In my dream I am waking up. I find myself laying in a small grassy area which turns out to be the top of a gigantic mountain. The mountain differs from most because it is covered entirely with the healthiest of grass. I look over the side a bit to see a vast and peaceful city. As my eyes move closer towards my position I see a small pond filled and surrounded by, what in my mind was, a pair of every living creature. My view comes closer and closer towards me until I discover that next to me on the mountain side is a house. An old New England style sort of ranch with a large porch that peeks at me as well as over the side of the mountain. Then a woman runs naked past me. She climbs a set of stairs up to the porch on the house and walks purposefully to the side that looks over the mountain at the city below. She looks at me as if to get my attention so I fix my eyes on her. All at once she points up at the sky with a finger and says "Michael, can you see how beautiful the sky is?" A feeling of life and death, time and space being combined as I hear her words and I look. The sky was the deepest blue and the sun which existed at every point in the sky shone with infinite energy. All across I could see colors falling bits of light composed like a symphony in the sky. I saw all this and I conciously calculated the situation and I can tell you that I did see it. I woke up with the feeling of that dream, and for about 15 beautiful seconds, nothing else mattered.
Dropping a barbell he points to the sky and says "The suns not yellow, It's chicken!"
Last edited by wicked4182; 02-24-2004 at 02:46 AM..