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Space Zombies [the multipying monsters thread]
This might be the last meta-thread I'll be creating here, not because I've gotten tired of organizing select things into select listings, but because I'm plum-tuckered out from the more than 4 dozen ones I'm already involved in.
So, this idea spawns from my idea of being a lazy, crazy, aggregating purveyor of all things specific, creative and hilarious. It will be my new main repository for the following themes, and additional types of creatures of lore:
* my one general rule that I insist must be utilized (just for the sake of my perfectionism): for any thread participants, I ask that if you could, please, just make a small note at the top of each post that shows what you are featuring; it might seem redundant, but it helps allot this into this and those into that. Thank you. In all likelihood, this topic may just be too nonsensical for some, and that may be why it might just be myself here, adding content for the next few pages, but still, I like order to everything, even my chaos. While this OP may still not be finished, I'll begin nonetheless. - - - |
zombies + spacemen
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...yo1_r1_500.jpg "Zombie Trek" by Molitorious |
article on zombies
Domo-Kun was the mascot for the GSC Supra when it ran in the One Lap of America a couple years ago.
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...16552824_l.jpg |
robots + masks
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...ph89o1_500.jpg "the mask of a hunter", by Javier Alvarado, on the Behance Network |
zombies + video games
Zombie Street Fighter, illustrated/created by Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0...navao1_500.jpg http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0...navao1_500.jpg [kotaku.] |
http://15.media.tumblr.com/2m8BXUfri...KeVFo1_500.jpg It took me nearly an hour, but it is awesome that I actually came away with a source. the discussion: lady-spaceman-explore the woman: Anna Lee Fisher, M.D., is an American chemist and a NASA astronaut. the image enlightened: http://i.imgur.com/7WBWY.jpg |
Domo-kun was created in 1998 as NHK’s satellite broadcast mascot, and Domo has been gaining great popularity worldwide. The name "Domo" was acquired during the second episode of his show in which a TV announcer said, "dōmo, konnichiwa" (どうも、こんにちは?), which is a greeting meaning something along the lines of, "Well, hello there!", but which can also be interpreted as "Hello, Domo!", and thus is a convenient pun ('dajare'; you just learned a Japanese word). The kun suffix on "Domo-kun," the name used to describe the character in the animated shorts, is a Japanese honorific often used with young males. He has appeared in several 30 second stop-motion sketches shown as station identification during shows (these station-ID-mini-commercials are known as 'bumps' in American syndication). And, so, a Domo was born. |
robots + what are you listening to right now?
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0...0o1_r1_500.jpg Krafts, by Christopher Golebiowski a nifty remix of Kraftwerk’s Man-Machine artwork. |
unicorns + narwhals
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...e39024d1_m.jpg The Clash for The One True Beholder of the Horn |
spacemen + masks
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3426/...b4bab165_o.jpg (the source for eabove image is unknown -- if you are a resident of the 80s, do you think you can recall a memory of the above image from a film, or maybe a video game?) |
Monster Chart and Identification Spreadsheet
looking over these two educational charts to spotting monsters and past oddities in archetype, I can't help wondering if I've limited myself here.
idea and artwork by Jacob Borshard robots + zombies + unicorns + spacemen + [unmentioned] + (dinos) + (ninjas) + (pirates) + (vampires) + (werewolves) http://i51.tinypic.com/50p0k0.jpg + BONUS http://oi54.tinypic.com/acbfjt.jpg |
http://i44.tinypic.com/2hriaup.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0...583xo1_500.jpg Willie the robot, designed by an engineer at Westinghouse. [pour15minutesdamour.] + [cyberneticzoo.] |
(click the image directly to download the sketch at 1,200 x 1,507 pixels)
spacemen + robots + zombies
http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...pwi0o1_500.jpg Peter Clute’s Buzz Lightyear / Terminator custom toy mashup [gizmodo.] |
A Munny doll is a blank figure the owner can decorate using pens, pencils, markers, paint, and other pigments. http://i42.tinypic.com/6oljdy.jpg the above is a base, uncustomized munny doll. I think it is the tangible (corporeal?) alternative to "coloring-by-numbers" |
http://27.media.tumblr.com/pDwVHkRSE...C0oZo1_500.jpg #1 (mechanized-violin-playing-near-sentient-scrap-heap) by Avi_Abrams |
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...7zrao1_400.jpg Inside the splendid Ieronimus Cathedral, built by Episcope de Salamanca in 1102 A.D., among the fascinating carvings of mythical animals and saints, we find – a NASA Astronaut… [indianpad.] + [10e.] |
http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...kdy9o1_500.jpg Polaroid 130 by rob.spicer details: Robot on the roof. Ghibli Museum, Tokyo. Polaroid SX70 Land Camera, 600 film + ND filter |
dinos + spacemen
http://www.hung-truong.com/blog/wp-c...urs-lasers.jpg ---------- Post added at 11:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ---------- zombies + spacemen + robots http://www.mattbusch.com/matt2_sm.jpg |
munny + clowns (technically, it is the clown's French cousin, the mime, or as its' sometimes referred by in English, a "mummer")
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4048/...6bb2f494f0.jpg monnaie by by loonerspacecraft |
spacemen + robots + pin-ups
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...583xo1_500.jpg created artwork by Todd Schorr A key player in the so-called "low-brow" or surrealism art scene, Schorr takes his love of the pop culture Icons he grew up with and pounds them into new and exciting shapes. |
dinos + (cowboys)
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...pe8uo1_500.jpg Pencil Vs Camera - 10 by Ben Heine author's comments: This is a photo I took from Montmartre's hill in Paris, France. I also made the rough sketch. along with... A poem by Peter S. Quinn (in dedication) Because people were getting rough They say I move too much about Like a gangster getting tough I only wanted some France food But they said I wasn't polite They thought my attitude was rude And eating folks caused a fright I know I’m only a little dinosaur And I’m merely a tourist here My clumsiness is in peace not war And we ruled once everywhere *** All I am saying Is give dinosaur a chance The little fellow is just playing He wants to see you dance He’s much for the rumba beat And wants to see you all hop He’s got the guns and big feet So dance, dance on - don't stop! Much talk is about his robbery But he only stole some apples He needs to have foods for free So he can do more wiggles *** They say I’m a mere joke A Ben Heine’s pencil stroke That might not be telling a lie Though I have a different alibi I was sent from gangster’s dinosaur Since their town isn’t safe anymore They are attempting to come back Through a time machine walk This is just the beginning of the end I’m the 1st one to Earth send The guns are just extra kick Next comes my fiancé Ms Dinosaur |
clowns + (some weird dark personas, and a desk clerk)
http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kw...pwi0o1_500.jpg The many faces of one Tim Curry. [reddit.] |
munny (some refer to it as a 'dunny')
http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...sc86o1_500.jpg iPod Dunny by ~silke3d |
spacemen + (what some aeronautical pioneers are bound to encounter from time to time: Gremlins)
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...nd83o1_500.jpg Gremlins |
cowboys + masks
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...navao1_500.jpg "La felicidad paradojica" by asanisimasa lait |
robots + (miniature yourself)
http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...nd83o1_500.jpg IF, courtesy of SKI - FFY author's comments: The Ultimate Re-sowing of the Human Race - 4000 AD by Anton Kurka ; featured on the cover of If Worlds Of Science Fiction Vol. 1, No. 7 (Jan 1953). |
http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/8...1629981709.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/4t8rax.jpg Zombie Prom. It's a glorious spoof of 50s era bad boys and the obvious good girl who must ditch her prudish, poodle skirt clad scruples or forever miss out on true love. Of course this all takes place in a high school, under the watchful eyes of strict, yet lovable teachers. [techland.] |
That biker jacket with all the eyelets in it is totally gnarly.
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...9k79o1_500.jpg Space Shuttle Discovery Launch STS131 Long Exposure, by dgmiami |
dinos (-blowout)
I did however manage to find one of the most heavily quoted articles when it comes to the image above. [engadget.] Whoa! Just as I was about to give up, I find this: "Useless Trivia: That picture was actually the box cover for the DinoRiders toys from the early '90s. The toys were frickin' cool and generally well scaled. The brontosaurus was about 3.5 feet long and the tiny little human figures were only about 1.5 inches high -- EPIC!"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/193/5...02ea9999_m.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2293/...84e92fe3_m.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2502/...eb17cc5e_m.jpg -- look here, and HERE - - - - - additionally, I came across this scenario: dinos + cowboys (I equate wielders of guns, even lasers, as 'cowboys'; sue me) by PistolShrimp - - - - - finally, the above could also make more sense when coupled with the below: Quote:
zombies + robots + (Historical Figure) + (Beauty of Lightning)
http://29.media.tumblr.com/6RknQb2Xh...ykQno1_500.jpg Napoleonator, by French artist Sam Van Olffen |
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2...y9wgo1_400.jpg “I know you are but what am I?”, artwork by scott c. |
the thing I've been waiting for since the inception of this thread... actual Space Zombies!
spacemen + zombies http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0...ph89o1_500.jpg "Space Ghost", illustrated by Todd Proctor |
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...7eeb64cd_m.jpg The everlasting hombre: Clint Eastwood |
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...1zngo1_400.jpg (possibly "testing out the waters", for a impending invasion of the narwhal's domain) |
どーもくん (Domo-kun)
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2...sjnso1_500.jpg for some reason, the internet community really likes to bundle together toys of Domo-kun, Wall-E, and Dan-Bo, and then snapshot their interactions. It's not always pretty. |
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...z9meo1_500.png On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American in space with the launch of the “Freedom 7” capsule at Cape Canaveral, Florida. “Please, dear God, don’t let me f—- up,” is known among aviators as [LIFE.] |
zombies (in case you haven't noticed the possible discrepancy, I also equate disembodied (sometimes glowing) skeletons as "zombies"; it's the old-timer in me.)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...c5cebce8_m.jpg |
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kw...e93ao1_500.jpg by Ed Valigursky (cover from "Amazing Stories", May of 1958) [philsp.] |
Werewolves + Zombies + Vampires + Space Men + Robots
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/173549/Misfits.jpg The Misfits. 1980-something. Horror punk music featuring all sorts of monsters. |
Future thoughts: hopeful for returns (extended wordplay way of expressing a 'thanks').
inner thoughts are always in bubbles, text bubbles: (though, I thought you might have been able to sneak in a link/embed to "Monster Mash", or even the more apropos "Astro Zombies", but what's nodworthy is still good.) And appreciative, I am, towards you, for posting an "all-encompassing-type" image, as I've come across quite a few of those in the past few days; example: spacemen + (extraterrestrials; companions stick together) + zombies + (guy in disembodied skeleton costumes which I still equate and classify as 'zombies') + dinos + (ghosts) + robots + (Flying Nuns) + (Historical Figures) + (ents) + (Old codgers) http://i47.tinypic.com/2r3bg1s.jpg Angry Mob Print, 11 x 17, by dpsullivan |
Johnny Smith would like to help prevent everyone from ceasing their future thoughts
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kz...nsnso1_500.jpg Christopher Walken, in a 8mm film still photograph from his 1983 title, "The Dead Zone" |
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...809d0805_m.jpg pennywise, by *nebezial author' comments: mr robert gray, ol bob gray or pennywise the dancing clown .... *context |
spacemen (SWCC) + robots + zombies + (dream monster) + space alien (Video Games) + robo-mecha + (gargantuan mutateous monster ; Made In Japan) + "cowboys" + (tiny edible monster ; Mushroom Kingdom)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...6381b433_m.jpg Shoot the Baddies by Olly Moss PRINT AVAILABLE |
dinos + robo-mechas (an addendum to the 'robot' category)
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0...wtdlo1_500.jpg TyrannoZaurus by Marques Cannon (once and only available for purchase on the 15th of April, of this past year; courtesy of TeeFury) |
zombies (perhaps not intentionally) + extraterrestrials
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...e8114001_m.jpg They Live (dir. John Carpenter) [1988] |
Is this topic so difficult, I ask?
どーもくん (Domo-kun)
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2...ndvyo1_500.jpg Geeky-Gadgets - Domo Kun iPad Case |
and one more time..! with EMPHASIS: Space Zombies
spacemen (accompanied by his extraterrestrial tormenters) + zombies (or "disembodied skeletons", aka 'ghosts with bones') + (Video Games) http://i47.tinypic.com/2nbv954.jpg The Madness of Mission 6 by Travis Pitts “A Russian spacecraft broke down in orbit and all contact was lost… An astronaut was sent to find out what happen and found nothing inside the ship but would see the ghosts of the lost cosmonauts. Believing them to be horrifying hallucinations he would pop pills to keep the visions away from him…” The True Account click to show |
newest addition...
muppets http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/694...kew1qz88en.jpg (having the foto still featuring Blondie was an unexpected plus, but I'll take it) |
Danbo ... is a robot suit from the popular "Yotsuba&!" manga, Danboard or Danbo (which means "cardboard") is a robot costume made of cardboard...
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...51zzo1_400.jpg Danbo’s Freeze by Jason Sanders * context (Ena Ayase) |
http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2...4pypo1_500.jpg Brave Explorers of Yesteryear by Aaron Jasinski ... "Ah those future-heros of years gone by." |
robots (or to more accurately state, robo-mechas)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...47f07030_m.jpg and outcome the wolf by *ahbiasaaja on deviantART |
I'm not exactly sure how to define this one, but as I am featuring it here, and for the sake of simplicity, I'll refer to from here henceforth as in..:
zombies http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0...j7bwo1_500.jpg bruce conner ‘the artist’ 1990 [illuminatetheworld.] |
どーもくん (Domo-kun)
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2...89w7o1_500.jpg Domo Kun iPod / iPhone / iTouch Case by SydneyAngel on Etsy |
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...pwi0o1_500.jpg The BBC created this sweet Dalek propaganda poster to promote “Victory of the Daleks” — the third episode of the new season of Doctor Who. Hi-res PDF available HERE. [boingboing.] |
http://i48.tinypic.com/2wmdy6w.jpg SAMURAI & COFFEE by DELPHINES author's comments: Lonely Planet Publications: The "Little Differences" challenge winners! |
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...pwi0o1_400.jpg (all the info you need is right there... THAT is what I LOVE.) |
http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/8...mmunnybr7i.jpg Futuristic MUNNY designed by Marcus Tremonto translated: Kid Robot cooperated with Lightbotz, resulting in an amazing toy appeared MUNNY, embellished by the artist and lighting designer Marcus Tremonto. He integrated it in an unusual way - using lighting effects. Marcus took his inspiration among vintage toys, science fiction movies and video games. Each toy is packaged in a unique box that lends itself to be a double pleasure for collectors. http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7...ytrcustomm.jpg http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/7...mmunnybr7i.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/ixba0h.jpg http://i46.tinypic.com/2hyclyg.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/4kxyq8.jpg [etoday.] + [inewidea.] |
zombies (or what technically may be the case, this looks more to be a 'Japanese demonic spirit', also referred to as an oni.)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...e383f097_m.jpg Rampage by Jonathan Roméo [unstage.] |
all HIS monsters - (werewolves) + zombies + (vampires) + (a Frankenstein... for good measure ; would he be considered an "undead robot", you think?)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...8c5330c5_m.jpg |
Jetee, that's friggin' AWESOME. Thank you, brother.
No problem, Plan 9 (From Outer Space).
I have yet another cool-looking and actual portrayal of this endeavor's namesake: space zombies http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...79d3895b_m.jpg Stranded Cosmonaut by ensographics. |
unicorns + (Beautiful Lightning)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...c6c6437e_m.jpg (I don't feature these as much because I don't really care for 'em.) |
cowboys + samurai
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...f736a433_m.png cowboy+samurai posters by *strongstuff on deviantART author's comments: here's my entry for the autumn society's upcoming east meets east show at AxD. the show is a visual exploration of japanese pop culture's effect on american pop culture. my original pieces, (oh-so cleverly titled "cowboy" and "samurai") will be available as individually framed, very limited (only 2 each!) 10" x 20" prints. i'll be attending wizard world philly all day on friday, but i'm going to try to stop by the gallery for the opening...hope to see you there! |
This thread makes me really happy, Jetee. It's full of all sorts of goodness. |
robots + (STYLO)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...c700bd25_m.jpg binary love by :raeioul [acreativeuniverse.] |
munny + zombies (or a skull, at least; I have a weird way of grouping together 'zombie'-type classifications)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...b5d39bcb_m.jpg Illustrated by Joshua M. Smith (click-thru for the gallery) [hydro74.] (^^ click above for the portfolio.) |
dinos [also now officially accepted as: Godzilla] + (gargantuan mutateous monster ; Made In Japan)
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...59c948db_m.jpg Godzilla vs. Biollante - - - finally came up with the source... [tohokingdom.] |
http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2...pwi0o1_500.jpg Photo: John Milleker. Space Shuttle Atlantis lifts off from Kennedy Space Center (Orlando, FL), en route to the International Space Station. This will be the Shuttle’s final flight before decommission. [flickrblog.] |
spacemen + (LEGO)
Space Shuttle Columbia
http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2...nd83o1_500.jpg 3…2…1… [astronomypictureoftheday.] *context click to show |
robots + (Made In Japan) + (Miniaturize Yourself) + (Superheroes) + (Historical Figure)
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...z0wuo1_500.jpg YANG MAOLIN (the artist/sculptor) Astro Bodhisattva rides on Lion in Boundless Universe of Maha bronze sculpture with gold foil 70 x 37 x 109.5 cm. (27 1/2 x 14 1/2 x 39 1/8 in.) edition 3/6 (c) 2005 [artvalue.] + [artvalue.] |
clowns + (cowboys, in utilizing that personalized definition in which any person wielding a firearm is, indeed, a "cowboy".)
http://i47.tinypic.com/2q8stcg.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/w0ko0l.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/28td1f.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/5arxu9.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/2pso8y1.jpg [Short Subjects.] |
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l3...8ifto1_400.jpg A clown going by the name Ivan performs a fire-spitting act, during a protest of professional clowns against the common practice of armed bandits who pose as clowns & rob people on buses & other forms of public transport, in San Salvador, El Salvador, Thursday June 10 , 2010. -- (AP Photo/Luis Romero) |
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...e8086b6b_m.jpg Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (of yester-year) + bonus http://i47.tinypic.com/358peet.jpg [tsutpen.] |
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