This is a good game for any hardcore D&D fan. Simply put, this game is the best rendition of D&D into a CRPG so far. It also uses 3.5 ed which is the first game to do so (or at least the first game that I know of). Even for people who don't like D&D, the combat is simply amazing. You have a wealth of options in any round, things like 5 foot step or charge really add to the depth. Fans of turnbased tactical combat should pick up this game.
The graphics are beautiful, the best I've seen in any RPG. Unfortunately, the pre-rendered backgrounds make it extremely hard for users to create new maps and such unlike NWN.
Now for the cons, this game is buggy. The unpatched version was completely littered with bugs, most of which a person unfamiliar with D&D wouldn't catch. However, if you get the official and unoffical patches, it's definitely playable. I also wished they had picked a different module or at least fleshed out the story in this one. ToEE is mostly a dungeon crawl and while the original module has tons of background information, the dialogue and story elements in the game are lacking. I blame Atari for this, they set a limit on how much dialogue there could be and it was set way too low.
The game is somewhat flawed but I'm looking forward to an expansion or sequel, hopefully it'll lose the problems of the original whilst keeping the awesome combat mechanics.
The black wind howls...