I hate to be the party pooper here but this is sounding a little crazy.
Firstly, it didn't sound like you *really* liked this guy until after he made it clear just how into you he is (and one might take that with a grain of salt since you haven't spent that much time with him and he hasn't done much dating.. it seems possible that he may be idealizing you and not getting to know you -- 13 years non withstanding it doesn't sound like the two of you have spent much time together as adults.). It is always tempting to let ourselves be talked into a relationship with a person that thinks so highly of us, compliments feel great! but this often leads to a rather one sided relationship.
I don't think it's ok to let the marriage thing lie -- you've said yourself that this man has a very romanticized(and i suspect unrealistic) idea of what marriage is and this leads me to belive that drunk or not he thinks you guys have some sort of life pact. You need to be clear about your intentions if for no other reason than to spare his feelings. I don't understand how people jump into marriage without a solid relationship to support their decision. Yes Nick sounds romantic, yes it's hugely flattering that he likes you so much but frankly i think it's scary as hell that anyone would be so cavalier about what is supposed to be a life long commitment.