What is the strangest / most powerfull dream you have had?
Im not sure if this would simply fall under Living or Philosophy but im curious what the strangest or most powerfull dream someone here has had? I had one of the strangest dreams and sensations iv felt while asleep last night.
The part of the dream most vivid to me has me standing in a room devoid of anything but a door, a window and a charicter who I assume is a priest. He is speaking to me but I can't identify or remember the topic. I see through the window something large approaching the door as it swings opens I can see the priest turn in fear and fall over cowering on the floor. As I look to the door an enormous white robed pope standing 9' tall enters and barely fits in the room. As he entered I could feel the emense power all through the room. He towered over the preist and staked him with a wooden cross killing him and trapping his body in place. At this time I just remeber feeling this enormous power and closing my eyes thinking that he is there in the name of god.
I am not a spiritual person but the most astounding part of the dream was the this sensation of being in the presence of such power, I can't really describe it but I could feel it all through my body. I awoke immediatly with the same sensation but declining and my heart racing. I just turned on the light and reflected on it for a bit before returning to bed, I had a hard time getting back to sleep. It was very strange and disconcerting.
Last edited by NotMinus; 02-22-2004 at 03:57 PM..