Originally posted by sadistikdreams
that is so sad, sadatx....
that's why i hate (and love) being an artist.
nobody REALLY interperets the piece as the artist creates it.
Wait. Is it sad that I think the movie's a mess? Or that noone's interpreting the movie the way he intended?
I agree it's difficult to convey your vision to your audience (I'm a writer, or I should say trying to be, so I know this too well). And some would say that the artists vision doesn't matter (Roland Barthes, "Death of the Author" and all that). What matters is how we interpret the art. Of course, this applies to someone like Shakespeare. We can't really go on ask him what his true intentions are.
However, most great artists certainly know how to convey their ideas to their audiences. That's what makes them great. Hitchcock knew how to lead his audience and make them feel what he wanted them to feel during his movies (well his good one's anyway).