To revive my old thread there...
I'm in trouble!!! Well, maybe not trouble. But I have it bad for Nick! I just realised this over the weekend. We saw each other for the first time since the drunken proposal. It was not a really romantic experience...but we made a movie, which was fun. And he kissed me goodbye, which I wasn't really expecting. He gave me our usual goodbye hug...and then he sort of leaned, then I sort of leaned, then we both leaned back, then we both leaned forward and kissed. It was cute. But that's it...and I'm left a wanting more...and craving conversation..and wanting to call him all the time (but I don't) I really really like him...I feel like I've expressed that, so I don't know how to proceed. We've established mutual attraction...where to go from there?
Sorry. Needed to vent.
I'm normally very sure about how to proceed in matters of love...because I just act straightforward about it, and say to hell with playing games or working on strategy. But this situation is...different. So any input is valued. Y'all are goddesses.
"With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."