My dad works for the GE plant in Schenectady, has for nearly 30 years now. He's been lucky, hasn't lost his job or been laid off. There have been a few strikes in his time though. But the plant has been steadily downsizing all along. A lot of work has been moved down south, to places like Kentucky and South Carolina. Cheaper labor down there.
I work for a manufacturing company as well. We're doing pretty well, busy at the moment on the shop floor. But the company had some rough times the past few years. The country as a whole is going out of the manufacturing sector. If it weren't for places like China we'd have it pretty rough. We manufacture and sell products to China all of the time.
The economy here in Upstate/Central NY is pretty bad. I live in the suburbs of Albany and it costs so much to live here. I'll be moving out soon, and apartment costs are pretty high I think. But thats just the way it is. Idealy I'd like to move away from here in the next few years. Where to I'm not quite sure yet.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.