Originally posted by Caphreak
This isnt a mod though, its a whole new engine. And any leak wouldve had to have been pretty exclusive that no one else has heard anything about a leak. Heli's are from DC, and they only take a bit of practice, then theyre way easy.
EA hasn't confirmed that the helicopters are gonna fly like in DC. I seriously hope they use the same physics engine for the copters! If they change it, then the DC players (most of anyone who plays Battlefield 1942) will be a bit weirded out about playing two Battlefield games with different copter controls. The Trauma Team (creators of DC) have helicopter controls and physics PERFECT right now...it would be a bad move on EA and DICE's part to fuck with it. They should just pay Trauma Team for their code.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert