Originally posted by Shokan
And 500 years ago electricity would have been considered supernatural.
Don't be so arrogant and believe you understand everything about the world around you.
You have become my hero, Shokan.
the existence or nonexistence of spirits does not prove an afterlife. They are more or less furniture in it. Remember that the world was not created for them anyway, but for the Creator, and they were created to have Fellowship with Him afterward.
The first step to breaking ground in any idea of an afterlife is giving ground to the idea that there is a God and that that God is greater than you. This is not to say that you are creating God, because friend, you aren't. You are merely recognizing the inevitable. Once you have done so, then undertand that God is not a flesh and blood being, but God's natural state is that of the Spirit. God's natural State is Love, we are told, and this makes perfect sense: Love creates, protects, sustains, provides, allows, gives, etc. God creates in the physical Universe for His own purposes, and operates in either and both universally. We as human beings are created of fleash and blood, but also imbued with a spirit that is always within reach of God if we so desire. He created us that way. We were made specifically for fellowship with Him, and of all the creatures He has made, we are His most precious, being most like Him. These flesh and blood vessels will pass away after a time and then the spiritual bodies that are eternal will be revealled fully to us before our Creator. That day will shock many. My suggestion to you, if you are willing to accept it, is to ask God. If you are uncertain whether there is a God, then ask God if there is a God. You don't have to ask in any fancy way, with flowery "Thees" and "Thous", just with a sincere curiosity. Just be ready for an answer. You'll get one.