Adam and Eve were genetically perfect. as were all of their children. They had many. Incest was not a problem aas there were no genetic defects to carry on or worry about. Cain and Abel were mentioned as they were significant in the storyline because of what transpired between them, but they were not Adam and Eves only childrten by any means. In Genesis we are also told that the fallen Angels saw the daughters of men- or the generations of the children of Adam and Eve, and by this point, there were many, considering that lifespans at that time ran into the hundreds of years as there was no polution or disease or illness, and these Angels left their first estate, that being the state of the spirit, and mated with the daughters of men and produced a race of giants called the Nephilim who were the men of reknown, the heroes of old. It is from these that other races were introduced into the earth and other genetic strains as well. This is also where we received our ancient mythologies. But understand that Adam and Eve were real, they were perfect, their children were perfect and their generations were perfect genetically. It was their ideas and such that turned out badly. The Book of Genesis explains a lot concerning antediluvian technology as well and is a wealth of information concerning where we are as a civilization today.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"