There's so much crap about little things.. Oh jesus didn't carry the assembled cross, just the long part... oh the nails in the hands and not the wrist..
This happened 2000+ years ago. People can't even get everything right when they know all the facts about the source material(ie: anything based on a book), do you think, with 50+ denominations breathing down your neck with different opinions and source material 2000 years old they are going to get by without a few mistakes? (btw I think the bible(KJV) says they nailed his hands, not is wrist, even though historians say otherwise(I could be wrong)
My opinion is take the movie for what it is, not as historical/biblical fact, because obviously it's not(white actor, modern day dialect(sp), nails in the wrong spot, cross, etc etc etc..) I personally don't care. If they try to change the bible to match the belief of this film, then I'll give a crap. Until then, Watch and be entertained, inspired, or dissapointed. Your choice.
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