Dude, is your name Jason, because other than the ISP part, this sounds EXACTLY like what happened to my friend Jason about 2 years ago. Guy was married too had kids and was offering to fly her out to him to live with him. Things like this are really shitty, and they piss me off, it happens to too many people, almost happened to me, but before it did, I laid down the law, and was like listen it's either me or some guy you never even met before, that and giving her lots of love and positive support and time together,and she came right around. GUYS or GIRLS when you see this coming and you find out about it, you have to make a stand or you WILL lose your girl/guy. And do it in a loving way, if you get pissed off, they'll just leave you anyway because your being a jerk. and for the other end. You older guys/girls that are married and have familys, seriously with someone, ect. DON'T DO THIS KINDA STUFF IT JUST MESSES IT UP FOR EVERYONE! Thank you, that is all. Just some words of wisdom and advice
-snooch to the nooch