Advice needed
Didn't know where else to put this, so here goes.
In a nut shell, my parents want my wife and kids to move into their house, with a nominal rent paid to them. They are moving into my aunt's house (she passed away in December). My brothers and sister are okay with this. They want my children to get out of the school district we're in. The move would only be like a 6 mile move, but to a better school district. My wife and I think this is okay, but we also have our reservation. So I'd have to sell my house and actually add on to my parents house (it's about 400 sq ft. smaller). My parents are looking out for us, and that's totally cool. They want us to save as much money as we can, and eventually buy a new house, and if I don't have a house payment, I can stash away quite a bit.
Sorry for rambling, but what do you all think?