regulates contests said the whole thing seems to be spinning out of control.

"What's next, a claim by the person who printed the cup? Or delivered it?" said spokesman Rejean Theriault.

Quebec does have a system of mediation to settle disputes over contest prizes.

Archambault thinks this dispute appears to be headed for court.

He said his client – a man whose name he won't reveal – claims he's the one who threw the cup out without rolling up the rim first.

"My client bought the cup and my client went in the school and there was only one cup in the garbage and another witness saw him with the cup."

Archambault wants the cup tested for his client's DNA and has formally asked Tim Hortons to keep the prize until this is settled.

"He's not rich, he's not looking for publicity. He just wants to know if he has a right," the lawyer said.

The company said as far as it's concerned, the prize isn't close to being given to anyone yet.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.

Last edited by Psycho Dad; 03-11-2006 at 09:36 AM..
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Old 03-11-2006, 04:35 PM   #17 (permalink)
Beware the Mad Irish
Blackthorn's Avatar
Location: Wish I was on the N17...
Originally Posted by Poppinjay
Yeah, well, tough shit for him. He can have the exhaust fumes.
My money goes on them getting the first lawn job delivered by the shiny new Rav 4...
What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?
Blackthorn is offline  
Old 03-12-2006, 04:18 PM   #18 (permalink)
I want a Plaid crayon
Plaid13's Avatar
I think the girl that found the cup should have the choice of whats done. then after she decides all the adults that let it get so out of hand should be beaten with a large fish untill they realise how stupid and childish they are acting.
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Old 03-12-2006, 04:35 PM   #19 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
if the guy who bought the coffee wasnt concerned enuff with the prize to even check the cup before he tossed it, he doesnt need to be concerned now, its his tough luck

the girl who helped parents need to be bitch slapped big time

kudos to the dad who was going to share the money, thats a great lesson IMO that he was trying to teach.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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cup, families, fight, hortons, kids, teaching, tim, winning

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