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Old 05-01-2003, 02:30 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: ÉIRE
minority voices rule

I'm pissed off once again. I know most people here wont know much about the political situation over here in Ireland and the few who do only know "IRA".
Well for the past while there has been stop in the main republican movements activities.Arms dumps have been closed and inspected by international monitors on two occasions, who have clearly stated that they have been closed.
It went to the people to vote for a combined government with cross border meetings between the Irish and English governments and was voted in favour by a majority vote.
And the whole time the unionists have found something to halt the process, each time the republican party moved to meet these demands, another one was imposed upon them.
Now when you look at the loyalists and their paramilitary groups what do we see, no significant arms taken off the streets, an increase in attacks on republicans.The unionists objecting to everything and finding new ways to prevent the peace process from going ahead.An international report on the so called police force (99% protestant 100% loyalist) that it needed major changes, They the unionists objected to THEIR police force being changed, Constant information that the police and military had been handing over information to unionist terror groups, and these people getting promoted.
Tribunals into the murder of civilians been white washed and key witnesses refusing to travel to the courts here because it was to dangerous, despite the fact that it was ok for the Queen of England to go around the same streets.
These people do not want peace they do not want to see both communities represented in the running of the government, they want it all.And once again today the majoritys voice was cast to one side, to keep the minority happy.There is to be no elections for the assembly.
its evolution baby
homerhop is offline  

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