Originally posted by Wulf_Hunter
God I despise that level. I still can't get past it, any tips? But besides that level I enjoyed the game.
Which level, the one where you are in the back of the truck, or where you are on the AA gun? If you are talking about the back of the truck with the Panzerfaust mission, just take trajectory into consideration. I beat it on the third or fourth try. Make sure you don't let any Nazi's climb into the truck from their vehicles, either. Keep spinning around looking for bad guys, and don't shoot unless you KNOW you are gonna hit them, as you will run out of ammo pretty quick.
The AA gun mission is straight forward: Shoot the damn airplanes as fast as possible

And don't shoot YOUR airplane at the end, or it's mission over. It's the one on the runway near the end of the mission. Take into consideration that the AA gun is slow to move and that timing is everything

It helps if you yell obsceneties or badass movie quotes while you're doing it.