Originally posted by LNCPapa
Using an ATI card to do that will cause 1 big problem - you can't use different resolutions on each monitor without using 3rd party applications. nVidia cards support different resolutions on each monitor though. This would mean that you have to use a resolution that is the lowest common denominator.
You sir, are wrong.
I am using a Radeon 8500, with two 19" Samsung 955DF monitors (CRT).
I just opened up the display properties, selected my right monitor and set it to 800x600. No problems. Selected the left monitor, same thing. No problems. I'm using the latest Catalyst drivers. I've done this with 17" and even 15" monitors. Big monitor running @ 1280x1024, little monitor at a lower res. Even ran 1600x1200 on the 19" and 640x480 on the 15".
I can't speak for the lower end Radeons (7000 and 7500) but I don't think they'd remove the option in better versions (8500 and up).
As far as a monitor suggestion, I'm a big fan of my Samsungs. I do believe you can pick up 955DF's and similar models around the $150 price range. Thats what I paid for my second one a couple years ago. I just wish I could affort LCD's cause these things weigh a damn ton.