You called him arrogant.
He was not using the same logic and understanding of 500 years ago. He's using 21st century skepticism and rational thought.
500 years ago they didn't need to view electricity as magic...they could stand outside during a thunderstorm and see electricity all around them. They may have been ignorant of the cause of lightning, but lightening was a reality, a verifiable physical phenomenon.
With the modern understanding of the nature of the universe it is not "arrogant" to assume that supernatural occurences are either myths or explainable by modern scientific theory.
There hasn't been a single verifiable, reproducible example of the supernatural at work in our world. It is therefore only natural that many people are sceptical of it's existence. This does not make them arrogant, it makes them rational.
As for myself, I remain skeptical and enjoy seeing the more outrageous claims of paranormal phenomenon debunked. I retain through my faith, a belief in the possibility of there being something beyond my current understanding, but I've seen no proof of it and my theology doesn't rely on it.
When life hands you a lemon, say "Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got?"
Henry Rollins