I bought Planetside almost a month ago. I love the whole concept of the game. Seeing 20-30 foot soldiers with dozens of tanks and gunships swooping out of the sky makes for unbelievable gaming!
I have the same problems as you do. I only have 256MB of RAM and I get such bad lag when I'm battling in a big base. Its so bad, that I don’t even bother to attack the inside of base if there's a huge amount of fighting already going on . I also have a lag problem when I'm flying a Reaver or Mosquito (awesome when theres no lag)
Outside in the open or around a tower, I don’t have a problem. I just bought more RAM to upgrade to 512, but Dell sent me the wrong kind, I need RDRAM. I sometimes get <b>Low Virtual Memory</b> warning when I play.
Make sure you tune everything down to LOW in your options – It’s a good guess that since it’s a Demo, its crap. I picked up my copy for $20 at EB, not a bad deal.
I don’t have my specs on me, sorry.
But try these sites for help:
<a target=new href="http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/planetside/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi"><b>PlanetSide Station Fourms - LINK</b></a>
that’s also where you can get your stats and such. Maybe someone has the same question as you…
<a target=new href="http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/"><b>Planetside Universe Fourm - LINK</b></a>
Make sure you do all the training at your Sanctuary – DO EVERYTHING – it’s a quick way to advance to level 3 even before you head into battle
Emerald: Kobe Tai – (TR) Level 9
Markov: Jill Kelly – (NC) Level 4
Werner: Tori Wells – (VS) Level 4
When I jerk off I feel good for about twenty seconds and then WHAM it's right back into suicidal depression