I find that school systems and possibly even Doctors are quick to assume that a child has ADHD just because their grades slip, they can't concentrate on their work sometimes or drift off in class.
It's funny how, all of the sudden, society is making ADHD sound like half of the kids in the counttry have it just because they aren't focused enough. Well, might I point out two factors that might contribute to this awful conclusion:
1- School Systems are now more impersonal, too demanding, and not as fun as what school used to be. Everything is an issue now with school boards and so they are always finding reasons to blame children for what is happening in school.
2- Parents/Guardians aren't being the best role models/mentors for these children.
What may specificly contribute to ADHD? An overexposure to TV and also large classrooms. Not enough personal attention and devoted time of parents and teachers cause children to have a shorter attention span, because that's what basically have programmed to be that way.
It's hard for a lot of parents or school boards to admit these as being factors contributing.
I am glad you took the initiative to see what you may have done and what you could do to help him. Few parents will do that. Attention is so important in a child's life, and if it isn't balanced, it can lead to learning difficulties and such things as ADHD. Realizing that there are other solutions other than shoving meds down children's throats and acutally doing something about it yourself by recognizing the problems as things you may have contributed to is a wise action to take.