Calling all Buckeyes and Ohio-ese people.
I have no idea what someone from Ohio is called.
I am currently a Michigander, thus the "surrounded by great lakes" thing, and....
One year and 3 months after graduation, with an AAS that makes me a Microcomputer Technician, I get to be (drumroll...) a COMPUTER TECHNICIAN.
I currently work for Target at the MI DC, and I'm going to a new Distribution Center in West Jefferson OHIO.
Well, my WIFE and I are going to move there, and that's where I need help.
We know that West Jefferson is a teeny, tiny little place west of Columbus. We aren't living there. The question is, where to live?
Does anyone know that area well enought to help us figure out where we should look at apartments?
Basically I know dick about Ohio, but both sides of my wife's family are from there, as is she. They moved to MI well over a decade ago, so the info they have is a little out of date.
Any help, links, advice, a free house (he, he, he!), WHATEVER someone can tell me about the area would be great.
General advice on moving six hours away from all your friends and family would be great to. That's the scarey part. The furthest I've lived from my parents is 20 miles. Her, 50 miles. We're 24/25 no kids, so we don't need to know too much about schools and such.
THANKS loads!
PS, my start date there is March 15th. We will likely move the week of March 8th.
Sand is falling quickly through the hourglass.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."
Last edited by billege; 02-13-2004 at 01:19 AM..