I feel most comfortable looking at my mirror here in my own room. When I look in that mirror, I feel confident and downright gorgeous. Then I'll catch a glimpse of myself in a reflection off a window going to class, with sorority belles and fashionistas all around, and I'm like, "Damn, Sabrina, you're a joke compared to these ladies." So yeah. It's all about perspective.
when i said i felt like a "sexy bitch", i was looking at the mirror in my room, where i'm most comfortable.
that brings another interesting set of questions (thanks Sabrina). when/where do you feel the most comfortable with yourself and when/where do you feel the least?
for me, i feel least comfortable at a big rock concert gathering (festival or arena) where TONS of girls are sporting tight clothes and cleavage and i'm in normal attire, and have no cleavage. you can tell they've obviously dressed up for the occasion, and they're all trying to get male attention... and i know this, and choose not to participate but i still secretly compare and feel jealous, awkward and uncomfortable around such 'gorgeous' girls.